**Scott POV**
I was relaxing on my couch, watching tv about to get up and make a drink when Kirstie just bursts into my apartment unannounced and uninvited.
"What the hell, Kirst!?" I say walking into the kitchen.
"A simple knock would've been fine. Probably wouldn't have answered but it's the thought that counts." I say jokingly.
"What the hell is up with you, Scott? I tired of hearing things from everyone else! I want to hear from you!" She says angrily.
"Well what have you been told?" I ask.
"You've drinking a lot more than usual and you've been doing drugs!" She says.
"Well the drinking thing is true but the drug thing is not true." I say.
I walk over to the couch and Kirstie follows right behind me.
"If you're not doing drugs then what it all this on the coffee table and kitchen table, Scott!?" She says with a angry tone.
"I just have trouble sleeping so I've been taking something to help me sleep. No big deal." I say.
"No big deal!? This stuff doesn't even have your name on it! And what is this!? Scott, you're so much better than this." She says.
I say nothing and keep looking at the tv trying to ignore her. Then she sits in front of me and shuts off the tv so I will listen to her.
"Look, okay, I know we aren't together and you continuously deny YOUR child, but please get help? You're not the same person anymore. You're not the same person I fell in love with." She says.
"She's not my child! I'm fine! I don't need help!" I say with rage in my voice.
**Kirstie POV**
When Scott stood up and raised his voice at me, I knew shit was about to get ugly...quick.
As I go to run to the door he grabs my arm and violently spins me around and pins me to the wall next to the door.
"Where are you going!? We aren't done with our conversation!" He says.
"Scott, I'm sor-" I tried to say.
"Don't talk when I'm talking!" He says putting his fist through the wall behind me.
So scared and almost in tears he looks back down at me and seen how scared I was and the rage in his eyes faded away.
It was like the Scott I knew and loved was coming back.
"Kirst, I-I-I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to get like that." He says with sorrow in his voice.
"Scott, please get help?" I managed to say before tears started to fall down my face.
"I-I- can try." He says.
"Please." I say putting my hand on his face then backing away and walking out the door.
Scott's I'm there somewhere and I want him to come back and be himself again.
I want my Scottie back.
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