Yoongi sat in Jimin's living room waiting for the younger who had insisted on taking him grocery shopping. Jimin had been planning on his friends meeting Yoongi since the day they met but it just had never happened. However, his friends were getting tired of just hearing about the boy that made Jimin's heart do flips and agreed upon a date to have dinner with the two. Seeing as Yoongi was still fairly uncomfortable with meeting new people in public, they decided to meet at Jimin's house and have dinner there, which sounded perfect to Yoongi. He'd get to stay home and have home cooked food made by his boyfriend. However, the only problem with this plan was Jimin's lack of ingredients. Which resulted in Yoongi sitting in a thin jacket on the arm of Jimin's sofa fiddling with a random string he had found whilst bored out of his mind. Who knew it took Jimin so long to get ready? The small string slipped from his fingers as Jimin came into the room holding a rectangular shape with a determined look on his face.
“I'm finally ready to get rid of this thing.” He huffed as he showed the blue box to Yoongi.
“Have I seen this before?” Yoongi asked confusedly.
“It's the box full of pictures of myself and him.” Yoongi made an 'O’ shape with his mouth. “I'm going to get rid of it.”
“Why exactly?” Yoongi said scrambling over to where Jimin stood by the trash can.
“You've told me that I no longer need to worry about my problems because you're here to support me through them and this right here,” Jimin shook the box a little, “is holding me back. It's a constant reminder that Seokjin was in my life and was the kind of person that he was. He made me so scared for you and for myself and I don't like being reminded that someone that was supposed to care had that kind of hold on me. I'm ready to let go and forget that it all happened. Move forward with you and start fresh.”
“I like the idea of being with me, however, let's not forget. That's the worst thing you could do. I know how painful this all is but it's best to remember it. Our memories shape who we are as a person. If we forget, it's like throwing away a part of ourselves. It's great to move forward but do it with past experience. This way you'll know when to back away or what not to do. Learn from it and maybe you can teach others what you learned. If I were given the opportunity to remember everything I've ever done, even the bad things, I'd take it. Never take your ability to remember for granted, please.” Yoongi said, taking Jimin's hand.
Jimin hadn't thought about the way Yoongi had. Of course the older was right. He had had more than just bad memories with Seokjin, in fact he'd had some pretty fun ones. If he chose to forget all that, it just seemed like a waste when it could remain where it was and be a life lesson to him and possibly others. “So what should I do with this?” Jimin said looking at the blue shoebox.
Yoongi hummed in thought, “Put it back where it was before? I think you had it in the place it should've been.”
Jimin laughed, “Collecting dust under my bed, huh?”
“Yeah.” Yoongi laughed slightly.
Jimin walked back to the bedroom and put the box to the floor. Jimin took Yoongi's hand and pushed it back to where it was. Where it needed to be. Yoongi grabbed the jacket Jimin had obviously been considering wearing and helped the younger into it. “Ready to go?” Yoongi asked.
Jimin nodded and took one last look at the room before turning out the light.
The ride to the supermarket wasn't that bad except for Jimin swearing every time a car passed him, which wasn't that often luckily. Yoongi wouldn't deny that he laughed there about every time it happened. The little bug finally stopped in a space close to the store in the nearly empty parking lot. The two climbed out and grabbed a cart before going through the grocery stores automatic doors.
“Now Yoongi, don't make me regret not buying that monkey backpack leash thing.”
“Yes, Mom.” Yoongi groaned before excitedly asking, “What are we looking for?”
“Carrots, lettuce, bread crumbs, chicken, pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese and some sort of vinaigrette.” Jimin read off the list.
“Gotcha.” Yoongi said as he grabbed a bag of carrots and a head of lettuce off the rack. “I'm going to go get the chicken, Jim.”
“Alright, don't go too far, Flower.” Jimin said as he set the cheese and bread crumbs into the cart.
Yoongi took a few steps before turning back and asking, “What am I looking for?”
“Chicken.” Jimin smiled.
“Right, right.” Yoongi turned back and hunted for the rotisserie section. He found it fairly fast and grabbed a freshly cooked chicken and thanked the lady that handed it to him before making his way to the cart which had gained a bottle of raspberry vinaigrette and pasta sauce.
“So what exactly are you going to make with all this?” Yoongi asked as Jimin pushed the cart in an unknown direction.
“I'm thinking lasagna with a breaded chicken and salad.” Jimin said.
“Sounds good.”
“Lasagna is Hoseok's favorite and Jungkook and Taehyung really enjoy the breaded chicken.”
“I bet I'll enjoy it too.” Yoongi smiled.
Jimin grinned mischievously, “Hey, Yoongi.”
“It's not too late to get that monkey backpack leash thing.” He grinned as he lifted the monkey up towards Yoongi.
“Oh my God.”
“You know you want it.”
“Put it it in the cart.” Yoongi mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Put it in the cart, okay?” Yoongi said.
Jimin snickered as he lowered the monkey into the cart.
“Hey, Jim, where we headed?”
“I was thinking this dinner needed some flowers.”
Yoongi smiled as the cart entered the flower aisle.
“Jim! It's Alphina purpurata, oh! Oh and Choisya ternata!”
Jimin left the cart and headed into the clusters of flowers. Purple ones, white ones, blue ones, big ones, bush type ones, there were just so many. He didn't understand how Yoongi knew them all by name or how he could choose just one type so easily. Jimin's eyes, however, were now caught on a bushel of blue flowers. He put a finger under one of the blue blooms and lifted it up. He was starting to see just why Yoongi loved observing these things. The shape, the texture, the color, it all truly was beautiful. The aluminum wrapping at the bottom of the flower crinkled and the red ribbon shifted around it as Jimin picked it up and carried it to Yoongi, whom was still busy trying to choose.
“Hey, Flower.”
Yoongi hummed and turned towards him.
Jimin held the label up towards Yoongi, “Forget Me Not, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi smiled, “I don't know how I'd ever forget someone like you, Park Jimin.”
Word Count: 1195
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