Chapter 2
Klein Masthers
Such an evil emotion, a pestering thought, its as sickening as a cancerous tumor. It consumes you into a black hole of nothing but sadness, and anger.
Because if I could take away every bad thing, just so that I could change this. I would.
The smell of chlorine soaked my nostrils, and inflamed my over used lungs. The fast food from some New Mexican place Ronn stopped by, continued to get colder, and colder as I mindlessly glared at it, like it were going to pick it's ass up and fly into my mouth. I wasn't hungry, I couldn't eat, nor sleep, all I could think about was how I was going to get myself the hell out of this.
Without losing the lives of the very people I cared about. Hell even mine.
This world taught me to be selfish. To take everything before me and make it my own, damn a person, damn a dog. Whatever it took to get there, is what it took there aren't any in betweens there's no half ass.
It's only survival of the fittest.
Cliche I know, but it is such an old term to describe the shity way people fuck each other over, kill, steal, manipulate, and influence. Romanticizing the ugly truths of what the world is like, and what it's going to continue to be like for generations to come.
When I jumped off that building, I got shot twice, one bullet through my knee, the other my shoulder blade. It's been almost a week, but it still hurt like hell. Agitated I poked at the burrito, frozen.
"Vindango probably has about over a hundred men waiting at every corner in every city. That's too risky." Ronn slammed the styrofoam cup onto the table. I remained silent while looking out of the window, there was no point in ransacking our brains we all know how this was going to play out.
Zeroed in on the absolute view of nothing, I gnawed at my bruised knuckle.
8 years ago.
"Hey Klein, look!" Hesitant I kept my eyes on the blunt that I was rolling, Ronn was a complete moron when he was high, which is a part of the reason I always cut him short on the passes. It was 7:35 PM, Dayton was still in Basketball practice, and as usual I was stuck on ass watch duty with Ronn. I guess it wasn't that bad, we could both get high, as we waited since both of our little brothers were in there sweating their guts out.
Sports never were for me. I could play, I just chose not to. They irritated me, because I hated losing, at anything honestly. I find competition in anything which actually surprises me, because it happens unexpectedly, I just think I'm better at everything, okay I don't think, I know. Think you can walk to the bathroom faster than me? Well bitch I'll trip you, give you a wedgie, pull your underwear over your head, and latch you onto the door handle just so that you can hold it while I take a leak.
I'm more than terrible I know.
I scare my mother, which is actually surprising, taking it to where as she's Asian, and Asian parents are just... terrifying. Falling into detail would require some in depth explanation, that by which I'm not going to do.
Ronn kept pacing back and fourth, I stared at him, "Will you sit down? You're making me nervous, and I don't like being nervous." I protested reasonably, with a toothpick planted in my mouth it tilted, and waved about as I finished rolling up.
Mocking me with an ugly facial expression, he sat down beside me on the sidewalk. "You're an idiot you know that? What if the cops just happen to pass by?"
"Then I'd stick this joint in your mouth, douse your pockets with these grams, and casually walk on by, like I didn't know you, jack ass."
Dumbfounded, Ronn tried to analyze my statement. "Don't you even try this shit Ronn."
"Try what?" He pleaded with that squeaky voice of his. I raised an eyebrow, and replaced the toothpick with my Hail Mary, lighting it up like a birthday candle, and oh did it sparkle like a beautiful diamond in the sky. I like the taste of a fresh rolled one, it was comforting, like a warm blanket in the middle of a buck ass winter.
It didn't get that cold here in Miami, but I never really paid too much attention to the weather. Either way I'm sporting a hoodie, jeans and a pair of vans. Every now and then I'd switch it up, maybe if I'm trying to be fly I'll throw on a pair of Jay's.
I inhaled its sinfulness gracefully, holding it for good luck I intentionally didn't exhale.
"Klein." Sometimes I could just get lost in the smoke, I liked the way it swirled like a hot cinnamon roll. Just white and filled with the look of purity, but really it was toxic, poisonous. Like most people, they look good for that moment, but the second you get too close, they corrupt you, steal your soul for the victory of deceit. Killing your mind for the confirmation of their mental power they hold over you.
Controlling your body, and your emotions, because they can, and what are you going to do?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"Klein!" Choking on scene I coughed, and coughed, the force tore through the fragile walls of my throat, and blew itself off of my tongue, then into the atmosphere. My vision fuzzed by the graphic smoke, I swatted it away. "Dayton and Reeko are out, let's go!" When the smoke cleared I looked across the street, and for once Ronn was right, they were headed our way, duffle bags, and sneakers dangling over their weakened shoulders.
They were talking to each other, they weren't far but I couldn't hear them. Probably talking about what stupid middle schoolers talked about.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
But who am I? I just sit here and get high with my cousin everyday, like I don't have homework that I should be doing. Eh I'll do it later. Shrugging off the nonexistent dirt from my clothes, I patted down my pockets. Putting out the blunt, and tossing it under the cap of my hat. I looked my brother down, he looked upset, he noticed my staring and glared at the concrete as if I wasn't gona say shit to him.
"What the hell is wrong with my brother Ko?"
His green eyes popped wide open, as he nervously eyed Dayton, and in return Dayton eyed him too. "That kid fuck with you two again today? What'd I tell you to do when he started messing with you?"
"He's a high schooler, we can't kick his ass! He'd kill us!" Like the two of them standing in front of me and Ronn, we mimicked their earlier actions, and stared at each other, Ronn's eyes spoke to me, as mine whispered back.
"What's his name?" Ronn asked smiling, I knew what we were going to do, but first we had to walk them home safely. Not like the suburbs in Miami are that dangerous I just wanted to ensure that they were okay.
They both hesitated, looking at each other again to see which one was going to fess up first. "He asked what his fucking name was Dayton, answer him." I hated getting at him like that, but I had to, Dayton was too nice of a kid. More like a little wus, but that was okay I liked him that way. He didn't have to be some big bully like me, that's my job, and that is to protect him. Make his school life a smooth sailing, but little pricks these days are making it hard for him.
"Daryl Brown. He shoved me this morning, took my backpack when we were on the bus, and dumped out all of my things. Called me a little bitch and made me pick up everything that fell from my backpack. My homework flew out of the window Klein, it was due today, and I got a zero."
We stayed up all night writing that damn essay, I made sure he got it done. His school work was important to him, he loved playing basketball, so he put in his best effort to score A's on every assignment. Dayton's grey eyes held a look of sadness, and it boiled my blood I could feel the twitch in my ears the longer I stood there.
I calmed my nerves. By balling a fist and then releasing it over and over again. I am one with violent anger, but my fury scared my little brother, and I didn't like him seeing that side of me. So I took a deep breath. "Why didn't you punch him in the nuts or something Dayton? You've gotta stand up for yourself." His eyes pulled into mine, but let go by looking down again.
"He's 17, Klein." Ronn chimed in, which only made matters worse. "What the hell did you do when that happened Reeko? You supposed to have his back."
Ronn gave Reeko a thick shove, wincing and grabbing the pained arm. He sucked his teeth, and looked at Dayton, and then to me. "He did the same thing to me, what could I do Ronn?! I always have his back like you and Klein do."
Roughing up his bun, Ronn yanked his brother in a hug, and pulled Dayton in too. "We. Love. You. Guys. You know that?" His voice apologetic, and concerned.
Ronn reminded me of a Japanese version of The Rock, just with hair, a lot of it, like all of the way down his back, reaching his ass long. He always wore it in two messy French braids. Bushy naturally high arched eyebrows, and big brown eyes, Ronn's cheeks synched inwards, while his jaw line was sharper than a blade of steel. Standing at 6'2 at 17, girls poured all over him in school. Maybe it was because they knew he could make some killer sushi.
The both of them nodded, smothered by Ronn, and his big veiny biceps. Letting them go he patted them on their back backs and told them to go.
Falling back, he walked beside me."You're already plotting something." His voice rung with knowing, because he knew me that well. "He's in my 5th period history class. Hangs out with a whole bunch of those punk emo rocker kids. Probably at the park right now, playing football."
"You positive he's there right now?" I asked for surety.
With a nod yes, I started walking down the sidewalk passing by Dayton, and Reeko. "Bring ya asses, we've got somewhere to be." I hollered back, and with the sound of moving steps, we walked.
Took 5 minutes tops. And then we were in front of my grandparent's house. "Stay here until mom comes to get you guys, she asks for me and Ronn, tell her we went on a date with some girls okay?" Unlocking the door I pushed Reeko, and Dayton inside, "Find something to do, play video games or something." With that, I shut the door, not wasting anymore time, me and Ronn, headed towards the park.
Though I'm irritated because I didn't get the opportunity to finish my smoke session, I was glad. Because I can't thoroughly kick someone's ass high. That's like tossing a blind person a pair of glasses telling them to look ahead of them, like they could actually see. Idiotic. "You gona go easy?" Ronn questioned, with the expression of ease marked on his face.
"When have I ever?" I laughed, taking a corner, a shortcut to our desired destination.
My first fight was with Ronn. He stole my Red PowerRanger action figure, and then threw it in a lake, he kicked my ass at first but when I got a hang of it, I took the lead in the ass kicking. From then on Ronn and I continued to practice, of course we were beyond black belts in martial arts, we just liked to sharpen our skills.
People just continued to challenge us with their insults, and their shoves, their threats, and the bullying of our little brothers. So eventually we had to go all Jackie chan on their asses, I was 14 with the criminal background of a 42 year old man. Not everything has been documented on paper, but I knew what I did, and it wasn't always on the legal side of things.
Ronn was right there with me, which is why our Japanese side of the family disowned us. "You bring dishonor to the Sakamota family, with your crimes, and schemes, drugs, and fighting. Leave this place, never ever come back." It was my mother's 34th birthday party, when we were publicly disowned because a couple of the little brats started some shit. And me and Ronn handled things in a...dishonorable way.
Haven't seen them since. It stung my mom a bit, but she didn't care, I was her son regardless of my doings, even if she didn't approve of. She stuck by my side, my dad on the other hand can't stand it.
Tried to kill me once. I've been traumatized ever since then, I won't go near him. My mom said it was an accident, but the man had a gun pointed at my head. Threatening if I keep it up I'm going to be put in the same position.
Said he was never really going to pull the damn trigger, but I think otherwise. He could've wanted to, just chose not to. People are tricky like that, because you'll never know what their true intentions are. But I've gotten better at detecting that, especially with Ronn.
"I think we should just forget about it Klein, you get into trouble one more time their arresting your ass and throwing you in Juvy. You know I'm not going to let you do this by yourself, last time you almost got killed. Take a step back Klein." Ronn urged, we reached the park, and the entrance to the football field was being blocked, by Ronn. Standing in front of me like his pleading was really going to turn me away from getting my fists bloody.
"Get out of the fucking way." My eyes were stone cold, void of any kind of emotion. They chilled his body as he shook it off, and held his ground. But when he finally came to the realization that I wasn't backing down he gave up. He knew it'd be pointless. Which one is Daryl?" I asked, calmly.
He was scared for me. And I understood that, but I never back down from righting a wrong. Not when that wrong was against my family, I hopped the fence, and jogged down to the bleachers. Ronn carried on behind me, he wasn't ever going to leave my side, unless someone gunned him down, which was never going to happen.
Pointing to a tall built looking guy, he looked a bit strong. But I wasn't intimidated, my dad taught me that. "Nothing. No one, can scare you, but they can if you allow it. So don't."
And ever since then I haven't. I fight anyone that has the cajones to step to me. I never turned down anything, even if I do get my ass kicked.
"Woah hey guys! What're you doing here?"
"Currently trying to get away from you." I muttered soundly. Hans Braithwaite. The most annoying fucking kid I think I have ever crossed paths with, thanks to Ronn and the company he keeps besides me. Knocking my shoulder roughly Ronn cleared his throat.
"What's up Hans?" I side glared at my older cousin, he was nice...too nice. I would've buried my fist in that kids face ages ago if it weren't for Ronn protecting him all of the time. I guess you could say the two were pretty close. He was always around when I didn't want him to, asking obvious questions like a dumbass, and stating facts that no one even asked to intake knowledge of.
"Just heading home, we still up for Sunday?"
Butting in like a jealous little bitch I barked," What the hell is Sunday Ronn?"
"Going to a Miami Heat game."
"No one invited me."
"You fucking hate me Klein?"
"Oh yeah, that's right I do. I could've started liking you, but you decided not to invite me. So yeah I still hate you, you had a chance Hans. Too bad ya blew it."
"Klein!" Ronn cried, shoving me forward, "Shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes and allowed their bland conversation to continue. While I watched Daryl, running husky, and out of breath. Kid looked like he played little league his whole life, no game whatsofuckingever. So I booked my ass cross field, joining in on the game.
Running into him on purpose, I caught the ball mid-air. Doubling over, I took off. I could hear the fellow players murmur 'what the hell? And who the fuck is that?'
Well howdy do motherfuckers, I'm Klein Claytin Masthers. Don't let my beauty blind ya, I'm an Asian hybrid force to be reckoned with.
My trick was to antagonize him to the point he'd want to fight me. So I got under his skin, and I mean really deep."You're a pússy ass little bitch, cmon, come get these nuts." I could hear his friends laugh at how pitiful he looked, down droopy tired eyes. He stood with his hands on his hips, his dark skin glistening with gallons of sweat.
Through gritted teeth, he spit on the grass. Running his cleats on it aggressively, he knelt down, preparing to tackle me with all of the might he had.
I was skinny, but I wasn't scrawny, I had about 40 in muscle, wasn't much, but it was enough. He stared intently wicked, the time epically, slowing in return to this ass beating that was brewing within me ready to strike, but at the right time.
Determined, he ran towards me, I held my ground, it would take him half a minute to get to me. That by which, I will shake him down, and swirl behind him. And that by plan, happened so accurately it was stunning, pummeling onto the kept grass. He grunted, and tackled me, "Who the hell are you?"
"Awh you suck camel dicks at playing football so now you're angry, want my address too? What are you going to do call my mom?"
With a wide hand, he planted it hard across my face.
Now I was going to wait this out, but then.
He slapped me. This bitch...just slapped me.
So I clocked him one straight in the throat. Instantly giving his undivided attention to trying to breathe again, I kneed him in his sack. Getting back to my feet Daryl was hurled over, and as I watched him hold on to his throat wheezing, I remember what my cousin and my little brother told me.
My fire was ultimately lit. It set heated blazes to my core and sent me on an uncontrolled, unstoppable rampage.
I was going to knock out every single last one of his teeth, and force him to pick them up.
One by one.
Like a bitch.
Pulling him up by his shirt, my head collided with his forcefully. Returning back to his low position, I could hear the screams, and the panic as I stuck my shoe so far into his face I felt his bones shatter at exact impact.
But after a while, I couldn't hear anything. All I focused on was my anger, I didn't care about this kid, or what kind of excruciating pain I was causing him. Because I wanted him to feel like nothing, the way he made my family feel.
My emotions weighed more than my common sense.
And that fact still remained the same.
Present day
"Did you just hear anything? That. I. Just. Said. Klein?"
Blinking away my days old sleepiness. I nodded. Ronn was shirtless, almost every inch of him covered in some sort of ink.
"Then what the hell did I just say?"
I shook my head and landed it inside my palms. "Dammit man I don't know."
"You don't know? You want me to pack my shit and leave your ass here to deal with all this alone."
My head shot straight up, "You know what? Fuck you! You're not gona go anywhere when K.C and my parents are still here. You're cold hearted but you know damn well you'd never turn your back on them. No matter how pissed you are at me. Stop spitting shit that has no value."
My head slid right back down to its resting state. "I just want to hear her voice."
"Calling that house is dangerous Klein, they'll discover your family. Every fucking thing is tapped right about now."
"Did she say anything when you dropped her off?" I was so desperately wanting to hear anything that could clear my mind of this funk, so I could think clearly.
This wasn't me. I'd never let it get this far without me taking charge and showing everyone that I am forever going to remain above them.
But right now? My face is being planted on every tv screen, my name is being broadcasted nationwide on every radio station, social media. And since K.C only plays with her dolls, I was hoping my parents didn't have her anywhere near anything that could possibly trigger her to say 'daddy.'
I was in some deep deep quick sand, and I'm drowning every second.
"She kept asking for you. Cried a few times, threw a tantrum kicked the shit out of me. Threw a few punches, bit me. So I just held her until she stopped, fell asleep, angry and all. She's a tough one, sure doesn't give up without a fight. Just like her mother, and just like her father." Ronn took a deep sigh, and took a seat next to me. Giving me a slight pat on the back he shoved me.
"I know you're planning on turning yourself in." My cousin sadly admitted, his voice was filled with accepting disappointment. I feared the 'this isn't you Klein.' Speech but he just said simply, and straightforward. "You're an idiot. Why the fuck would you ever...ever! Think about giving yourself up, they will shoot you, the second you put you hands in the air, they will execute you, every single badge on the force will empty their barrel. And I swear Klein, you know I won't let that happen. So if you need some inspiration to get that great mind of yours cooking. Speak now, because we're going to figure this out, together. No matter fucking what you got me?"
I hesitated,"I said Klein you got me?"
Tilting up, I balled a fist. Ronn did the same, bumping it in unison I replied, "I got you, as long as you got me."
Smiling, with both his eyes and his mouth, he confirmed, "To the grey, to the old, and to the grave."
"Forever and always."
"Forever and always." Ronn repeated.
8 years ago
Some people feel accomplished when they purchase a new model of a nice car they've always wanted. Some, opening a new restaurant, hell maybe even running a mile.
The feeling of accomplishment is exhilarating, it's longed for like that one lost love. But for me.
It was being the only one of any worth. I sat beside the kid Daryl, his face barely recognizable. Probably needed medical attention, that's fine maybe somebody will get him some. I pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and just stared at him. He was still breathing, and that was good, I'm glad that other side of me didn't kill him. His eyes blinked slowly, as he swallowed, I could only imagine how painful that was.
"Dayton Masthers and Reeko Sakamota. You know them?" I asked taking a long drag of the cigg, in waiting for his response.
Took a minute, but he nodded a long yes, "You know who I am?" Again shaking his head no, I continued. "My name is Klein, Klein Masthers, I'm a freshman. I go to your school. Now would you care to tell me your name?" I already knew it, but I wanted to test the waters to make sure he was okay enough to talk. I had a heart.
Spitting blood, he began to cough. Sticking the cancer stick in between my lips. Giving him a pat on the back, I sat him up, allowing him to lean on me. In the distance I could hear a dozen sirens going off, I suppose they were coming for me. But that's okay, didn't bother me much.
"Da-da-Daryl B-brown." He struggled, I looked ahead of me, intaking the beauty of the green field. The setting sun, perfecting the scenery with its captivating level within the horizon.
Blowing the smoke, I watched it swirl a unique pattern, I smiled at the sight of it. The police sirens were getting closer, and I just continued this conversation with Daryl, I think he was enjoying it. "Do you know the real reason as to why you were blessed with this civil ass beating Daryl?"
Shaking his head profusely, I took a puff of the cigarette, "Because you're a bitch." I stated wholeheartedly.
The sirens finally met their end, as I heard police officers exit their vehicles and pursue me. I could hear Ronn in the distance, screaming my name. He was probably pissed, and I understood. But I did something wrong, and I never have any problems with righting any wrongs, even if it's been done on my behalf.
"Klein?" It was Mason. An old friend, I stood up and a long with me I pulled up Daryl brown and his sunken weight.
"I think you might want to get him some help officer Mason, he doesn't look to well."
Two paramedics, took hold of the kid, and laid him out on a stretcher. I continued to smoke the cigarette, as I watched the dramatic scene. I finally turned around to meet eyes with Mason. His brown eyes contained a heavy look of, an angry sadness, one I recognized in the same irises of my father's.
The crowd remained to see the show all the way to its end. Without much of a fuss I held out my hands, preparing for the cuffs to be slapped on, and aggressively be taken to the back of his police car.
With a voice broken, he asked me a predicted question. "Why'd you do it Klein?"
"He slapped me first." I shrugged.
"Turn around." Arresting me regretfully, he swung me back to facing him. "I can't believe you. Two years, you stayed out of cuffs for two years no violation of parole, you've been clean. And now look at you, what the hell? It's simple to just let things go Klein."
"Well things shouldn't be given to me then right? I obviously have attachment issues."
"Just shut up. Move."
And so I walked the walk. I almost started to wave and smile. But then I realized that I didn't have the actual ability to wave my hand at anyone at the moment. Looking deep I found my cousin Ronn, running towards me. I could feel the ground shake, he packed so much power in such few steps with little effort.
I screamed a loud no. And I'm sure he heard me, because the ground and its shaking ceased. His long hair was no longer swaying in the dead wind, he was still. And I could see him, punching the air, angry. Because once again I took the fall for myself and only myself, without allowing him to take it for the both of us.
"I got you. As long as you got me, to the grey, to the old, and to the grave.
"Forever and always." I silently muttered to myself, as I walked accomplished. For righting two wrongs with one stone.
Present day
"Boss there's an issue. "
Instantly guns were being cocked, and pointed. Ronn and I shared glances. Jumping up, we pulled out our weapons and headed towards the surveillance room. "What's the issue Levi?" I asked while adjusting my Rolex, I looked around my surroundings.
Ronn to my right, and Reeko to my left. "An unknown vehicle pulled into the drive way."
"The person get out of the car? Look like fed? Or an enemy?"
"Sir I'm not sure." My face fell flat, as annoyance numbed me through. I hated being called sir.
"Hey Levi?"
"Do you know what my name is?" I stopped, and turned to face the kid, about a year or two younger than me. He was scared, shaking even, I eyed him down intimidatingly. "Answer me." I instructed, the rest of my entourage watched sympathetically.
"Yes, si-," The room was silent until I interrupted with the loud sound of the collision with my palm, and Levi's face.
"My name is Klein. Not sir, not boss, not Tom, not Dick, not fucking Harry. My name. Is. Klein." Still in shock his eyes widened, and his hand hovered over the now inflamed skin.
The sound of keys, and a door knob jumping, sent all 24 of my men to stand off. Lifting my gun, Ronn and Reeko were already doing the same.
I wasn't scared of many things.
But losing. Losing was my only fear. Losing my mind, my family, my way. I'll protect them with my life. Because I will never be afraid to die.
The door opened slowly. A pair of expensive leather black boots stepped lightly on the marble tiled floor. Shuffling about, the figure fully entered the house, sunglasses placed on the bridge of a nose. Protecting the persons eyes, shielding them, but not completely for what awaited their sight.
Balancing something on their side, they, finally closed the door, and took a quick glance up. Ultimately scared shitless, he dropped the arm full of groceries, and thew his hands up. "Don't shoot. If it's money you want, I got plenty of it."
"I don't need your money." Looking down I spotted a brown bag. Staring back to the man standing like he were about to evaporate into nothing I questioned him seriously." What's in the bag.
"I-Ice cream."
"Got enough to share?"
"Honestly I wasn't planning on it, but if it means keeping my life by all means stuff your faces all of you. There's like enough for everyone to at least get a scoop or two."
A smile I could recognize, even if I were blinded by a gallon of bleach, flashed across his face. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked once more, placing his sunglasses on the collar of his t-shirt. He walked closer.
"Why the hell are you even alive?" His voice was stronger, his words were sharper. Was this a joke?
Giving Ronn a look, he avoided my eye contact, and kept his piercing hazel eyes on the man before us all.
"Because I woke up this morning cursed with the blessing of breathing." I responded reluctantly. First time in years I actually see my little brother in person, and he asks me why I'm still alive. Did he hate me? Did my choices in life really affect the love he had for me? Or did my dad just fill his head with lies? I squinted my eyes at the thought.
His face was marked with unsettling surprisement, as he continued to get closer, and closer to me. Grey stoned eyes thoroughly examined mine. "I thought you were dead this whole time, until I..-,"
My gun still pointed hatefully, I lowered it. Seeing it to as he wasn't a threat the rest of the men behind me lowered theirs. "Until I saw the news a week ago."
I sunk my eyes to the floor beneath me. Punching me as hard as he could in my chest I fell backward. I coughed for air, as I felt myself cave in, a burning sensation burned me through. And then I realized how much pain I put poor little Levi through, plus the embarrassment.
Hearing guns being cocked again I ragingly slapped them out of some of their hands "You fucking shoot him, I swear to you, God will not bless you with the gift of death today. Drop your damn guns!" I violently screamed, "Leave! All of you!" The loudness of my voice made the pain in my chest grow, as I tried to pull myself back together. Ronn began to disappear, but angrily I grabbed him, and pulled him in close. "You kept this from me?"
Our eyes met, clenching his jaw, he held eye contact. Because had he had not I'd probably would've kicked his ass right here right now.
He knew I knew when he lied. So he didn't even try.
"Wait Klein, Klein!" Dayton pleaded, my fury implemented the hold I had on my cousin. My breathing heavy as my chest threw itself roughly up and down. "Klein. Let Ronn go, he's your best friend."
Pushing him away like he were vermin I raised my gun filled hand and ran it across my face, clearing the overflowing droplets of sweat. "Who told you I was dead hmm?" I looked at both Ronn and Dayton, waving my gun around pointing it back and fourth. But no one said anything, "I asked who told you that I was dead Dayton? Was it Ronn?"
"No no no. It wasn't Ronn dammit!"
"Then who was it?!" I yelled back in retaliation.
"It was dad okay!" Defeated his shoulders slumped.
My emotions froze me. Ronn looked at Dayton afraid that the truth was finally out. But Dayton just walked over to me, yanking me up into a close hug, I calmed down, instantly my raging anger left me.
My brother would always be the one to save me from myself. It's always been that way, but as I stood tangled in my brothers' embrace my father crossed my mind.
He better wait. Just wait until I see him.
"My niece is the most beautiful baby girl that I've ever seen Klein. Please make it back to her safely." My younger brother wished hopefully.
I opened my mouth to speak but shut it ultimately,"She has those soul catching eyes like you do, spotted it as soon as Ronn brung her in and claimed her as his." Again I was pissed at Ronn, but it all subsided, because I knew our minds weren't so apart from each other's as we thought.
I'd do the same. To keep my mind on track, because it's the only thing that will be the change in events. Didn't want to tell Ronn, but I already knew what I was going to do.
Letting go he slapped up Ronn, "I missed you, you Asian hulk hogan looking motherfucker! I can't believe you didn't tell me Klein was okay all these years. But that's alright I get to see him now." He turned to look at me, a cheerful smile he shown, and I just let out a small silent laugh. Remembering all of the things I did for him when he was a kid.
I went to Juvy for 4 years. I believe that was what changed my whole perspective. It was slap on the hand for all of my bad choices, but when I got out I was 18, and all I was focused on was the money and the power that was held behind it.
My father faked my death after the party incident, that left Dayton and I doing community service for a few months. He didn't look at me, didn't speak, his blazing eyes of flames hated me with a new reason every second, every minute.
The same very man that instilled to love, protect, and to stick together through whatever, family will always come first. Killed me. Turned his back. And buried me, hell deep, for no return, yeah Dayton punched me pretty damn hard, but my chest was no longer in pain because of it.
Inside my heart was crumbling just as my mind, only my mind was going down faster.
Dayton and Ronn, lovingly continued with their conversation, and I just watched trying to clear my mind of the toxic waste. A pat on my shoulder and a slight whisper in my ear drove my attention away from them. "Klein, you got a phone call."
Alarmed, I kept my peace and asked,"From who?"
"Says its V."
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