Ch. 6
^^^ So freaking true ^^^
I dunno how long we've been here... I know it hasn't been too long but...I miss everyone... I miss May... I miss Ned... I miss M.J... I miss Mr. Stark...
I stared at the ground... or what I thought was the ground. This place didn't have anything. No walls or ground. It was kind of like we were floating. A void. I didn't realise it, but tears formed in my eyes, soon streaking down my face.
"Kid?" The voice startled more tears out of my eyes. 'Will I even get out of here?' I asked myself. I was kind of in my own world. Not that we weren't in another world now, but I don't want to be in another world! I want to be on my world. I want to go back to earth and see May again. She's probably worried. She just recently found out about spiderman. She has no idea where I am. I want to see M.J, tell her how I feel! See Ned again! How do I even know they're ok!?
"Kid look at me. Please?" I sniffed and looked up faintly. That's when I realised I was crying. I couldn't really see who it was because the tears blurred my vision. The man kneeled down on one knee and held out a hand.
"Sam Willson. You?" 'Oh...he's falcon.' I hesitated at the question. Normally, I'd be focused on being polite and answering him but I was too busy trying to get the tears to stop. I violently wiped my cheeks muttering apologies.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry." "Hey. You're fine. So... We just gonna have that take no five friendship? You know my name and you're left as 'Unknown'?" "Sorry- I-I'm Peter. Peter Parker." I said, finally shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Peter Parker. How old are ya kid?" 'Of course he's asking me that.' I thought. 'Everyone asks me that. And now, I'm acting like a baby...'
"I-I'm fifte-teen. Although, it doesn't really seem like it right now because...I'm crying like a-a two year old a-and I just..." I covered my face with my hands. " 'M sorry Mr. Willson." . 'The amazing Spider-Man...crying... because he's only a worthless child. He can't do anything as a kid.' A sob escaped.
Mr Wilson sighed and sat down next to me. He eyed me as if the shame and fear I felt radiated off of me.
"Hey...kid you've got a reason to be upset. We're stuck in this place without a clue where we are or how to get out." I choked back another sob but he heard. "Oh...uh sorry kid. Obviously not good at speeches, huh?" "It-It's ok sir."
"So... I didn't know Spider-Man was a fifteen year old." "Yeah... pretty bad figuring out that a crying kid is 'The amazing Spider-Man', huh?" I asked with bitter, sarcastic enthusiasm when I said 'The amazing Spider-Man.' "Well, that kid beat me up pretty good when we were at the airport." I kept quiet on this one. I guess that was true...
"We're good though? No hard feelings for...ya know... basically flinging (yeeting) you out a window...?" I chuckled. "No hard feelings." "So kid. mind me asking what was upsetting you?" "It'll make me sound even more like a kid..." "You're fine. lets be honest here. You are a kid. You've got those rights still. Also, I won't tell." I hesitated then took a shaky Breath. "I-I just wanna go home..."
I grunted angrily as I dug the heels of my hands into my still watering eyes. "I'm sorry- I just don't know what to do..."
"Yeah...we all feel the same way..." He hesitated. "You know Tony Stark right?" "Yeah. Mr. Stark's my mentor. He made my other suit and this iron spider suit for me."
"That's cool-" He was cut off by a lady running over. I slipped my mask on before she could see my face. "Please Mr. Falcon! Don't you know a way out of here!? We can't stay here forever!" "Ma'am. Please. We're still trying to figure out where we are." She nodded stiffly and walked off.
"Jeeze. It's like...apparently just because we're super hero's, we just so happen to know anything and everything. No. We don't know how to get out of here. We're stuck here too." I chuckled in response. "Yeah..." There was a moment of silence.
"Uh...Do you..." I swallowed convulsively. "Do you think that they'll come for us? Tony and the others?" "I...don't know Peter. All we can do is hope." "Yeah...hope..."
'Little did you know Mr. Willson...
It's all I've done...'
Words- 701
Little recap chapter on Peter. I kinda like that he made friends with Sam.
The smol bean made a new friend :3
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