Chapter 1
Detective Mason Carter
The bullet pierced my skin gruesomely. Ripping through my muscle tendons, and tissue, like a new baby tearing through its mothers womb. I gripped my paining arm. Screaming in agony, I set the pain aside, I had to focus, a measly shot to the shoulder wasn't anything. It wasn't something I couldn't fight through, looking down the ledge I took the leap. I could've taken the stairs, but that requires too much time.
Time, I had no option of wasting.
Hitting the ground, I booked it. An annoying voice rang in my ear piece, "What the hell are you doing, Mason?"
"My goddamn job, I mean remember the one you, and I signed up for?" I cut the corner to the Main Street, exiting Little Havana.
"You have no back up, chasing after one of the most dangerous men in America. Mason, wait, let us get to you, you're shot."
"Klein Masthers, is not the most dangerous man in America. He's a coward, a smart coward, who's luck is about to run out. As for me I'll call you when the time is right, but right now, stop fucking bitching at me Richey. Go eat a snickers or something."
"Mason-," Cutting off the little fancy device I came towards a vacant building. It looked suspicious, convincing almost, that Klein would run in here. Hoping I would follow and there'd be this great big epic shootout, but I know Klein, he doesn't like to hide his confrontations, he likes to put on a show. Since he was 12 years old he's been on my radar, street fighting, drug dealing, and cutting school.
I got called down to the school just for Klein, I was the only adult he'd talk to while his parents were at work, unable to attend his school hearings.
"Why'd you do it Klein?" I seem to always ask him when he gotten in deep with his devious ways. He'd just give me a shrug, and look at me with the most lost green eyes, that made me fear for him. When you looked at Klein, then and now, the odd stare in his eyes would give you chills.
He wasn't afraid of anything. He had no remorse for anything he had done, he seemed to reflect our own bad intentions, through himself. Terrifying those who aren't well aware of themselves to the core.
But he never scared me.
Often times Klein would get community service. I'd stop by after a shift just to get a conversation in, I made it my mission to get to know him. Kudos to me for my curiosity, if I had not gone out of my way, I wouldn't have gotten to him now. I'm going to catch Klein, it was what I was made for, and sent here to do.
There's always a beginning, and an end to all things great. I met him at the beginning, and here we are in the middle. I know that I will catch him, but Klein always has a way, to rearrange the end. For some reason, the kid always had the favor of some supernatural lord on his side.
And I didn't think it was Jesus.
September 25th, 2010. I received the phone call that Klein, and Dayton Masthers were in custody.
What for?
Murder, and assault.
I knew Klein well enough to know that he wouldn't let his brother go down in the hole with him. So of course I went in, and had a talk with them.
He looked more colder than death. As if he became some clone, and have been wiped from his memory, he sat staring completely blank. Dayton on the other hand was frantic, turning to his brother for approval of his statements he remained second guessing himself. But Klein never second guesses, he plans everything no matter the level of importance to every single detail.
He is always confident of his decisions, because he always knows the outcome. Finally separating Klein from Dayton, things became more eerie, that was the first time I seen Klein, since he was 14, 5 years ago. He began to have piercings, and a few tattoos. And since they were in very non noticeable places, I understood why his parents didn't notice.
"What happened Klein? I can help you and your brother you just have to tell me the truth. Walk me through everything you remember." I cared about the kid...and that would always be the matter. My wife would always remind me, that Klein would be the very reason she'd be waken up in the middle of the night to be informed of my brutal death. Turns out in fates twisted fantasy, it wasn't her being awoken in the middle of the night with bad news, it was me.
I stood there for a while before he spoke. His voice was solemn, his hands were folded on the metal table, as he stared me down. "They started it. So I finished it." He said no more, but he didn't need to, I got the memo from his body language, the gritting of his teeth, and the firm fierce hold he had on me with his stern stare.
He always sat straight, high. To show his power, because that he had, even back then. He let you know who was in charge, and didn't have to say or do much for you to know that. But from Daytons' side of the story, and Kleins' I didn't get to piece the whole scene together. I wasn't a detective at the time I was just a uniform, I knew better though.
The case went to trial. But Klein and Dayton got a couple months on parole, and community service. Thanks to the failed incriminating evidence, and their big shot lawyers: Eric Davis, and Damien Schworskey. The opposing had no chance, it was known the case would just be swept under the carpet. That's how it went with Davis and Schworskey their clients always ended up on the top.
I've questioned their integrity, quite a few times, but maybe it's just a stupid superstition. They could be law abiding lawyers, just really good at making sure, serial criminals stay in the streets. Making my job, a lot more difficult.
I reached the suspicious parking garage, keeping my gun pointed at all of my angles, I called it in.
"I got nothing." I uttered defeated, into the microphone on my earpiece.
"Yeah I knew that'd happen, it's Klein. But back over here I think we might have something, a lady just called in she believed she's seen Klein Masthers. I see you I'm pulling up."
Laughing slightly, I jogged back into civilization. Abriel pulled out in front of me. Opening the SUV door I jumped in, not wasting a second Abriel pumped up the gas.
"You sure she said Klein Masthers?" I asked mockingly, grabbing a pack of Mentos and tossing a few in my mouth. The pain in my arm severely crippling me, as I set my arm down, exhausted."She could've just saw some little wannabe thug, on the street corner. And since there's a prize above Kleins' head, any damn body in this goddamn city seen Klein Masthers."
Abriel rolled his eyes, through a low glare. Sucking his teeth, and then focusing his agitated attention towards me, he responded. "I've forgotten how well you know Klein, he's the son you wish you never had." Turning away uninterested of my annoyance, he looked at the road ahead.
"You're a fucking dick Abe. He was just a troubled kid back then-,"
"That you thought you could change into a Good Samaritan? I could've told you back then, like I did! That he was going to grow up to be a good for nothing criminal, and was going to wind up dead, or well in this case on the run," His medium deep voice began to grow stern, as if he were my father citing he told me so. I shook my head and glared out of the window, as the Mentos indulgently melted in my mouth.
Abriel was right. He's been my partner since the 4th grade, everything I didn't know about myself he knew, like he was silently waiting in my subconscious observing. Every twitch of my face triggered by agitation, bam! He's already detected something was wrong, a silent nod, like the one I just gave him, he already knew indicated I was pissed, and I had nothing else to say to him. But like Abriel he'll keep pestering about in places he doesn't belong.
And discussing my past with Klein Masthers was one of them. A smart remark was cooking in my thoughts, but a sudden stop on the brakes sent me forward. The seat belt barely holding on to the two hundred I had banking in muscle, held me in limbo, while the car sputtered out in multiple directions. I tried to hold on to the things surrounding me but before I could catch my breath, our vehicle was colliding with a car, and with no break we were hit by another.
I clocked out on scene.
My vision was fuzzed. My rib cage felt like it shattered into a billion pieces, I couldn't breath. I fought with trying to keep my eyes open, but with each second they dropped lower, and lower. "Mason." I think that's what I heard, damn me if I'm wrong, I could hardly hear shit. "Mason!" It was a muffled scream, but I could feel the fear radiating into my skin. The hairs on my arms flew up, and the eerie aching of my spine became apparent.
Though my senses were impaired, I reached for my gun, my best bet for safety. It wouldn't surprise me if Klein sent out for reinforcements, it was distasteful but, often times I looked at my fellow men of the law dishonorably. For some reason I always detect foul play, somebody other than the city of Miami is cutting them checks.
Through the loud sound of crashing glass I heard voices, and footsteps inch nearer to the totaled vehicle. 'Ah.' My face twisted at the booming of multiple gunshots that were more than close to me.
The speeding of my heart beat exceeded greatness, it was as if my breath had left me, but had lost its way back, like it floated before me, I saw it just in the sky. Everything was moving fast, and I had no time to wait to breathe again. Motionless Abriel laid next to me, blood pooling out of his forehead in different angles.
As I started to see if he was alive, a dragging action of the collar of my shirt drew me back, skidding across the glass infested concrete. My back burned agonizingly, the sharp shards tore through my suit, and pierced my skin.
A foot found its place on my fresh wound, the taste of blood filled my tastebuds, as my mouth opened from my silent screams. Kicking me multiple times in my side, and in my abdomen, I felt my own ribcage shatter inside of me. He booted the gun I had in my hand away from me, I laid there, trying to check around me for something, anything that could possibly aid me.
But despite this, I felt the sense of comfort with my predicament, if I were to die I'd be okay with it, everyone's time is inevitable, and I'm no different. My eyes softened with closure as the barrel to the gun pointed directly down on me.
My inner fight wasn't going me to just let me die, without giving myself a chance to live, so I got prepared for death, it was either him or me. Reflexively I rolled over, as the trigger pulled its blow. Kicking the perpetrator in his kneecap, and wrapping my legs around him as he fell before me. I gave in all of my strength, as I twisted around him. Grunting loudly, because the pain this little bastard caused, was excruciating.
Literally feeling his bone shatter into two, I stood up, the blood rushing through me, like a heavy waterfall, I lost balance. Staggering, I tried hard to focus my eyesight just long enough, to disarm him.
Grabbing his gun, and handcuffing him to the wrecked car next to us, I searched the scene. The street was packed with unmoving cars, as the sound of ambulances moved through my ears. That was too easy, something was up, but my main priority was to check on Abriel. I rummaged through the bent metal, and ragged glass.
A slight movement of his head, relieved me, finally inhaling breath, I began to pull him out of the vehicle. "You didn't die yet you lucky son of a bitch, cmon, I got you." I shouted encouragingly. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that this was all just a set up. A distraction to keep me off of Kleins' tail for a short amount of time, but a little is a lot for Klein.
All he needed was to scheme, and with the amount of years I've spent putting this case together, I've become accustom to his patterns. I knew exactly where he was going to mess up, so if it's the waiting game he wants to play, let us align our game pieces. I've got all the time God gives me on this earth.
"We've got an officer down, I repeat we have an officer down." I urged into the walkie talkie, picking myself up along with Abe, he husked a short sentence.
"Not Klein."
"The hell do you mean not Klein, you're telling me we got ambushed by Vindan-," A blunt hit to the head sent me out like a light.
I woke up, hog tied to a wooden chair, and my eyes blindfolded. All I could see was darkness, the chill in the room froze me, as I shivered hoping to dear god I wasn't in a freezer. Muffled talking was what I heard, and I only figured it was Abriel, wiggling in the ropes. I attempted to escape even though I had no possible way of.
There was talking in the distance, but in another room, I listened as the door opened, and the sound of multiple pairs of shoes entered. The walking stopped, roughly the blindfold, and the tape was ripped from off of me. I twisted my face at the stinging sensation above my lips, the elevation of the pain grew, because I didn't shave this morning. "Argh."
From what I knew my body was against me, the bullet hole in my shoulder, the broken ribs, the cuts and the bruises; it was a feeling of destruction. But as my eyes trailed down before me, they widened in disbelief. I was stitched, and patched up. My shirt was off, and I was only in dress pants.
What in the literal fuck was going on right now? The thought passed through my crazed mind but I kept silent. Observing as a sharp accented latino man, strutted across the cement floor towards me. Only in a white tshirt, a blue button down vest, jeans and a gun holster, he had his hands wrapped. If I could guess right he probably was going to ask me some questions, and if I refuse to answer, hence the wrapping across his hands; he was going to beat the living shit out of me.
"Detective Carter, I see you've had some better days, am I right?" He smiled, well lit, his teeth looked decent, alright maybe perfect. Chuckling at his own joke I mockingly nodded, rolling my eyes, and turning away to look for Abriel. Finding him with his blindfold off, along with the duck tape, he seemed pretty out of it. Must be the head injury, I clenched my jaw in worry before responding.
"Honestly I've been having a pretty damn fantastic day, thanks to you and your best friend Klein. I got to jump off of a building, get shot in my shoulder, get into a car accident, get my ribs kicked in, and you wanna know what the best part of this day is V?"
"Yes, yes! Please tell, I am very curious to know Detective." His eyes twinkled with delight, as he continued to have that creepy smile on his face; talking with his hands, he nodded like a bobble head.
"I'm tied up, BDSM style, here with you. A little on the kinky romance side, for you Vindango but I dig it, it never hurts to branch out on things new. Broadens the closed mind." The sarcasm was so sharp it could've carved out a heart, I mean literally. Stepping closer, pissed as hell Vindango ran a hand across my head, and gripped my hair. The anger in his light eyes, was far beyond me and my sassy remarks. This was about Klein, nothing or anybody else, slashing my face a couple of times playfully he laughed and stepped back. Again talking with his hands, he protested.
"I have a proposition for you Detective, one I think both you and your partner would find rather rewarding."
Sidedly looking up, I smirked "Ohh now I see where this is going, baby boy Klein got under your skin a little too much. You want to offer me a way out of this and on Klein's trail instead of yours. This better be a pretty good proposition V, because I'm not one with irrelevant bribes."
Closing his evil eyes, and smiling, "This I believe can get us what we both want. No strings attached, you go your separate way, and I go mine."
Staring unswayed, "I'm listening." I said as I clocked the room. There was about six of them, at every corner of the room, not including Vindango. All prepared to roll out a thousand bullets in my face if I thought about anything twisted.
An attempt to bail, was suicide, but it could never hurt to try though.
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