Chapter 7
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8 years ago
"Waylon, wake up."
"Leave me to die, you corruptive Asian God, I refuse to go to class today. Eli will be there, and he might just throw a knife to the back of my skull. At least if I stay in here, I can prolong my untimely demise."
"What have I told you about bitching out, like a little puss Waylon, get the hell up!" Slamming the blankets from over his face, Waylon, angrily grabbed the flat pillow and chucked it my way.
"Easy for you to say! You just go and start shit, my great ancestors aren't Jackie chan or Jet Li. I'm just, hell I don't know! Just stop yelling at me okay? My ears are sensitive, just like my skin, shit hurts."
"Waylon, I told you I wasn't going to let anything happen to you, now do you believe me?" Hesitating, he sat up on the springy mattress, his curly blonde hair wrapped up in a pony tail as he flicked a loose strand behind his head.
"People say a lot of things, asking for trust,-" Looking up at me his eyes were set in misunderstanding, he didn't believe I'd keep him safe, accepting this I shook my head, grabbed my notebook, and began to leave. "Sometimes instead of showing all of the reasons I should, unintentionally everyone shows me why I shouldn't. You say trust me like it's going to make a difference, what makes you different Klein?"
"I don't need to explain myself to you Waylon, you'll see for yourself soon enough. I got class, and don't even bother asking me for the answers. Because I'll give you the wrong ones."
"You're a diabolical masterpiece Klein Masthers, but it's not like they'll be much of use to me, because I'll be dead before I turn in my homework."
"Wouldn't hurt to get an A, at least you'd accomplish something before you drew your last breath."
"And this is exactly why, my life shall never be entrusted in your hands, dick."
"Yeah whatever." Waving him a hand of dismissal I walked out of the cell, MeKe, and Marko standing along the cement walls in waiting. I tossed up a five, following along MeKe slapped his across mine. "He's not coming out." I reluctantly informed them, upset MeKe twisted his fat face, angrily clenching his jaw he stepped to me.
"He isn't safe alone, even while he's in his cell, Clive that country bum looking dumbass. He can easily get in, do whatever to Waylon and make it look like a suicide. He's always lurking about, around here, that's how them spicks know shit. Get him out of there, or I will." Without much of understanding MeKe, entered my cell.
"Waylon I'm only going to ask this once, and once only. Get up, grab your books, and let's go, so we can take you to class."
I could here Waylon and his sarcastic little voice, sass MeKe,"I'm not going anywhere with you crazy Greeks, and the devil's Asian descendent out there. You all are the very reason I am living out my final days here on earth, in fear, confinement, shut up in hopes that this will all just pass over, and I'll be in Italy again! I hate you people!"
There was a suspenseful silence, a bit concerned Marko and I looked at one another, and with much nasally loud screaming, came MeKe, emerging on the tip of his shoulder, and kicking his feet, was Waylon. "I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Put me down MeKe, please! They're going to kill me! Klein! Marko, help me! Please, talk to MeKe about this, tell him that I'm much more safer inside our cell than out in the open!" MeKe completely ignoring Waylon's cries, continued Marko and I following along. Reaching out, Waylon gripped the walls along the hallway, "MeKe! I'm begging you don't make me go, they'll be waiting for me! You guys said you'd protect me...THIS IS NOT PROTECTING!" Banging his fists against Meke's back, MeKe took it, without a fuss.
"I wonder what we're having for lunch today MeKe?"
"Eh, might be burgers, we had Mac and cheese yesterday."
"Ya think they'll give me extra cheese, cause I feel like they cut me short on that end, and it's a bit upsetting."
"Are you guys seriously talking about cheese? When I'm begging for my life here?" Waylon argued, the brothers continued to carry on their spiteful conversation, a smile broke from the edge of my lips, as I watched Waylon roll his eyes, and collapse against Meke's back. Realizing his cries weren't going to get him anywhere he gave up."Ughhhh! Fuck my life right in the dick hole." Reaching our destination, we stopped. Elijah, Sebastian and their followers were waiting for us.
Letting Waylon down, I felt MeKe scowl at our enemies. Marko wearing a mug similar to his brother, I began walking. "Good morning ladies? Did we all have a good night's sleep? I sure as hell did. Waylon, c'mon we're late."
Their stares so violent, I felt them pierce the back of my head as if it were a bullet. But I didn't care, they might have scared Waylon, but they didn't scare me.
"I'll see you two later." MeKe announced growlingly. Not feeling the presence of Waylon by my side I stopped in the midst of the rusted door way. Right next to Eli, looking briefly over my shoulder unbothered, I waited.
"Waylon, come....on now." I knew he was petrified, but he had to learn, he had to get through this...alone. And I'd take care of the rest, my heart began to beat as my mind did its treacherous wandering about. They could hurt him right here right now, and I had my back turned toward him like I didn't care, but I did, and a lot. Sighing defeatedly I spun around, Sebastian hovering over Waylon like a hungry dog, practically drooling over him as he preyed on his innocence and fear.
MeKe, and Marko were ready to kill him, but just like me, we were watching, waiting, hoping Waylon would grip his guts, along with his balls, and stand up for himself. Call him a bitch or something I mean come on!
"I can snap your neck like a pencil right now, did you know that?" I could practically feel the disgusting bodily fluids seeping into Waylon's porcelain skin. Only imagining the dreadful stench that lurked out of his mouth, sneaking up his poor little nostrils, as he forced his ears and his mind to comprehend his gibberish.
My nose twitched, balling a fist, Eli raised a brow as he eyed me through his entertained side glance.
Stuttering, Waylon kept his eyes on his torn apart converse. "Ye- yes. I-k-now th-a-a-t you yo-you can um, kill me. Bb-but! We, w-we ha-ve t-to s-av-e th-th-that sh-sh-show fo-fo-for su-Sunday. Haha ri-ght?" Slowly picking the weight of his curly head up, Waylon looked at Sebastian. Shaking uncontrollably, he attempted to get passed him. With a godly hand, Sebastian knocked his books out of his fragile hands.
Jumping forward, an arm barred my way. "Boys, your classes ended 20 minutes ago, get to your cells, or to your scheduled activity for today. Quit causing trouble with the 14 year olds, like seriously have you guys really stooped that low on the shit podium you're bullying kids that are sadly younger then you? You all are pathetic. Waylon?" Startled, as if he was interrupted of something, Waylon began to bend down to pick his books up.
"Don't you-," Giving me a fierce look of warning Mike, rolled his eyes, and fluttered them back to the scene.
"Sebastian, pick up his damn books."
"He started it boss, him and that chink bitch!" With much animosity matched in the tone of his voice Sebastian resisted Mike's demands.
"In fact they did, they intentionally antagonize my baby brother, which provokes that hideous anger of his. Quite a hassle to calm him down, so I find it fair to let him let out his frustrations on the very perps that caused my poor little brother such calamity." Scaring Waylon, Sebastian jumped at him, instantly falling back, Sebastian picked up his books, and dropped them on Waylon's chest.
"Ah, ow. " Lifting his giant foot as if he were about to kick my bunk mate MeKe stepped to him, prepared to shoot his mighty fist.
"What the fuck are you going to do?"
"Keep searching, you ugly saber tooth, boarder hopping little bitch, and I'm gona give you what you've been looking for."
"You and your little friend over there, can try to protect this sad excuse of existence. But in the end you'll just mark your own death sentence, we never lose, and you white boys ain't going to change that. You step up with two? We step up with 10, you'll never have us outnumbered, we're everywhere cabrón. Eyes watching you from every single angle in this whole goddamn place! We know exactly what you fags are doing, every little bit. He can choose one of you to fight for him, I'd be glad to stomp your hearts into that beautifully cleaned concrete out there. Nobody is going to hear your screams, your cries, you're going to die a wannabe. And a sad one at that, so enjoy your little bitches for now, because I'm going to pick you four off one by one. It will be the most fun I've had here yet."
"What are you expecting me to be scared of you?"
"No not scared of me, scared of your lives. Those you're going to lose very very shortly. So enjoy them for now, because after today and Saturday, I'll be owning one of your skulls to add to my beautiful collection."
Smiling, MeKe lowered his fist and began to help Waylon up. The feeling was a daunting suspense, while I watched him pause, push Waylon to safety by Marko's side. Marko detected his brother's intentions, catching his mean fist before it collided with Sebastian's skin and bone, "MeKe please, no. He isn't worth it, let us go, the young ones will be safe, I promise it." Slamming that balled fist of his into his thigh, MeKe nodded a goodbye to Waylon and I. "We will see you at lunch boys."
Trying to maintain his brother's sanity Marko forced his anger down his throat and bit his tongue. He never really talked much, but when he did it was because he was upset, worried, stressed, or mad. And when he was content he watched intently, carefully, he was intrigued by the things that go unnoticed, like me.
Leaving after MeKe and Marko, Eli followed along, and so did his crew. But this time without staring my way, they each took their turn to bump into Waylon bluntly. Wincing every time a bony shoulder crushed into his, he held his ground standing up right. "I will kill them."
"That's what they want you to do Klein. They're using this kid as bait, and you just keep following along like a dumbass. What is happening Sunday? Klein don't you even lie to me."
"You can't help, so don't worry about it. Waylon c'mon." Stopping me with a strong hand I sized him warningly, "I'll protect him, that's all that matters, I can handle this."
"A thought can lie to the mind Klein, don't rely on them. You want to protect him? Stop being so cocky, that ego of yours is going to be made to shit very very soon, believe me." Brushing passed me, I budged forward, Waylon frighteningly started towards the classroom. "Take care Wavy Lay, inhale some air baby boy, everything is going to be alright."
He didn't believe a word, Waylon didn't look his way, Waylon was deep into his mind, wandering the dark haunted forests of his misleading conscious. He was mourning his lovely soul before it even departed from his vessel, it was written on his face. Eyes grey and swollen, his tanned face pale, and sickly. Those chunky, smiling cheeks were skinny, droopy, and along with the cement colored skin of his, they were dull.
"Waylon eat. You don't eat, you don't gain strength, you don't gain strength, you don't survive. C'mon it's cheesy fries buddy, you like these!" Chewing on the soggy, and disgustingly salty potatoes, I soon grew tired of its taste. Throwing the nasty thing onto the metal tray, it plopped effortlessly into the over-processed yellow goop, they called 'American Cheese' well it's American alright, it tags hand and hand with overpriced and obese.
MeKe has been at it for 30 minutes now, the kid wasn't going to eat. Clearing my throat, I unscrewed the cap to my water-bottle and threw at MeKe. "He'll eat when he's ready, he isn't gonna budge anytime soon."
"He is right MeKe, Waylon is depressed, it's going to take some time for him to get through this. We're not too sure how Sunday is going to play out. I just hope that it is in our favor."
Swigging down his water MeKe, and his blue eyes raced over our surroundings. Landing on a sight that froze him, and it seemed to be the case with everyone in the lunchroom besides Waylon. The eerie feeling of a destructive evilness grabbed a hold of my neck choking me in its forced wish of recognition. But I kept my eyes on Marko, he saw right through whoever, or whatever it was, not intimidated by the fear stricken hearts it devoured in its darkness.
An evil he was familiar with and because he had a familiarity with it, he shrugged, picked up a fry carelessly and continued eating.
The silence remained, but a bold soul stood from his seat to throw away the untouched food that lingered on his organized tray.
'How dare he?' Is how everyone continued to stare at him as if it were a crime to throw away, unwanted food. Their eyes matched his every move, and then they fixed on it.
The elephant in the room, zombified in its repulsively rotten flesh, and spoiled heart. "You know these women cook these meals for you? They spend hours in there preparing such a delectable dish for your benefit. And you deliberately spit in their faces, by just throwing it all away like its nothing? People pay to keep your sorry asses well fed, educated, clean, and thirst free. You petty disgusting criminals, aren't shit, and you deserve to eat shit-,"
"I bet you're going to take that back when you see them Mexicans. You ain't nothing but their little bitch anyway. So loyal, anything they ask you'll do it with your ass bent over, willingly taking their dicks. In each available hole you've got, and I'm sure it is a very pleasant experience for you, it's how you've come around to getting such a spectacular job. You like being manhandled, you prefer being the submissive. You neutered, basic, country bumpkin ass, pussy, idiotic bitch." I stared at him, completely puzzled. Marko downed a fry, and glared at the being whom his words aimed for.
MeKe alarmed, searched for the victim of Marko's harsh words, and then back to his content brother. Footsteps, echoed through the lunch hall, and I had a feeling they were headed towards me, because as they got closer they began to slow. "Now, I know the only person that would ever come out of their sorry little mouths like that to me is you."
An arm wrapped around my neck like a rope, lifting me up off of the metal bench, he squeezed tightly. Fighting him more than fighting for my breath, I struggled. "You think you can just come in here fresh off of the streets, and challenge me boy? I'll kill you faster than you can pray to Jesus, I'll spill your guts all over this freshly polished floor do you understand me? And there's not a damned thing anyone could, or would do about it." His voice was low, specialized in only acquiring my hearing, and nobody else's.
I know I didn't say it, but I wasn't about to rat out Marko, so when he let me go after I mustered up the strength to breathe, "I didn't say it." A kick to my ribs was a solid, as he kneed me below my belly button.
"Then which one of you boys said it then hmm? Let's have a little-, " decking me straight into the nose, I felt the damn thing snap into bits, complicating my breathing situation a lot more. I didn't make a sound, after he pounded in my face again, and again, and again, the taste of my own blood becoming a delightful delicacy. "C'mon I know you don't want to see me beat this boy to death! Hmm which-," Screaming loudly now, he picked up my droopy, dizzy head, and straightened it out, as he aligned the pointed end to his boot parallel to the right side of my face for impact. Kicking his leg back preparing for the blow, "One-," He didn't hesitate in knocking the wind out of me, along with my ability to hear, my eyes searched the back of my skull. I have never felt such an unbearable pain, in my entire life. Shuddering in shock, I hit the floor, surprised that the kick didn't knock me out conclusively, I wallowed in the throbbing, stinging pain. As the blood flooded my face.
"Klein! Get up Klein, please tell him that you said it! He's going to kill our best friend man!"
Waylon. Hmph, he finally started talking, pleading on my behalf, like he always did. Trying to defend me with the best he had, his voice. Laying there boarder line unconscious, I smiled. It was almost like I had escaped my body, reminded me of those summer days Ronn and I would sneak off to that abandoned grocery store right across the street from the mall, where our brother, and parents shopped for the beginning school year.
We would hit that joint so hard, I could hardly recognize my own dick, I couldn't see straight, talking was walking through hellfire for me. And then as I hit cloud nine, all of that craziness stopped. It was calm, and peaceful, a sense of mind it was rewarding. Like I had endured some type of war, and I finally made it back home, to the things that made me happy, that gave me life.
My head was running marathons. My heart was drowning in the ocean slowly, with the weight of a million dragging it down. But my body was weightless, irrelevant in the equation, it didn't exist, but neither did it need to.
His voice was stuck in my head like a song, and since I couldn't think of anything to rid myself of its repetition, I just listened to it. Over, and over again, until it all............just.............went.........silent.
Present day
"Im not here to hear your bullshit Vindango, fight me." Walking around me, with his face in happiness, he grabbed me by the hood of my jacket.
"They often say a hug is well enough, my friend, it is so good to see you. I do truly appreciate your presence that once made my life pleasurable. I will kill you with all of the kindness in my heart, but I will not regret watching you breathe your last breath Klein Masthers. I saved your life, remember that?"
"And I still have the scars for the 10 bullets I took for you, we're even."
"Once long ago you were the most loyal person I have ever come to know Klein. What happened, what wrong did I do to deserve your betrayal?"
"Somewhere along the road of me beating your ass you'll come to remember. And when you got that epiphany, I'll make sure I'll give you time to explain to me what that exact reason is. Got it?"
"You are always the one that is impatient, impatience is what causes mistakes."
"Should've told your parents that before they mistakingly had you."
Laughing, the hood of my jacket was yanked around my neck, inhaling a large breath I fed on it sparingly as he choked me. "If it is a tough fight you want Klein, that you will get." Pushing me into a pillar, his bruised fist took its aim, I shook it, dodging it's blow immediately.
Drop kicking him in the back he stumbled forward. My blood beginning to rush through me a smile encouraged my rage. "Hahaha! Oh hell I need this." Balling my hand into a weapon of death, I threw it directly into Vindango's face, the bone of his cheek grazing the tips of my knuckles painfully, a feeling that would soon subside.
"Hahahaha! Klein, this will be much much fun."
Punches were missed, some were landed. Blocking, and the sound of bones clashing against one another echoed throughout the death trapped structure.
8 years ago
"Klein, wake up now." Shaking me viciously I groaned,
"Fuck off."
"You fuck off, are you okay?"
Jumping up, I instantly collapsed back down on the bed, "FUCK!" Punching the air, and flopping on the bed stupidly, my tantrum was only beginning. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck! FUCK!-," Turning towards Marko, my anger filled me once more, "FUCK YOU!" Standing beside him was the nurse, and Mike but that didn't stop me from cursing their presence. I allowed myself to get beat the hell up by a man that I despised more than my own father. Worst of all it was in front of every-damn one. The pain didn't make this conclusion any better, as it all just seemed to throw all on top of me, in hopes that it'd weigh me down. "FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!" Looking around for the next target of my next eruption, I fixed my mouth but, snatching the words right off of my lips, I bit my tongue.
"Klein it's okay. Calm down." With curly blonde hair dangling all along his sharp face he smiled. His bruises slowly fading, his eyes now visibly sparkling as they did once before. "I'm okay, so is Marko."
Frantically searching around me, I seen no sign of him,"Where's MeKe?" Waylon's eyes shot down to hell as his lips mysteriously sealed, and every person that stood around me failed to utter a word. "Where. Is. MeKe?" Still searching around in hopes that I'd see the little dumb fuck, I didn't, my heart began to speed up, revving up my dying engine of spunk, as it spiraled out of control.
"Clive. Dragged him out of the lunchroom, when you passed out, he took the fall for Marko. No one knows where he took him Klein, Mike is looking into it. But Mike is going to make sure he's okay." A look of uncertainty arose on Waylon's face, as he turned to Mike. "Right?"
"Right. I'm not all to sure what went down Klein, heard a call for back up in the lunchroom I came as soon as I could. Saw you out of it on the floor, my initial priority was to get you help. Look I'll find your brother Marko, see where Clive took him. Just take care of yourself boys, stay out of trouble. Hilayna got a sec?"
"Oh sure yeah!" Smiling she shot him a one, "Hey, how are ya feeling sweetie? You are quite the talk around here, and especially in my home, Mason told me to make sure you don't end up in here. But here we are, I'm going to take good care of you, okay? So don't you worry about a thing, you are completely safe in here, nobody can hurt you I pro-,"
In my peripheral I could see Marko and Waylon shaking their heads, in unison warning her not to finish her sentence, not catching the hint I stopped her before she proceeded. "Don't promise me anything."
Her young face shattered of disappointment, "Ok, well um-," looking around her, she patted down her scrubs, and laid a hand on mine, "Just get some rest alright?" Hazel eyes, and tanned skin, she was a beauty. Mason scored big time with her, fighting my smile, I turned to Marko.
"When I was in the midst of saying I did it, MeKe stood up. I swear Klein I was going to stand up to him."
"Shut up. If I were mad at you I would've jumped out of this bed and kicked your ass myself. Hand me that apple juice." Gesturing to the little can of apple goodness on the counter beside me Marko raised his brow,"Okay, please Marko can you give me that Apple juice?"
"Yeah, of course I can. I appreciate your kindness."
"Don't be a bitch okay?"
"Takes a bit-,"
"Watch your mouth!" Hilayna butted in with a subtle bass in her angelic voice. Her eyes attempting to harden with sternness but failed, she didn't have a mean bone in her body, yet fronted as if she were the most evil person in the world. Laughing our asses off Marko punched me in the arm.
"But he said it first!"
"But I don't really care! Marko and Waylon, Mike is going to take you back to your cells, say goodbye to Klein, he'll be in here all weekend, and you'll be able to visit him, okay?" I nearly coughed up my heart, as she shooed my friends away, and Mike walked them out.
"Weekend? I can't stay in here all weekend, no I'm not going to stay in here all weekend! Fix me so I can leave lady, please?" I thought that if I added a please she might do what I asked, well more or like demanded. The fact that Clive has MeKe and MeKe is now missing, Waylon has a death match on Sunday and he can't even fight two donuts, in the middle of winter, in the middle of no where.
I have to be free. She can't keep me here, she's Mason's wife, and since he loves her well enough to tell her about me, I loved her too. So I maintained my kindness. "Hilayna, please, I cannot stay in here." I pleaded as she, poured medication in one of those kiddie cups, I ain't no kid, why couldn't she give me an actual cup? I seemed to have not be swaying her head into the direction I had been hoping.
"Nope. I can't do that, Mike specifically asked me to hold you over until Monday morning, mid afternoon. Something about keeping you away from Eli on Sunday. I can only figure it's for your own good sweetie, and don't worry he's keeping locks on Waylon and Marko, while he tries to get to the bottom of what happened today. So hold tight, I'm not that much of a bore, I pro-, well I'm just letting you know."
Finished with measuring the meds, she walked over to me, patting me on the back, she handed me the Dixie cup."Take this, it'll help with the swelling, and the overall pain. Do you
need soda? Water? Juice maybe?" Picking up each as she named them her smile never left her face, brushing her brunette hair away from her eyes, she looked up at me. Nervous that she caught me staring at her admirably I turned to face the wall.
"If it helps not make you feel embarrassed Klein, I think you're pretty handsome yourself. And don't feel bad, Mason knows the consequences of letting me out into the world. Haha!" Noticing my dull expression she cleared her throat, "I'm not a funny person, though I do try! Haha, okay I'm going to stop putting you through my painful comical jokes. Get some rest Klein, you're going to need it." Cleaning her station, she closed the cabinet as she paused, and slowly steadied her eye contact on me. "Klein. Look I know that it's none of my business, but I feel as if I can help you. Was it Clive that did this to you? Did he hurt you like this?"
Deeply concerned of my well being, just like Mason, I tilted my head down smiling. I could see why they were paired together, their hearts were too good, and too big to be with another.
Sipping the apple juice cautiously I shook my head. "It's nothing. I appreciate everything that you've done for me. But I'm just gona take a nap, is that alright?"
"Ye-yes. Yes of course, there's always another time. Sleep well, if you need anything I'll be right over there, okay?"
"Yeah I'll be sure to let you know." Turning over to my side I soon regretted it, pulling on my flesh, the risen indent of stitches sewn precisely into my cheek. Where that son of a bitch kicked me. Gritting my teeth I recklessly toppled back over on my back. Closing my eyes, I sucked up breath frustratingly, this was uncomfortably painful. When I get a hold of Clive may god be with him.
I contemplated his death the moment I met him, and the thought of it never ceases itself from entering my mind every time I saw him walk pass me like it was nothing. I figured the only sense of him beating he hell out of me today in front of everyone, was 1: he new that I wasn't going to hit him back. And 2: Eli put him up to it, regardless if Marko said anything or not, the bastard was going to find some possible way to keep me out of the picture.
Hence Sebastian giving away, that something was going down Sunday, opting Mike no choice but to keep me up in the clinic, while Clive took MeKe. Which leaves Marko and Waylon, vulnerable, of course Marko is a bit strong, but MeKe and I are the real threats we were Waylon's and Marko's surety of protection.
Eli is smart, but he isn't that smart. They're not going to lay a hand on Waylon or Marko, I'm getting out of here before it starts, and I can't wait to get my hands bloody.
Needing some higher help in this situation I raised my eyes to the ceiling.
I asked you for help about this god, is this your final answer? Do you really want me to leave them defenseless to be killed? I thought we are supposed to do the righteous thing? To save lives, not willingly let them pass us by without a care? Keep them safe. Keep my family safe, that's all I ask of you. I don't care too much about me, you can do what ever to me, I can handle it, just not them.
Praying. I did it sparingly, like an alligator in the middle of winter, hunting. It didn't happen much, only when it was needed, an obligation not a choice. Risky, like a game of darts, I didn't know where my prayers were going to hit, but I was hoping the big man upstairs would hear me for sure.
Dwindling away, my breathing slowed, as the start of my slumber poked at me, until it ultimately snatched me in its grasp and whisking me into its oblivion.
"Got you something."
"I don't want it. Thanks but no thanks."
"Oh C'mon its McDonald's! Who doesn't like McDonald's?"
"People that appreciate the opportunity to walk up a flight of stairs without practically dying. Me."
"It's pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage. Hilayna says you haven't been eating. So eat. Now Klein. You look like hell man! You gona tell me who did this? Or am I going to have to force it out of you?"
Mason, punched my shoulder playfully, but I wasn't in a playful mood. "Take your shity McDonald's and give it to someone else. I beat myself up, I've been mad about the last time I saw my mother."
"You flee from the truth like a damn demon from holy water, saddest thing is, it's Sunday. Stop being so grouchy and tell me what's going on."
"Please just leave." My words seemed to cut Mason deep, my ungrateful mess was consuming his hopeful spirit in sadness.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm here helping with an investigation. A kid by the name of,-"
Jumping up in fear I grabbed Mason by his shoulder, squeezing it as my chest dropped completely to the floor. "Not MeKe. What did he do to MeKe? Is he okay?"
We've only known each other for a week solid, but for some reason that didn't quite gesture to my heart, because I cared about him like I've known him for years. And quite honestly I didn't care how long I've known him, he was loyal to me, and I was forever indebted to his loyalty, it was only right. And if he was okay, I'm going to find him, I knew that for sure.
"Hey, hey! Calm down. It wasn't MeKe, his name was Hovy. A 16 year old, died last Sunday, know anything about it? See anything?"
The vision of the body bag flashed through my mind. As I shook it off, hoping Mason wouldn't ask me who this 'he' that I mentioned was.
Loosening my grip, I slowly dragged it down until it hit nothing but air. "Saw the body bag, on our way to lunch. All I know."
"No it isn't Klein."
"It is."
"You keep protecting these people you're going to only fuck yourself in the end. "
"Then why do you keep coming back? Why do you care about me then? I told you I don't know shit? Why can't you just believe me."
"Because instead of lying, you box up the truth like it's not going to make a difference! It's going to make a difference Klein, a good one, or a bad one. He was a kid just like you, his parents need closure of how he died, and who did it. Now if you-," His phone interrupting his usual lectures I rolled my eyes, looking around me for the key Hilayna leaves around carelessly.
"Okay, I'll be right there, give me five." Hanging up, Mason slammed the McDonalds platter on my lap. "Throw it in the garbage and I'll kick your ass, got it?"
"And don't whatever me. I'll be back around here late this afternoon. Okay?"
Knowing I wouldn't be here I nodded. Looking at the frozen food before me, fast food. Gross.
Luckily I was the only person in the clinic. The only one awake that is, staring at the food on my lap, I groaned. "Oh come on Mason!" Quickly finding my que to make my move, I set the meal on Hilayna's med station, or whatever she called that damn desk with all of those doctory things.
Climbing off of the bed, I looked around me cautiously, I had less than five minutes to get my ass out of here before she came back, snagging the key to unlock my cuff, I dug it into the lock, twisting it, I found a complication. It didn't fit, THE DAMN KEY DIDN'T FIT! Trying every single one on the key chain I was shit out of luck. I was up the motherfucking creek without a got damn paddle.
She new exactly what she was doing, smiling at the fact that she was just as smart as me, I pummeled back down onto the bed.
Annoyingly staring at the McDonald's, I grabbed it, threw open the container and dug in. Wasn't that bad, and to think I was going to actually leave her a note on behalf of Mason, making it seem as if he was ever so kind to have brought her breakfast unexpectedly, in hopes to make her smile. Too bad, she played me. And well.
On to plan b.
Exactly as I suggested Hilayna waltzed in 5 minutes tops, her eyebrows furrowed in a frustrating confused way. Sighing she threw herself restlessly on the edge of my bed. Not saying a word she drove her head into her small palms, I watched hesitantly.
"How ya feeling kiddo?"
"Same way you're feeling. Shitty." I confessed, looking as if I hit the nail right on the head she laughed,
"Mason did say you prefer to read people rather than books. Ever thought of going to school for psychiatry?"
"Why in the blazing hell would I ever consider partaking willingly in such mind blowing torture?" I questioned sarcastically, but with the intentions of breaking a smile out of her.
And that I did. "Well Klein to help people, the world is going mad, and deranged. They need more people like you, you're a good person at heart, trusting, understanding, and best of all smart. Taking it to where as the keys weren't the right fit huh?"
"I wouldn't know, I didn't even try to use them."
"Oh yeah like I'm supposed to believe that? Waylon thought he hit the lottery, believe me everyone has tried. They fail every single time." I squinted evilly at her admission. "But of course you're too smart to fall for that trick, you're the infamous Klein."
"Don't flatter me. You're the one with the nursing degree, and I'm cuffed up to a springy hard metal bed."
"Well. You don't need to blow thousands upon thousands of dollars on college, to get a degree to rank your intelligence. You're different Klein. Everyone is. And so what you've made some bad choices? Make them up by choosing the better choices, you've only got one life, an unknown amount of time, and one heart, wouldn't hurt to make it count right? People care about you, they're rooting for you, haha it took me a while. Mason would always stop everything just to come to your aide, and it always frustrated me.
Yet when I saw you. Beat up, barely conscious, I seen it. The beautiful faults of a terrorized soul, attempting to find its way back to clarity. You have this aura, a calming presence, it's dark, but it's good! Creeped me out for a second thought I was going crazy, but I wasn't. Kids come and go in here, and there are a limited few that really stick to me, of course they had their differences, never quite added up to you though."
"Why are you upset?"
Catching her off guard with my abrupt question she fiddled with her ring. "Oh, haha I knew I couldn't get passed you." Looking up to me she landed a hand on my shin,"Another kid died an hour ago, suicide."
"Wh-who?" Once again a feeling of terror crept through me, like a demonic spirit.
"Jordan Schovin, just turned 18 yesterday, why would he do such a thing? Two more days and he was out of here, free a fresh start to create a brand new life. And he just...he just took it all away. I don't understand what's going on in here, I mean people commit suicide everyday, people die But it is happening to quickly, to frequently here, this isn't a jail! It's a juvenile detention center. And if it is child on child crimes, they should not be here, they should be shipped off to an adult federal prison, put on solitary. I'm tired of seeing bodies, too many children, I didn't sign up for this."
I could hear her sniffling, as she tried to discretely swat away her tears. I stared at her, her frail thin body cradled over. Her back in a hunch, as one leg crossed over the other.
I was deliberately puzzled. I wasn't familiar with the woman gender, and their emotional spats of ups, downs, and in betweens. I guess because I've never had any kind of female contact besides my mother, my aunt, and my little cousin.. Which technically means nothing. I couldn't hug her, and neither did I want to, I hated crying, it was completely messy, and ugly. People make ugly faces, ugly sounds, and the sight of it freaks me out.
Because I'm terrible at comforting people, the whole lying "it's going to be okay, and everything happens for a reason, it isn't your fault," shit irritates me. 99.6% of the time it's not going to be okay, and 99.7% of the time it's their fault. Everything happens for a reason is just a sick way of covering over stupid mistakes. I don't give advice because people never take it anyway, they counter your words like a missile, making it absolutely impossible to get through to them.
Sighing I looked around the room. I contemplated on saying anything but to the best of my luck, a kid began choking harshly, reflexively rushing to him, she sat him up. Leaving me alone on the opposite side, glancing at the clock, a bit of me was relieved. I was winging this entire escape stupidly, but I had no doubt that it wouldn't lay out perfectly. An hour has passed, nonchalantly I raised my finger to my cheek, and began to dig it into the stitches. Biting onto my shirt, to keep myself from making a noise from the agonizing pain, I rolled my eyes.
Loosening them enough, I slammed my face against the metal bar beside me. "Ahh, shit! Oh hell that hurt so bad, oh my god, the-," Peeking through my side vision I seen her lift her head up in worry, as she finished up with the kid, and ran to me.
"Klein? Are you okay? What happened?" I was slowly regretting ever thinking about getting out of here, as the coldness of my blood dripped down my warm skin, while the burning, stinging, pulsating discomfort on the right of my face kicked my ass. Taking a look she nodded, "Oh my, okay I'm going to fix that up give me a second okay. Don't touch it!"
Running over to get supplies I dizzily tilted my head over to my palm, gazing admirably at the key in my hand.
I figured she'd lean precisely close enough for me to work my mad pickpocketing skills. Mentally giving myself a round of applause, I had to quickly go back into my damsel character. "Okay Klein tilt your head this way, this is going to burn, and you're going to want to punch me in the face, I urge you not to do that, but you know if it's necessary I'll take it. Ready?"
Pouring it without a warning, the cold subsided, "AHHHH! WHAT THE FU-, WHAT THE HE-, WHY?"
Ceasing my anger, I slapped my head back down on the pillow. I wasn't ready at all. "Are you okay? You're going to be okay! I'm going to have to restitch this, hang in there Klein alright, I know it's really painful." Wiping away the blood away from the scene, she kissed my forehead, "Just shh it'll be fine." She purposefully constructed her hazel eyes to meet directly with mine, a never ending wave of love swayed back and fourth through her light irises.
Turning my head, after she held my eyes within hers like a motherly embrace, she began going to work stitching me up like a cherished art project. Skillfully, slowly, she was taking all of the time in the world to get my stitches repaired correctly, and with as much ease as possible.
Passing out during the pain I was completely out of it. Postponing my half ass plan even more. But the best part of it was, at least I had the key.
12:45 PM, my eyes shot themselves open in a hurry, searching around me to see if the coast was clear, I unlocked the cuffs. Jumped out of that unruly sheet of glass, they called a bed, and was on my way out. It was a bit easy getting passed the guard, he was fat, sleeping, and unaware. Perfect timing, perfect encounter, with the perfect person. Crazily searching around along the hall, I knew that the fight was supposed to be happening soon if it wasn't at lunch they would choose dinner, either way, I had to get to Waylon.
Grabbing the guards badge, and keys I rushed my way down. Unlocking the doors, and swiping key cards, I was feeling pretty confident.
"No no no no, that is not what we discussed, and you know that!" The accent, the mid deep voice, it was him. Freezing in my tracks I backed into a wall, as I listened. He seemed angry, wasn't anything new he always was, but this was a different kind of angry, he was truly disappointed with the outcome of events. My heart was quickening within my chest, I placed a hand over it, in hopes of calming it down.
The other voice was quiet, whispering almost, trying to smooth over the misunderstanding with Clive. "You are getting sloppy, things are happening too quickly, and not going smoothly as they were before. Fucking fix it, or I will, and that will end with me eliminating you completely out of the picture. Do you understand me?"
"Yes. I do."
"Good, now when Mason gets around to talking to you, say exactly what I told you to say. Because that boy can see right through people, and he will become a major problem. I love my son, but he is a pain in the ass. I want my money, Clive. Handle this, disaster. The fight? The kid? Rack in as much as you can, I have a feeling this will be fairly exciting. Mason!"
Shit. Waiting as time ticked away, I looked anxiously for an out. "Hey, uh I'm heading to the lab, check out the results of the autopsy for Hovy from last Sunday. Wanna ride down there together?"
The sour tone in his voice made me want to strangle him, "uh, um yeah, sure why not son, Clive thank you for cooperating, if we have any further questions I'll be sure to give you a call. Take care." Their joint footsteps headed straight for my direction, I slithered in a wide crack, of the corridor. Walking by without a notice, Mason carried on with his father, but there was no sign of Clive.
"That guy gives me the geebees, Mike says-,"
"Mike is a sorry little dumbass. And I can't stand it when you bring him up Mason. Cut it out."
"He's my blood. And I can't stand it how you continually put him down like he is nothing, all he is trying to do is piece his life together. He's been through hell dad, cmon!"
"You're always searching for the good in people. It'll be the very reason you will get killed." He said as if it were a threat, rather than a piece of genuine advice. I cringed at the thought of seeing Mason dead.
"While you're always digging for the bad. I'll never understand you." Mason was truly disturbed by his father's comments, disgusted ultimately with him being beside him he sped up his pace.
"We weren't put here to understand Mason. You can't unwrap everyone's intentions, or pick them apart like a crime scene. Questions are meant to be answered, and questions are meant to be unanswered. What's the point in even complaining about it? You already know this!"
I knew Mason was storming off away from his father, that left brow of his reaching the level of heaven, and his lip cradled between his teeth in frustration. Fading in the distance the footsteps became of nothing, I kept my place a bit longer for insurance.
Breathing securely now, I came out of my hiding discreetly. Keeping light on my feet to avoid making a sound, I stopped. There was a creek on the tile floors that I knew wasn't caused by me.
The silence was thrown back in hopes to sway me into continuing, but I didn't I remained frozen still. Hoping that the sound was just a sound and not anyone else. I waited, I listened closely, but there again was nothing to convince me that I could be caught so I took a step forward. But instantly was slammed back, "So you've finally gotten out of that clinic, glad you did my job for me. Made it much more easier to be exact, come on, before we miss the show."
Placing a plastic bag over my head, I writhed like a bug being tortured before being killed. Breathing in plastic, as I suffocated helplessly, struggling to get out of his grasp, he picked me up. I continued to kick, and punch at him but landed not a damn one. I was useless, and that was killing me more than, this stupid bag.
Present day
My blood trickled down my face, decorating it like it were some masterful piece of work. Articulately layered with new drops, and old spills, splattered all about my clothes, and my neck. My breath left me, heaving, and wheezing, I placed a hand on my back and another on the concrete wall, as I willed myself up.
My knees almost breaking out from under me as I piled my weight on top of them.
"This is a fight you are going to lose Klein, you and I both know. There isn't anyone here to save you now, no Marko, no MeKe, or Ronn, Sasha, Mason, or Mike. I'd be surprised if God even saves a demonic abomination like you." Pulling my hair, and dragging me on the cement, I allowed it, as I watched my blood skid on the floor staining it with my uncleanliness.
I don't know where I lost myself along the line, but I was beat. I was tired, I was more tired of fighting if anything else. The whole point of this was giving myself up, but as I laid there, my heart didn't even fight to beat anymore. My lungs collapsing with every impact of physical contact, my eyes could barely open.
But, Vindango wasn't so far from my current predicament. He was exhausted, I could feel it. Laughing at him, my ribcage stabbed my insides relentlessly. Immediately turning to my side to spit out my coughed up blood, I hopped on my knees. "How's your brother doing Klein? I heard he's taking a hiatus from the acting world, and going back to his roots, the hoop, the court, the beloved game of basketball. Read it in the tabloids, I rarely believe such things, but since I haven't seen him in his award winning movies lately, I can only assume it is true."
Kicking me back down, I gritted my teeth, internally I was bleeding a river. The coughing never ceasing as he continued to talk. "I'm a big fan of Dayton Lang, the basketball player, turned to an Oscar, and Emmy winning actor, I'm sure you're proud of your brother. I know mommy and daddy Masthers are proud of him too. I had a feeling he'd amount to much bigger things, than you'd ever will from the moment I saw him. He had that what do you Americans call it, spunk. The kid had spunk, potential. A promising future has always been destined for him, and I can say the same to you. Say Klein, isn't Dayton in Miami today for an event? Oh yes that is right, an interview, saw it on the headliners this morning. Dayton Lang, tells all, about relationships, his latest projects, and how he became to be one of America's most influential stars. He's doing pretty good for himself, it's too bad one of us are going to miss it." Angrily kicking me repeatedly, I silently winced.
Now snatching me up to his height, a destructive collision of his fist and my face, caused me to fumble forward. A sharp uppercut to the chin threw my head back into his palm, as he happily banged my head over, and over again into the cement. "You really thought that Ronn would stop what's coming? That having MeKe, and Marko take Myranda to safety can prevent me from ripping her heart out as she watched it beat before she froze herself in death Klein? YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME? ALL OF THIS TIME YOU WERE PLANNING, YOU WERE SCHEMING, I KNEW EVERY BIT OF IT!" Laughing, Vindango held me tightly in a headlock, making sure I seen the mall across the street of us. "Before I kill you physically Klein, I'm going to kill internally. You used to be steps ahead of me, how does it feel to be the one behind hmm? Look."
His voice tore through my eardrums like a knife through a sheet. "Dayton." I thought out loud, tightening his grip, I could feel him smile behind me.
"Now now, Klein. That is entirely up to you, the bullet is precisely named for one of your most prized possessions. You're like a little boy, scared, you're shaking, why so stressed? This wasn't apart of the plan? I know. Don't we all just hate it when that happens? I'm giving you the choice to save hmm, 1 out of 3. Choose wisely Klein, which one of your little bitches do you care about the most? Would you take the dive for to save them from a bullet? I don't know, you tell me. It's anyone's ticket to bite Klein, it all comes down to you, and how fast you can run," Letting me go, Vindango shoved my dying body to the ground, struggling to get back up. I fell back down again.
"C'mon Klein, get up! Get up Klein!"
8 years ago
"Klein, get up! Get up Klein!" Groaning, at my headache, and the stitches on the side of my face, I propped my eyes open, slowly blinking away the tiredness. There was a loud multitude of voices cradling my gentle ears roughly. I wanted to cover them, but as I attempted to raise my hands, I found that I was being restrained. Handcuffed to a fence to be exact.
Freaking out, I stupidly twisted, and griped to try to pry my hands out of the metals grasp. "Ugh!" Banging my head on the surface behind me, my blood boiled. The sun was falling down on me hard, as the sweat stung every open wound I had. Burning me through and through, as it cooked me in its basking heat filled glory I cursed it.
"Everybody quiet!" A single voice, a single sentence, and it quieted the voices instantly, realizing they weren't inside my head, I searched around me paranoid. "We have entertainment for you tonight! One you can't find anywhere on ESPN or HBO! And of course you're not going to be able to find it any where else but here! because IN HERE WE DONT HAVE BOUNDERIES! BUT WE HAVE ONE RULE AND ONE RULE ONLY! " The shouting began again, as my brain bounced busily against my skull rocking around to the motions of the unpleasant vibrations, that echoed throughout my ears. I cringed, as the riot only got louder. "YOU KNOW HOW THINGS GO IN HERE! YOU EITHER HOLD YOUR GROUND,"
"OR GET PUT IN IT!" They hollered back.
"RAMAPAGE! RAMPAGE, RAMPAGE, RAMPAGE!" Continually shouting the over cliched nickname, I spotted Waylon. Next to him Marko, trying to comfort him and pep him up as well. But he already knew that Waylon didn't stand a chance, he wasn't a fighter.
"Waylon." I managed to let out among the annoying screaming and cheering. Catching his attention he sported the biggest smile, and I couldn't help but smile back. Running to me, Marko followed him, fighting through big tough bodies, and frail ones, short, fat, tall, and skinny ones they reached me.
"Klein. Are you alright? I thought you were dead."
"No, haha unfortunately not yet. Where are we?" I mumbled. It didn't even look like we were in the same building, and that was quite obvious, we were in a vacated space out in a field. That was decorated with stale blood, broken teeth, and satanic souls. Encouraging heartless murder, and torture. It disturbed me. Bleachers covered by hundreds of bodies, as they all surrounded a cement pit. With a ring cut around into a box, with metal bars. Rusted with the wear and tear of rain, and the constant pollution of blood, sweat and tears.
"Hell. A hell beyond hell. "Waylon replied nonchalantly, his eyes set in a place that was farther than fear itself.
And I felt his uncertainty, his compliance with his situation, he had no plan in fighting he wasn't going to allow Marko or me to fight for him. He was going to walk into that ring, and willingly die, for no absolute reason.
Wasn't happening. "WHITE BOY!" Startling Waylon he froze, instantly hugging me, and Marko he stood up.
"Thanks for being my friends guys. I wish we could've met each other at a place that wasn't kiddie prison. Haha well,"
"ME. I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM." Taking the words right out of Marko's mouth, Waylon fell to his knees.
"Klein you can't do this please, your little brother needs you. I'm okay with this, let me go!" But I couldn't, because I never let things go. Pushing him to the ground, Clive came with an ax, and swung it up high. "NO YOU CAN-," Waylon cried, so over the bullshit with the people that infested this establishment I didn't even bother to flinch, when he drove the bloodied weapon down. Detaching the cuffs from the fence, setting me free. Relieved of the use of my hands, I stood up.
"I can't wait to see you splattered amongst the ground. It'd be a pretty sight, and don't worry they'll be joining you soon." Motioning to Marko and Waylon, I grimaced.
His empty threats were fueling me, with a raging anger that I needed. The cheers were sound again, booing and middle fingers were thrown my way, as Clive escorted me to the pit, where Sebastian stood. With his shirt off, and his bald head shining in the setting sun, I shrugged. I looked around intaking the sight of them, the already dead and gone souls, deep into the heart of this pit already, but they lived.
They cheered, as their goodness dwindled, and faded away into the dark oblivion of death. "Here are the rules. You get the chance to kill him, do it. You spare a life, you lose yours. Understand?"
Nodding he spit onto the ground, smiling as he stared at me, and everyone shouted his name. I just looked at him, because I had no idea how this was going to end, but I was finally here. And if I did this, kill someone, in return of it i'd be saving another. My heart was beating in front of me, pulsating in its bloody beautiful gore. Urging me to get a hold of my myself as I unknowingly nodded to the the word,"Fight." Initiating the Devils calling for my soul.
I balled my fist and under my breath I mumbled. "I really hope you help him lord." Charging after me, as the ground shook, I stumbled forward, prepared to collide my knuckles into his skull.
Present day
"Let's see how fast you can run, "
Achingly standing to my feet I rose.
Zooming through my skin, burning its presence through my organs, as it passed me through, he finally earned my scream. "Ahhh!" Arching my back to its damaging effect, I nearly fell back down to the ground. Fighting myself, my bloody saliva slapped against my chin. As I silenced my cries. "With the eleventh bullet you took for me, in your back. Go, Klein go!"
Shuddering in my pain, I sloppily ran. Trying to pack as much speed as I could I wanted to tell myself to stop. I wasn't going to get to them in time, I failed myself, I failed them. Stopping traffic as I dragged across the street to the mall. The thought flashed through my mind of Ronn and Dayton unexpectedly being bombarded with the sound of bullets.
Coming completely defenseless, it was safe to say that Vindango had me. The admission to my judging conscious made me want to fall to my death just then but I trekked along."Ah. Shit." I healed over, the torturous feeling was weakening me, but I couldn't let it slow me down, if I could at least warn Ronn.
Deep down I knew I wasn't going to be able to save them. Vindango has prepared for all of the people I cared the most about to die. And once he has that set in motion there was no such thing as heroism. It was set in stone, it was unchangeable, reaching the entrance, I lazily opened the heavy door. Grunting in my agony, I tripped over my broken leg. Choking on my blood, I quickly tried to steady my crazed breathing, as I battled this discomfort.
There was clapping. And so many bodies, it was frustrating. "Fucking hell, move!" I screamed, pushing and shoving my way, to get to the heart of everyone's attention, Dayton. Through the midst of my pain, I heard my brother's laugh, pleading that this wasn't going to be the final time I got to hear such a heavenly thing I hurried. "My parents rarely approve of my relationships. Haha I think that it's mainly because they only want the best for me. And truly I believe that's how most parents are, they're so protective and loving, I find it quite comforting that I can't go on a date with a girl without my mother calling me twenty times asking me every single question about her besides her social security number."
I spotted Ronn, standing at the edge of the stage, posted up watching his and Dayton's surroundings closely. Feeling a solid wetness over my hands, I glanced down, my blood pouring out of me like a fountain. Staggering, and swaying backwards my head grew light. The blood spilling over the marble flooring slowly, catching my mind again I noticed two girls standing on both sides of me looking in the same direction, the blood on the floor, and my deathly state."Oh my god, ar- are yo-you ok-,"
The sound that stole away my heart, blew through the glass windows, shattering them remorselessly. It took me a second to look up, I already knew I was too late. Their screams ricocheted like the very bullets being fired, and just out of no where. Everything was immensely quieted, everyone running passed me, bumping into my destroyed body, racing and rushing for safety as another round of bullets were shot.
My eyes still remained low. Afraid that if I raise them I'd see a sight I've been terrified of, a nightmare that had come true. "Klein! Klein!" I heard him screaming, but for some reason my body wouldn't budge, as if in some sick odd way it was protecting me.
But I forced myself to look up. And there he was, dangling in his arms, barely breathing. Ronn continually screaming my name, he loaded his gun. Shooting it into the direction of the shots that were fired he landed them precisely, the body falling to its demise, I listened as it fell "Klein, Dayton! They-,"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Go." I stated calmly. His tears running down his face, he let out a loud cry, and screamed at me. Ignoring it, I picked up my feet and began walking. And just like he always did I could already feel Ronn fixing up his words to fight my plea. But I kept my peace as I saw Dayton, coughing, on his blood helplessly. "Ronn, go before the police come, and you along with me get arrested. Don't do anything stupid, blend in with the crowd and quickly get your ass out of the sight of everyone. GO RONN! NOW!"
I couldn't lose him too, and as he fell to his knees to say his goodbyes to Dayton he left. His footsteps blaring loudly in the empty premise. Still avidly coughing I jogged to my baby brother, picking his near lifeless body in my arms I stared at him."Hey day boy, how ya feeling?" I forced the words out of my mouth like a bulimic trying to rid themselves of the sinful taste of pizza.
"I-I'm alright. You said y-you weren't going to come." Smiling he stared at me with his grey eyes, as they faded of his beautiful life. Falling out of my eyes in a rush, Dayton lifted up a hand to swipe the salted tears away from my bloodied face. "What are you crying for? We don't say goodbye remember."
"This is all of my fault. And I'm so sorry, but I'm going to get you help." Starting to lift him up he stopped me.
"No, no. Stop," falling again to my knees, I defeatedly laid him back down. The bullet holes in his abdomen, pouring his precious blood all over the black stage, and me. "I'm okay with this, I got to see you again, I got to meet your beautiful daughter. To see you smile, I saw Ronn and Reeko. I accomplished my goals, Klein. Let me go." Coughing heavily now, I just looked at him, dumbfounded.
I never let things go. Struggling to find a way to breathe again, I shushed him. The more he talked the faster he was going to die. And I wanted to prevent the latter with all of my might. "Promise me something."
Sniffling like a little bitch I nodded,"Okay what?"
"Be there for K.C. Find a way, to be her dad, so she can see how amazing you are Klein. Give her the chance to see the good of you, and not all of this bad everyone is saying in the news, okay?" Normally I'd think things like this through before I ever thought of considering a promise, but since I was running out of time, I muttered,
"Alright I promise." I swore, as I bled out right along with him, leaning my head back on the seat behind me, my breaths began to hitch within my throat.
"G-good. Now stop crying, saying goodbye to me like you're planning to never see me again."
Angry at the fact that he was completely calm through my pain and suffering as if he were betraying me I lifted my head off of the chair and stabbed my eye contact straight through his. "You're the one saying goodbye to me Dayton, stop acting like this is okay. It isn't! I'm going to kill Vindango, I swear I will Dayton. Stay awake, please just-, Dayton." His eyes were fluttering gracefully shut, as I shook him hoping he'd shoot his eyes back open so that I may see the light that guides my soul. "Day." Completely closed in no return of opening again I let my head fall to his corpse. Letting out a soft cry I pulled away from him, kissing his forehead and giving him one last hug I forced my aching body to stand again.
Hearing their heavy boots, and protective equipment, jingle, and stomp, I kept my back turned to them. As I raised my hands above my head, and slowly dropped to my knees for the last and final time.
My good old friend made his way to me, slapping the cuffs on me, my eyes strained themselves on the sight of my little brother, dead before me. The scenery numbing me to the core, I mindlessly listened to him speak." Klein Masthers you are under arrest for 1st degree murder, the selling and distribution of illegal drugs, fleeing arrest from a federal officer," Zoning out the list of my committed crimes, Mason continued, "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights that I have just read to you?" Helping me up concerned, Mason whispered in an indiscreet voice. "I am so sorry Klein."
Closing my eyes the only sight I saw besides my standard darkness was Dayton. And without hope that one day I would close them and see anything besides him lifeless, a stray tear streamed down my dirty cheek. As my body was whipped around to the world, walking me carefully to the exit of the mall and away from my dead brother, I could feel the relief of the people.
As the cameras flashed in my face, and the astonished looks of my appearance. Some were angry, and some were frightened, as the fire department, began to clear the scene. The two teenaged girls looked at me upset, their brown eyes similar, as they tugged onto one another. And with the sight of Mason they grew afraid, figuring they know one another I turned my glance else where. The ground.
Preparing to hand me off to the medical professionals I resisted,"Klein you're,"
Cutting Mason off I shrugged. My serenity with the predicament baffled him, as he stared confused, worried, and angry, his eyes were a storm of raging emotions, that he was fighting off helplessly. "Fine." He exclaimed defeatedly, he carefully secured me in the car, took a second to talk to his partner, got in himself, and drove away.
Leaning on the window, I watched as the people, the cars, the flashing of lights, and the death of my brother clouded my vision like a dream.
But my heart was so broken I didn't even try to lie to myself claiming that this was all a dream.
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