Chapter 11
I watched his movies over and over again, but even though he was walking, and talking, laughing, smiling. He wasn't here, he wasn't real, he was pretending to be somebody else, he wasn't my Dayton, he was Dayton Lang.
Dayton Masthers was killed, and Dayton Lang will continue to live in those movies, those tv shows, and all of those basketball games. Posters, collectibles, he left a legacy.
And all I'm left with is the thought of him. I had my brother, I had him for the first time in years, but I lost him. Mason was right when he said this was my fault. All of this is my fault, but I'm going to set things right. I had to.
Keeping my eye on Mason, I smiled. "You know my favorite show to watch as a kid officer Velez, was The Justice League. I liked the Martian Man Hunter more than anyone else. He was different, he was more of a shadow to the big guys. You know Batman, Superman, Green Lantern."
"What's your point?" He darted out annoyed. Intrigued I kept pushing.
"Well I think we've got off on the wrong foot. You think I'm a monster and I just think you're irrelevant. You're obviously not well liked by anyone in this van. And I'm attempting to try and reconcile, I came off a bit rude, you know trying to bite you and all. About that breath joke though, I meant 98.9 percent of it, but I'm sure that Mason wouldn't mind giving you a mint or ten."
Rolling his pale brown eyes, he puffed a breath from his cigarette. "It's inconsiderate to smoke in a closed area, someone could have asthma."
"Yeah well I hope it's you so you could choke to death. And then for once in your pointless little life you'd shut the hell up." Watching him inhale the sin, I laughed at him. As I imagined that same exact cig falling into the back of his throat and burning his insides through. That'd be a pretty interesting sight
Ugh, so morbid. Cut it out Klein.
"Watch it." Mike warned, taking a quick once over of him suited up I nodded. From my Juvy days until now he always had my back, I'd lay down my life a million times, I'd endure a burning volcano if it meant risking my life for his. And I don't expect him to do the same, but he would.
"Put it out Velez."
"Wined down the gotdamn window."
"Put out the fucking cigarette."
"Or what are you going to do? Pull over the truck and make me? You and your brother are Klein's little bitches, and it's such a sad sight to see."
"I suppose it is a good thing to be my bitch, you get good dick, and you're guaranteed a lifetime warranty of my loyalty. Which, trust me officer Velez is great, because I come in handy. I suppose you'll understand what I mean by that in a few. One thing I would like for you to know is, you're not going to make it to that prison. Not alive at least. But they will."
I felt the warmth of his blood heighten as it boiled. Still puffing the cigarette of his, Abriel began coughing harshly. Mason pissed off slapped the hell out of his hand, causing the thing to drop slowly. Stomping on it with the heel of his boot, Mason glared at Velez.
"So what is this? You're all just going to gang up on my partner? For the felon? Where's your integrity of the badge men?"
Karmer. Not even noticing his presence next to me, I almost bucked an elbow straight into his throat. Turning amused, I smiled. I hated the both of them, liars, rapists, and snitches.
I knew them, quite well. I've had my share of numerous encounters with them. I've always imagined putting multiple clips into their hideous meat suits. But that was when I worked for Vindango, when I was forced to be cordial for the sake of the job.
I don't work for Vindango anymore. Which means their lives to me truly meant nothing. I had a strong feeling they'd be put on my transfer, and to much of their luck they're trapped in a van with me. Two out of us six are going to be very uncomfortable.
Nine times out of ten, Vindango called for Valenciaga. A Spanish hitman, Sasha and I worked with when we killed a few US Congressman in Italy. They were against backing Vindango's older brother Thomas, by voting on the passing of a law, they deemed unorthodox.
Beats me now, I forgot what exactly that law was, and why I put three bullets in Jory Filban's skull.
Sasha clipped 1, in Natasha's chest, she didn't really want to over kill, she had no hate against them. But at the time Thomas was family, and if anyone crossed him, they were disrespecting me.
Loyalty, heh, look where that got me.
Smiling at Karmer next to me, he got it boiling in his guts to start with me. "What are you smiling at punk? You're going to jail for the rest of your life, taking it from some macho, like a bitch. I can't believe you think after all of these years you weren't going to get caught! I know it's true, the saying every dog has their day, and I can't wait to get the call that you finally keeled over. You're nothing Klein, and neither was your brother, shitty actor, shitty basketball player, your family and entire existence is just useless."
"Ohhh! Is that how you feel now? I think I might drop a couple of teaspoons of vinegar down my cheeks in hopes to bring some sort of tears to my eyes. Hahaha, oh man, Mason he's hilarious, don't you think so?"
Velez rolled his eyes, I wanted to knock them out of his skull, but in time. In time.
Mason just studied my hints here and there, I hope he didn't miss the one where I told him that I was going to kill them today.
Because at some point, either the truck before us, or behind us is going to get blown up, causing some action between the police force, and well the other party. Whilst these two dumb cases are going to try and take out, me, Mason, Mike, and Abriel. Stupid really, but hey Vindango likes attention.
This wasn't a hit on me, it was on Mason. Why? Well one: he's a gotdamn cop, and two: he's the only one that can tie him to the Hensen Massacre.
Shot a family and a multitude of their friends at a birthday party, death toll 30.
Not including some of V's men, no one was exactly expecting some of them to have guns. And why was their death so important to Mason? Because those were his in laws, and among those with unexpected guns, was none other than Mason, and Khai.
Watching my ass by trying to protect them by all costs, I managed to knock them out. Hilayna was hysterical, and as I made sure the others got what exactly what we came there for I watched her cradle her parents as they bled to death.
At that very moment, I questioned what exactly I was doing, why I was doing it, and lastly was it worth it? Especially when I saw V hold up a painting. Happy.
4 years ago
I smelled their blood as if I were a shark, hunting precisely for a years worth of flesh. It was vile, and as I watched her voice swell with sadness I wanted to hug her. She cared for me, and I allowed her family to be brutally killed. "Isn't it beautiful?" She forcefully pulled her eyes from the image of red, and to Vindango.
It looked stupid. I clenched my jaw in anger. I wanted to yell at him, but Hilayna would recognize my voice without even thinking. So instead, I knelt down to her level. But before I could even do anything she spit at me.
Why..did she have to spit at me? Withholding the will from shooting her in the leg I wiped it off angrily. "Vindango? How could you do this? I've saved your life so many times, and you've taken my family's for a painting? How can you be so cold? How can you kill innocent people?"
Feeling the coldness of his stiff words, I froze. "Because you're not innocent. Your family is not innocent. That is why they are dead. And yes you've saved my life, which is why I've spared yours. Let us go."
Standing back to my height I grimaced, I didn't believe that Hilayna wasn't innocent. The woman couldn't hurt a fly, let alone Vindango. Lifting her up she fought me, and I wanted to let her know it was me, that I wasn't going to hurt her. But she cried, and she battered her fists into me sadly, angrily. "When you are finished we will meet you in the trucks, don't take long Klein."
She went buck shit crazy.
Frantic I dropped her, hitting her head on the patio chair she went out like a light. I was hoping she'd forget what she heard, but I knew she wouldn't forget the gruesome scene she was forced to bare witness to.
Hopping over the dead bodies I managed to make it with the others.
Knocking Vindango on his ass, everyone drew their guns. "You're telling me you're going to sell me out? Why the hell am I even wearing this fucking mask! If I wanted her to know it was me I would've left it IN THE TRUCK! People have been killed for a painting? YOU HAD ME SHOOT A MAN FOR A UGLY ASS PAINTING?"
Snatching out the the guns from their holsters I held them both high and strongly. "Everyone drop your weapons." They did, but Vindango knew that I wasn't. Oddly relaxed, he rolled his broad shoulders and stepped closer to me. "This painting, resembles distaste, but it is worth more than my life. You like to read, so remind me of that saying? Don't judge a book by its cover?" Shoveling me roughly, he grabbed my gun and pointed it to my temple. Mine reaching the same I eyed him down.
"If you would have put a bullet into her skull Klein I wouldn't have told her your name. Consequences, and since she's hit her head, she won't remember you anyway. Now get in the car, I'm hungry. And I am not in the mood to fight with you brother. Load up."
Letting up the gun, he backed away. "The next time you put a gun to me, I will shoot you." I declared ragingly. Smiling, he dropped the cartridge in his hand.
"I know. And for your sake I pray that it is a shot to kill."
"Don't push me, I ain't Jesus but I damn sure will answer that prayer."
"Alright alright, I believe you. Can we go now Klein?" Reluctant, I looked back over my shoulder at the house. I feel bad for Mason, Khai, and Hilayna for what they were about to wake up to. The nightmare they thought was just a harmless dream, is actually their reality.
Apologizing I took off the mask, and hopped in the truck. "Fine." I murmured agitated.
Present day
Inside that painting was a deed. A deed that belonged to his great grandmother, in the early 40's. It was over 2,000 acres of land, in the woods somewhere. Being tricked out of her property, it was handed over to the Hensen's. That by which has been passed down through the generations.
But the land wasn't used for anything, it was just sitting there. Vindango had plans for it though, and he still does.
He wanted to make it into the biggest coke factory that has ever existed. And with everything going accordingly to his plan, it was going to happen.
But plans are always so unreliable because you know, shit just happens.
It's been two hours, and I've had to suffer through Karmer, and Velez polluting my air supply.
Searching over the vehicle, everyone was asleep. Except Mason. He was staring me down, "What?" I questioned looking everything over.
"What the hell do you have planned Klein?" Rolling my eyes I sighed.
"For once this time Mason I'm innocent. I've got nothing planned, I didn't do anything, I'm going to jail, and everyone of you badge baring pricks can get off my case. Why can't you just be happy, smile man."
Understanding that Mason lost his smile a long while ago, I blinked away my regret of saying anything. But again he just stared.
"You're lying."
"Fuck you. I have no reason to lie to you anymore, if I really wanted to Mason, I'd kill all of you right here right now. Especially you." Unbothered, he just looked away.
"Say something!" I pushed, needy like a whiney bitch.
I hated having the last word, gave me bad luck.
"Fuck you Klein. My bullets are faster than your clunky baby Bambi legs, dick."
Laughing he threw a gum wrapper at me. Chuckling myself I glared at my hands. "I miss them you know?"
Sadly replying Mason sat up, "Dayton?"
"Yeah, Hilly and Khai. Of course I miss my brother." Allowing the silence to wave through the atmosphere for a moment I spoke again. "Can I ask you something?" Still continuing eye contact with my hands, I could feel Mason's expression drop.
"You already did. Idiot. Next question."
"How's Keith? Does he look the same? Did he uh, did he show to Dayton's funeral?"
For some odd reason my father passed through my mind, and the truth is I thought about him nearly everyday I was in the hospital. Secretly I wanted to see him walk through the door with a get well soon balloon. But honestly that was a distant memory, back to when I was a kid recovering from a severe case of pneumonia.
He was a hero to me back then, I wish I could say I thought of him the same to this day.
Blowing a breath, Mason fidgeted with his hand.
"Yeah Klein. He's still Keith, and yes he showed, shortly though. Left before it ended. Your mother was there, apparently Ronn had a kid. So she was pretty comforted,"
K.C. My baby girl, the thought of missing her grow up hit me, and with my layout of events, and the order of by which I've planned out, I won't even see her again. But I'm not going to settle for that out come, I couldn't.
"Did you sit with her?" Glancing up, Mason was a set back, those brown eyes of his glossed over in resisted tears.
"You held her when she cried right? Because I couldn't?"
"I did Klein, I did."
"I'm going to kill Vindango for what he's taken away, you do know that right?"
"I do." Mason declared in finality. I swallowed, to aid my drying throat.
"They played a slideshow. With pictures of you and Day. That's when he left. Crying. He misses you."
"He killed me. And I bet you went to that funeral too. He lied to my mother, and now her heart is broken because she thinks both me and Dayton are dead."
My voice was filled with more of disappointment rather than anger, tiredly Mason responded.
"I didn't help him do any-,"
An erupting sound startled everyone out of their sleep, and as a reflex everyone cocked their guns. "Pickman, everything alright?" Abriel alarmingly shouted into the ear piece. Mason, preparing himself, pushed the handle to open the door, but paused for the direct order.
"It's been breached, lets move, everybody out! Go go go!" Following his orders, Mason let open the door, and with a harsh impact of being hit from behind by the van behind us, we crashed.
"Mason!" Mike shouted after his brother, with wide eyes of fear. Mason was out of the vehicle, thrown somewhere off of the road, if anything is broken, I just hope for fucks sake it's not his legs.
"We've got an officer down, I'm going to search the scene, head out with SWAT for back up."
Finally the idiot driving stopped the car, jumping out on cue Abriel, landed heavily on his boots. "Mike I want you to stay with Klein and the two muppets over there, Mason is going to be alright I promise. Protect yourself." He was speaking to Mike, but his eyes were on me, as if he were implying I keep Mike safe.
My eyes rolling I nodded. And with that he ran into a line of fire. Gunshots were blazing in the Miami Heat, and all I could do was wait.
Mason and Abe were now out of the picture, and me and Mike were being underestimated. I smiled as I blew a breath.
Karmer had his gun to my head, and his sweaty hand on my neck. "Drop the gun!" Mike protested, aiming his automatic he hesitated, leaving him vulnerable to Velez.
"You're willing to save a criminal? You're protecting a monster Mike! You drop your gun, these bullets aren't meant for a kid like you. I'd hate to put one in your skull,"
"I've been sworn to protect all lives, no matter the color, no matter the crime. You will not jeopardize his safety, and I will shoot you if you do not stand down."
Karmer directed his attention to Mike, finally taking my opening I lifted an elbow and clocked it right into his neck. Aiding to the closing sensation, I grabbed his gun. Seeing it to where as it was now or never, Velez tackled Mike. Multiple shots went off, including the bullet that penetrated Karmer straight into the eye.
He was out, permanently. Shooting the chain on the cuffs, I found a clear shot on Velez. Bleeding heavily Mike was wounded, but I couldn't exactly see where. Not waiting much longer, I fired two rounds, right into his dick. "Fucking!" Stumbling backwards, Velez held himself as the blood poured out of his mouth like a river.
Hurting, Mike kicked the gun that fell from his hand. "You shot me. YOU FUCKING SHOT ME!"
"That's what it feels like I did didn't it? I think it's safe to say Mikey boy, that Davey Velez, will not plague our world with more of his evil offspring. Score for Klein!"
Spitting at me, I shot him in his knee. "Now that is something that will get you killed officer, major no no, but on the bright side, I have a few questions for you since Karmer seems to be unavailable at the moment." Coughing up blood, I kept my gun on Velez, as I glanced over at Mike, he was out of it.
Good, this should go smoothly.
Inching closer, I squatted down to his level. "Who called the hit on Khai and Hilayna?"
"Screw you."
Shooting him in the other knee, he screamed in agony. "Yeah I'm going to have to say no to that answer Davey. Who called the hit?"
"I'll die before I ever bend to your will you mixed chink!"
"Oh so I'm assuming you prefer more led? Is that what it's going to take for you to answer my question?"
"You think you won't get the chair for killing two federal police officers?"
"Death is not at your mercy today, but I can guarantee that you keep knocking on that door one day someone might answer. You killed Khai Winters, and Hilayna Hensen Carter. I want to know who gave you and Karmer the hit. Start talking."
"I got over 100 million for Mason's bitch. I didn't touch Khai, wasn't on my insurance plan, I'll tell you what though. If I had the chance to put a bullet in Khai's chest, I would've fattened him up with more than 8."
With a blunt hit to the head Mike shut him up. "Stay here, I'm going to help my brother. If he attacks you...shoot him." Cold and disgusted Mike looked down at Velez, "Be careful Klein."
Jumping down with his gun aimed and ready he shouted for Mason.
Once I seen him pass the vehicle I began patting down Velez and Karmer for ammo and guns.
Filling my hands, I entered.
It was a war zone, and scattered across the road were bodies, some just injured, the rest dead. Raising my gun for a shot, I covered Abriel's back.
Valenciaga, would be here soon, and once that blood thirsty maniac lands this, is going to seem like a prick in the thumb.
There was yelling, and underneath the gun fire, I could hear Mason. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"
"The inmate is armed attempting an escape!"
"He's protecting me! All of us, he's not escaping sir, please don't shoot." Shooting a rogue that had its sniper targeted at Mason's back, he fell relentlessly. Mason gave me a look of approval, I nodded slightly.
Bloody, bruised and battered, he limped over to me, "When this is all over, you get processed and are put in a cell, we are going to have a long ass talk about this. Do you understand me?" Fatherly, he ended his demand, lifting up for a shot he fired.
I kept my eyes on the chief, he squinted analyzing me, and with a plain stare into the eyes, he lightened up. The SWAT standing at attention beside him with their guns ready to shoot, he ordered them to stand down. "Secure and lock the perimeter, I don't want anymore surprise attacks on my men do you understand. Anything come across you with no badge, shoot it. I don't give a damn if it's a deer. You." Pointing to me I glanced over at Mason, shooing me away I rolled my eyes and blew a breath.
I'm trying to kill people, not conduct a conversation. Sulking my weight I dragged myself over to him. "Who are these people and what are they after if it is not to rescue you?"
"Revenge." Before he could ask me any more questions, an overwhelming amount of Valenciaga's men surrounded us.
With a stint of fear marked amongst his wrinkled face, he pushed me aside. Shooting, he initiated doom.
We were outnumbered, and on top of that to my luck, I was completely out of bullets.
Relaying my odds of dying to myself very carefully, I shrugged. Emptying the guns, I charged.
Dodging the bullets like the plague I made it close enough, to grab one of his men, dragging him out as a shield they emptied rounds into his body. Grabbing his gun, I ripped off his chain of bullets, "Alright you bitches, let's do this."
Behind me I could hear some of the good guys die. Seeing Mike hovering over one of his friends, he was crying. Fighting my way through I fired led profusely, understanding but in the need of keeping him alive, I screamed at him. "Mike get the hell up!"
Standing slowly he looked up, utterly surprised by my presence, he began jogging towards me.
"Klein what are you-," the ringing sensation in my ears voided any shred of sound. But deep into the pit of my stomach, I could feel myself shout as I ragingly forced my way through.
A shot clear into the side of his neck, Mike fell to his knees, holding the pouring wound. "I can't kill you Klein, but I can definitely kill him. You're an idiot, you should've took me out when you had the chance!"
I held back my fury, I needed this son of a bitch alive. Turning around instantly, I aimed for his ear, but someone beat me to it. Blowing two straight into the center of his forehead he dropped dead before me.
"Okay one: I needed fatso alive, and two: I would've preferred you have shot his brains out after I got the details I needed, and at least ten feet away, I think I have brains on my lip. " stalking towards me in her heels I swatted at my face.
"You're an ungrateful little asshole you know that?"
Pulling out two katanas, Myranda swung them skillfully, and placed the blades into their sheath. "I know, but it's nice to see you too, in the meantime I need a copter," running after Mike I yelled behind me "Now!"
Abriel, and Mason were no where around. I needed it to stay that way, I couldn't allow Mason to see his brother dying, not how I had to do with mine. I can save him.
Mason is better than me, and he didn't deserve for the last person he has left to be killed by Vindango.
Sliding on the bloodied concrete I reached him. "Help me help you. Can you do that for me Mike?" I asked Mike as he struggled, the poor man was choking on his own blood.
At the corner of my eye I saw a figure moving towards me. Feeling threatened, I raised my firearm to the gunman.
"Klein it's me." Raising his mask, I lowered my weapon.
It was Reeko. Rejoiced to see my cousin I smiled, "Mike, he's going to get you to safety, on my count, ready?" Lifting his bulky body, his hand was unrecognizably covered in blood. My heart sped in fear, what if I run out of time?
With another arm to help, I let up. Myranda took the weight of Mike onto her small shoulder's. "It's coming." I could hear her apprehension as she tried to reassure me, but she as well as I knew it wasn't working.
"Save him for me." Catching her eyes through the mask she turned away.
The helicopter landing on time they hopped on, I stared helplessly as Mike bled out severely. Watching as it flew off into the distance I gripped the gun. My sadness left me, now all I was filled with was rage.
There was another drop of mercenaries, it was typically like that especially with Valenciaga. There were blades, typically dressed in a navy blue suit, hair long and black, and their faces covered, with white fencing masks.
Second level of death, is what we call them, they were tough. Highly trained Japanese women, focused on one task, to slice shit up. Valenciaga usually sends them out if he wants the job done quickly and discreetly, but seeing it to where as they were nowhere to be found, the only ones out on the job were guns.
He was coming personally on his own terms.
Guns, which is the First level of death. Typically the expendables, Valenciaga couldn't too much really give a shit about what happens to them. They're mainly men that owe a debt and the only way to pay it is either with their life, or 5 years committing dehumanizing acts.
Instead of a navy blue, you can usually name them by their color of a darkened grey, their masks black.
Most of them were dead.
But this storm was far from over. A gang of motorcycles,
the third level of death, we're headed our way, demons.
No not actual demons, but the way they operate is anything but godly.
Dressed in complete black, turtlenecks covered their top, and with pure gold Fencing masks, they fashioned effortlessly.
Their presence alone was daunting for anyone that was unfortunate enough to get a hit on them and the oppressed hires Valenciaga to get the job done. And no matter what, that demonic little bastard always gets the job done.
There were only a few of the policemen left, and standing in puzzlement was Mason and Abriel.
Valenciaga, was nicknamed the white silencer. Because he could kill you bloody, but nothing, absolutely nothing would stain his white suite.
Among those demons, they called him angel. He deemed to be the only light in that darkness, but little did they know, it was all a facade, he was their king, a monster on earth.
To me, Valenciaga was a human lucifer.
Clearing my throat, clenching my jaw, and balling a fist, I raised my gun, and calmly began walking.
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