Everyone's struggling.
Collins P.O.V
I grip the car tightly as mom speeds through the streets of California. It's already crazy and scary to drive out here, but with mom speeding it's about one hundred times worse.
The tears won't stop falling from anyone's faces as we follow the sound of the ambulance. "What happened to him?! Is he going to be ok?" I start sobbing into my hands. Feeling a hand on my knee I look up to see dad watching me through his own tears. "It'll be ok. He's strong." I nod.
Mom pulls into the emergency section of the hospital as the ambulance goes another direction. As soon as the car is turned off we all jump out. Mom locks the car while running towards the door. Dad and I follow her as she runs up to the receptionist. "We're here for Devan key."
He looks up at us from his paperwork. "I'm sorry. Only immediate family is allowed to see him." Mom looks angry "He's my son." she practically growls. He doesn't look the slightest bit startled "Alright. Well I can tell you what room number he'll be in and what hallway to wait in as well. Unfortunately no one is allowed to see him yet. He's still being checked out."
Mom takes a shaky breath and nods. Seeing she's much more calmed down he starts to go through some papers and search around on the computer. "Ok, it's not known when Devan key will not be done being checked up so I can only tell you to wait in hallway 5 on the 4th floor. Devan's room is 386."
He hands over a few green papers "please fill those out as soon as you can. It'll help the doctors get to know Devan a little better." Mom just stares at the papers so dad gently leans over and takes them. "Thank you so much." The receptionist nods and dad puts his arm around mom.
Gently he leads her away towards the elevator and I stumble behind them. Dad reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me into the elevator right before the door closes. As the elevator moves up all that is heard is quiet sobbing from everyone. I back into a corner and stare at the buttons as they light up.
Devan and I running towards the elevator and racing to see who could get inside first, who could press the buttons first, who could guess which elevator would open. We would laugh and joke that the elevators have personalities.
When we were running to an elevator and a kid shoved Devan. Instantly I had run back and helped Devan up. I glared at the kid and told him to watch were he's going. The kid just sneered back and shoved Devan again. So I pushed him and told him to back off.
By then mom and dad came and the boy ran away, but not after telling Devan he was stupid. Devan had been on the verge of tears. I had hugged Devan and told him not to listen to the boy. That he was wrong, that he didn't know a thing about my brother.
Devan had smiled at me through his tears and told me that it was ok. That it wasn't anything to worry about. Then had broken away and run to an elevator and started playing around, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
End flashback
The elevator dings and I'm jerked out of my memories. I still remember seeing Devan trying to lighten the mood when I could clearly that he was in pain.
I wipe my tears and follow mom and dad down the maze of halls into a waiting room. Sitting down dad starts filling out the paper work. Mom sits next to me and we hug and cry into each other.
Devans P.O.V
There's a very annoying beeping happening. And lots of talking. To much that I'm getting a headache. The bright lights above my head don't help. I slowly blink and open my eyes.
"He's awake!" The room goes quiet as a face appears above mine. It's a doctor. "Why is there a doctor? Where am I?" He smiles at me "hello. I'm Doctor Sullivan. How are you feeling Devan?" I rack my brain trying to remember what happened.
I can't remember anything right now. Nothing's making sense. "W-where am I?" Dr. Sullivan smile again "you're in a hospital. Your family called in an emergency because you passed out. We've been waiting for you to wake up." He grabs a clipboard with green paper.
Things are slowly starting to come back. But not fast enough. "Your family says that your a good kid. Never done drugs, never had bad school attendance, always done what your told. They did say your behavior at home has dramatically come down though. Interesting."
Now everything's starting to come back. "I passed out? From wha-oh. Must have been blood loss." Dr. Macon puts the clipboard down. "Ok Devan. We need you to tell us what happened. We've got you on IV and a heart monitor because you have a severe lack of food and water. What we need is to talk to you and to do a better body exam while your awake."
That beast wakes up again and I get angry. Really angry. "I'm going to go get something and everyone else, you may leave and attended what you need. I've got Devan." Everyone walks out except Dr. Sullivan.
He smiles at me one more time "try to remember ok?" then walks out. I sit up. They haven't taken my shirt off and my sleeves haven't been touched. "Thank god. They don't know yet." Looking at my hands I see a heart monitor on one hand while an IV is injected into my other. Anger boils up again as well as sadness.
"They can't know. What would they think of me?! No one can know. Ever." I grab the IV and rip it out of my hand before I can stop myself. Satisfyingly blood comes out of my hand where the IV was. Next I take off the heart monitor.
The machines goes crazy and says I've flatlined. I stare at it "Why can't that be real?" Jumping off the bed I look at the paper in the clipboard and recognize dads handwriting. "His attitude has dramatically changed from a happy, carefree boy, to a rude, lonely body." I stare at dads words "a rude lonely body."
Tears make their usual course down my face as I stare at dads words. "No." I breathe out and grab the paper. After ripping it I crumble it into a ball. Dr. Sullivan comes back to see me constantly ripping and smashing the paper through tears.
"Devan?! What are you doing! Please put that down Devan." I glare at him. He reaches out for it and I pull back. "Devan! Please I-did...did you take out your IV's?! And the heart monitor?!" I back away. "Devan, listen. I'd never hurt you. I'm here to take care of you." He reaches out to me and I smack his hand away "don't touch me!"
A nurse pops her head in "everything o-" she stares at us then runs out of the room. Panic fills me and Dr. Sullivan must see that because his voice get very warning and calming at the same time as he says "Devan I need you to listen carefully to me. None of us would be here if we didn't care about you."
Suddenly very buff guys run into the room. "Everything ok in here?" I start shaking in fear. I see Dr. Sullivan's mouth move but I can't hear him. The guys start for me and my karate kicks in. I dodge as they reach out to me and start fighting back. More and more people just seem to keep coming in.
Collins P.O.V
We look up as a couple of buff men run past us towards Devans room. We all share a concerned look. "Maybe they're going to a different room." Mom hopes. I just nod but I can't help feel panic, fear, anger, and pain deep inside me.
I close my eyes to try and block out the feelings but they stay. Some actually get worse. "Where are these feelings coming from? I'm not hurting. Is it Devan? I know I've always been able to read him and feel his emotions a little, and vise versa, but why would he be like this? Is he in pain? What's happening?!"
I close my eyes and put them in my hands. I wish I could be in there with him. I wish I knew what the heck was happening. There's more running past us and I see about five other buff people run past us through my fingers.
Devans P.O.V
They don't stop coming as I scream and yell and fight and do everything I can to get away. Someone grabs me from behind and I start screaming and fighting harder. I hate being grabbed like this.
I'm grabbed from behind and thrown onto the couch. It's just Collins. He runs over and starts to tickle me, but I can't really have fun. I feel powerless of my own body.
I'm grabbed from behind and squeezed harder then I ever have been before. I can't breathe. Someone has me. I can't get away. I can't control myself.
People picking me up from behind and lifting me off the ground as a kid. I can't do what I want. I have no control. I have to do whatever they want.
Being grabbed from behind and told I was stupid and worthless and weak. Then being thrown onto the floor. Mason, little kid mason, hovering over me and laughing. I tried to run away but he grabbed me again and throws me again.
End flashback
I hate being grabbed from behind. It's always been the one spot that if someone got me, I just become weak. He starts tightening his grip. Panic and fear become even more as my body starts to shut down. "No. I can't. I can't. I can't let myself be weak this time! Fight back!" Using my favorite trick I slam my elbow into his neck, into his nerves. He falls.
Breathing heavily I turn back around to see them all looking with alarm as more people run in. Limbs surround me and I can't break away. I feel like I can't breathe. A stabbing pain goes into my thigh and I don't have time to fully understand what happened before everything turns black.
Dr. Sullivan's P.O.V
Everyone's breathing heavily and doing their best to recover. "I can't believe this skinny kid could do this!" I think as I look around at the mess, the few people still collapsed on the floor and Devan hanging limply in Nathan's arms.
"How much anesthesia did you give him?" I ask Laura who still has the needle in her hand. When she doesn't answer I walk over and gently shake her out of her shock. "I'm sorry Doctor. I gave him enough so that he will sleep for about 2 or 3 hours. I'm sorry I was rushed."
I smile "it's ok. No one was prepared. Thank you. Is everyone ok?" I ask the group. Someone helps up the man from the floor who's groggily waking back up. He rubs his neck "Yeah, I'll be ok. He's got a hard hit." I nod. "Ok, let's put Devan back on the bed and figure out what to do."
I grab the crumbled paper at the floor. Sighing I throw it in the trash. "Well, I guess we can still do his exam without him awake. It'll be harder, but I think we can still do it." I run my fingers through my hair. "He can't do this again. I'm so sorry to say this but I think it's a level three."
Everyone looks down sadly and someone leaves only to come back with hand cuffs. "Are you sure? What will his family think?" I glance sadly at the nurse. "We don't have a choice. He can't do this again. Please put those down on the counter. Let's do his exam and cuff him up."
Time skip
I sigh and put the blankets over Devans bare chest. Everyone's still here and they all watch sadly as I grab the first handcuff. Holding Devans wrist I lock the cuffs around it then close the other one around the bar on the bed. Sadly I do the same to his other hand.
"There. Now he can't get off the bed." I step back sadly and place the key in my pocket, making sure everyone can see. "The key's with me. If he NEEDS to be let out, you come find me." Everyone nods. "Ok. Let's leave and get everyone cleaned up. Make sure some security is placed here though." People start fileing out. I grab my clipboard with my diagnosis and close the door.
But not without a sad look at the boy handcuffed to the bed.
Collins P.O.V
Mom and dad walk back defeated. This is the fifth time asking if we could see Devan. They sit down and I sigh. Pulling out my cards I practice the routine for Devan.
I look up as many people walk by. They look like they've been in a fight. All look ruffled, hair messed up, clothes jacked, and some have bruises. One many walks by with a massive bruise on his neck, which he doesn't stop rubbing.
"That bruise looks familiar." Subconsciously I rub my own neck where Devan had hit me the other day. There was still a bruise. "That's something only Devan could do." I look worriedly at mom and dad. They give back the same look.
A doctor walks by mumbling, rubbing his forehead, and reading off a clipboard. He also looks ruffled. The doctor looks up and gives us a small polite nod. Dad stands up "can we see him? Can we see Devan?" The doctor sighs. "Not yet. Soon though, I promise." We sigh and he gives us a sad smile then walks off.
Time skip
Dad shakes me awake. I open my eyes and see a nurse standing over us. "Hello. My name is Mae. I'm here to see if you would like to see Devan." We all stand up immediately. "Yes! Please!" Mom sounds desperate.
Mae smiles sadly "alright. If you'll follow me please." My heart starts racing as we follow Mae. She stops at a door but there's security standing outside of the room. Mae shows ID and they nod. Mae tells them that we're Devans family and they nod and step aside. "386. What are these guys doing here?!" Mae places her hand on the door handle. "Now, I'm warning you that this might not be what you would expect. I'm sorry."
Fear starts to go through me as Mae opens the door and we step inside. My heart stops.
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