Yoongi and Jimin sat criss cross on the floor, leaning against the younger's bed together. They had spent the past few hours down on the floor, though they were unsure of why they were there instead of in the living room. Jimin had come to the conclusion that the two had just been too lazy to move since they woke up.
The day had been fairly nice so far. Bright blue sky with puffy white clouds floating by every now and then. The wind wasn't too harsh but it was still strong enough to push around the tall trees outside. The Acer psedoplatanus outside had been making an awful lot of noise, what with it being nearly a hundred feet tall and being almost completely covered in leafy branches from seven feet up.
For being out in the middle of the wilderness, there was hardly ever any animals making any form of appearance. Maybe a rabbit or two and a squirrel, specifically one with no tail, but that was about it. Yoongi could only imagine that they had all been hunted off long ago. Jimin said that the realtor had said that the bungalow had been previously owned by a man with a very refined skill in hunting. Yoongi hadn't really ever taken an interest in his neighbors until now so he probably never noticed if the man carried around a large hunting rifle wherever he went or if he constantly had a dead animal draped over his shoulder. Yeah, Yoongi had noticed him. Didn't mean he was interested in the guy. More like scared. If you went back far enough in his journals, you'd most likely find some form of scared scribble about the guy on many of the pages. It just frightened Yoongi how the guy could come out of his house with a hunting rifle against his shoulder about ready to go off and kill an innocent creature and still look Yoongi in the eye with some form of content. He could slightly remember the guy's hard stare that just said what he was about to do before he would turn and go off into the woods.
The mood was slightly lightened by Jimin's recounting how his grandfather used to grab his gun at just the sight of a squirrel even glancing at his tomato plants. He said he could just remember how much hatred his grandfather expressed as he shouted, “Damn, Squirrels!” before chasing them across the yard, gun in hand. Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at the story. His Grandfather may have been hilarious but he never pulled anything like that. He could just see the disappointment or lack of respect his father would be displaying if his Grandfather ever did anything like that. That thought made him laugh even harder. Jimin's laughs died down and the younger quickly stood up.
“Bathroom.” He smiled, gesturing out the door before heading out.
Yoongi leaned back and let out a sigh. Today had been nice. Nice weather. Nice scenery. Nice place. Nice peopl- “Ow! What the hell?”
Yoongi shot away from the bed as he rubbed his lower back. A stick with a label that read 'Defense #1’ stuck out from under the bed, it's tip had been carved into a point.
“Holy shit. Please don't let this guy be a killer.” Yoongi mumbled as he pulled the stick out and examined it.
He slid it away and gently got down onto his stomach and looked under the bed. “Aish, young people and messes.”
He reached his arm into the mess filled abyss and grabbed around until his hand latched on to something. A large pile of clothes, two books, a bat (labeled 'Defense #2’), a roll of duct tape, several unfinished ketchup and baloney sandwiches (Yoongi gagged), and a Chinese restaurant cat later, Yoongi was finally finished. All he had left was a small box pressed all the way into the back. The box was about the size of a shoebox and appeared to be blue, though the shadows of the beds underside could be making it look different. Yoongi's hand gripped down on the box and pulled it into the light of Jimin's room. The box had, in fact, been blue, though it was covered by a layer of dust and several dust bunnies. The corner of something white stuck out of the box's opening. The corner was glossy and Yoongi could already tell it was full of photos. He knew Jimin wouldn't want him to snoop, but he couldn't help himself. Photos were something Yoongi hadn't gotten to look at in ages, other than the ones he had, but they got boring fast. He ran his hand across the surface of the box, brushing the dust bunnies away where they skittered back under the bed. The box opened with a slight crunch sound and a musty smell rose up. Yoongi dumped the box out onto the floor before tossing it aside. All of the photos contained Jimin's smiling face, however, there was another boy standing next to him in every shot as well. The boy looked familiar. Like Yoongi had seen him somewhere before. Jimin and the boy at a Halloween party. Jimin and the boy with friends. Jimin and the boy at the park. At a restaurant. In someplace that looked an awful lot like Seoul. They were always together. It bothered Yoongi how much familiarity there was between this boy and the one he'd seen somewhere. Where in the hell had Yoongi seen this boy before?
“Hey, hyung! Jungkook called! Taehyung came back to their apartment and listened to him. They're back together! Isn't that grea-” Jimin said walking in before looking wide eyed down at the floor. “What are you doing?”
Yoongi jumped before quickly gathering the photos and grabbing at the box, “I'm so sorry, I just found it and got curious-”
“No, no. It's alright, I'm just a little surprised. That's all.” Jimin said, joining Yoongi on the floor.
“Why are you surprised?”
“I didn't think I'd see these photos anytime soon.”
Yoongi looked down at the smiling faces in his hand before pointing at the unknown boy, “Who's he?”
Jimin took the photos from Yoongi's clutch and put them back in the box, “No one important.”
Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off the boy's face, even after the box's lid had been closed.
“Hey, you alright?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah.” Yoongi said. “I just, I just feel like I've seen him somewhere before.”
Jimin's face paled, “Like where?”
“I'm not sure. It's like, it's right in front of my face, but I can't put my finger on it.”
Jimin cleared his throat, “Well, let's not focus on it, right?”
“I just want to know where I've seen him and who he is.” Yoongi said a puzzled expression on his face.
Jimin pressed a quick kiss to Yoongi's lips, “He's someone from my past, someone I'd like to not think about, so let's move on, yeah?”
Yoongi smiled softly, “Yeah.”
And the box went back under the bed. Right where it belonged. Right where it didn't matter. Well, not yet anyways.
Word Count: 1194
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