Jimin woke up to a loss of warmth under his arm. His eyes opened slowly as he groped the empty space next to him.
"Hyung?" Jimin sat up and rubbed his eyes which were blurred by sleepiness. His eyes finally adjusted and nearly popped out of his skull at the personless indent in the bed next to him. "Hyung?" Jimin dove out of the bed, panic flooding his voice.
He found the bathroom dark and empty and tried calming himself by saying that maybe Yoongi was in the living room or kitchen. All of that calm was thrown out the window when Yoongi was in neither rooms. Porch, please let him be there.
"Hyu-" Jimin burst out his front door, scaring Yoongi who was out looking at the sunrise.
"Hyung! Thank God." Jimin sighed in relief and leaned against the doorframe, "I thought something had happened to you."
Yoongi turned back to look at the sunrise and the flower between his fingers, "No, I just needed to think."
"Think about what?"
Jimin wrapped his arm around Yoongi's waist, "Are you sure?"
Yoongi leaned into his embrace, "It's nothing."
"I'm sure it's not nothing."
Yoongi hummed, "I'm thinking about us."
"Oh really?"
Yoongi nodded, "The sunrise is really pretty, don't you think?"
"I want to know more about what you're thinking."
"Just-" Yoongi paused and thought for a second, "I was thinking about what we are."
"What do you think we are?"
"I'm not sure. I-I want to be someone or something to you but I-I'm not sure."
"That's okay, take your time, alright?"
"Okay." Yoongi looked down.
"Hey, how about a dinner date tonight?"
"Really?" Yoongi turned his head to look at Jimin.
"Really." Jimin smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, I'd love to." Yoongi smiled back.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jimin leaned down and peered into the glass in the door of his oven. He thought he'd make a throwback for their date night dinner. Good ole baked spaghetti. He had to admit, he'd warmed up to the recipe over the past month of knowing Yoongi. After all, they gained interest in each other because of it. The mozzarella cheese bubbled and oozed on top of the pasta while slowly gaining a golden color. Nearly ready. He grinned as he saw his Flower coming towards him wearing a black t-shirt that was tucked into a pair of black jeans with rips on the knees. He looked amazing.
"Hey, Flower. How are you?"
"Great, I've been excited all day."
"So have I. I hope you'll enjoy our date."
Yoongi smelled the air, "I already can tell that I will. The food smells great."
"Thank you. I thought especially of you when I made it." Jimin said as he pulled the baked spaghetti from the oven.
Yoongi's eyes glimmered with happiness, "Do you have ESP or some shit? How'd you know what I wanted?"
Jimin laughed, "Great minds think alike." Jimin picked up the baked spaghetti, "C'mon, it's not exactly good when it's cold."
"I disagree with that. It was quite good right out of the fridge."
"Do you know how gross that is?"
"Hey, quit insulting my eating habits."
"Quit eating weird and I will!"
"Trust me, I wish I could." Yoongi said as he sat down at the table.
The table had a pale pink tablecloth over it with a white vase full of Hepatica blooms sitting in the center with several of its petals spread about. Yoongi fiddled with one of the petals as Jimin grabbed two wine glasses from a nearby cabinet.
"Do you drink alcohol by chance?" Jimin asked as he set the glasses down in front of their plates.
"I don't believe so, no. It just enhances my memory loss."
Jimin hummed and grabbed some sparkling grape juice from the very back of his fridge. He unwrapped the seal and began pouring some in Yoongi's glass.
"I hope you like possibly deflated sparkling grape juice that I bought for my four year old cousin."
"How'd you know that I like little kids left overs?" Yoongi joked, swirling the juice around.
"The same way I know you have those kiddie ice pops buried behind your frozen food where you think I won't look."
Yoongi's eyes widened, "How'd you know? I swore I hid those way too well."
"Wait- What? I was just kidding."
"Oh. So was I." Yoongi awkwardly laughed. "The baked spaghetti smells delicious despite you letting it get cold."
"Says the guy who ate it directly out of the fridge."
"Can you just serve it?"
"As long as you let me have a kiddie ice pop."
"Really?" Jimin nodded cutely and Yoongi sighed, "Alright."
Jimin cheered and cut the baked spaghetti into squares before setting a piece onto Yoongi's plate. Yoongi, whom had been drooling, quickly picked up his fork and dove in.
"Hey, isn't it polite to wait and eat when your date is ready to eat too?" Jimin asked as he delivered a slice to his own plate.
"I'll 'pit it out i' you want." Yoongi said through his mouth full of food.
"No, no, that's alright." Jimin smiled as he took a bite.
Soon enough Yoongi had eaten at most four pieces and was an inch away from going into a food coma and Jimin was still picking at the remains of his first serving.
"Hey, hyung?"
Yoongi grunted.
"Why on earth do you like this stuff?"
"Why wouldn't I? It's delicious and you made it."
"Well, it's such a non-intricate dish that is just, just so.. Not good."
"It doesn't have to be intricate to be good, Jim. Maybe there's a deeper reason as to why you don't like it?"
"I- Let's not talk about this when we're on a date." There was more than one reason as to why Jimin did not want to talk about that specific topic, he just used the one he knew Yoongi wouldn't question into more than he should. The more Yoongi's question floated through his head, the more he realised Yoongi was right. He hadn't liked it since a little ways into his relationship with S. Maybe it because it had been his Grandmother's favorite and she passed in the same year or maybe it was because S had launched the spaghetti filled square towards the wall where it made a very unsatisfactory splat noise and then slid down leaving a redish, saucy trail behind it. It was just the first of S's anger filled outbursts. He had said it was one of the worst dishes he had ever tasted and suggested Jimin stick to the recipes on the back of food packages. Jimin had been sure that S would've liked it. His Grandmother had always said that if you served the meal to someone you loved, they were bound to like it nearly as much as they liked you. It was somewhat heartbreaking to Jimin that S had hated it that much. However, Jimin didn't think that much into it and he stayed by S's side, brushing the sign off as nothing more than a cheap little saying his Grandmother had told him as part of her whole 'Soulmate' shpiel, which she was quite invested in, mind you. Yet here he was, sitting in front of someone who enjoyed not only the baked spaghetti but him as well. If only his Grandmother were around now, he could only imagine the "I told you so" coming from her smiling, slightly chapped lips.
"Or maybe you just don't like it." Yoongi smiled hazily.
"Maybe I don't."
"Either way, I still love it."
"I'm glad you do." Jimin smiled. "You know, it was my grandma's favorite too."
Jimin hummed.
"She had an amazing taste then."
"She sure did." Jimin smiled softly. She would've loved Yoongi. He matched up with every little saying she had and maybe the others she would've found. She had been extremely upset when he had told her S had failed many of her soulmate 'tests'. Her unhappiness with the relationship went further after she heard that Jimin intended to stay with him despite all the signs telling him not to, not just the little tests. He had been blinded by S's quote on quote love and had too much pride to leave a relationship just because his Grandmother's hobby didn't approve. She'd be happy to know that he'd left S back in Seoul and had finally found the one. Jimin blushed lightly after just mentally saying the one. It was weird to refer to Yoongi, the incredible boy across from him as the one. They weren't even official yet. He wanted to be though.
"Hey-" Jimin stopped as he saw that the Yoongi's food coma was finally in effect. He smiled softly and scooped the older up in his arms, finding him surprisingly light for eating as much as he could. He set the older down on the bed and contemplated putting him into something more comfortable before deciding not to. Yoongi didn't appear to be okay with Jimin, or anyone for that matter, seeing him without any form of clothing on his body. It was understandable. Jimin plopped himself down next to the sleeping ravenette and wrapped an arm around his waist. The older subconsciously rolled to face the younger and pressed himself up against Jimin's chest. Jimin held him tighter and smiled. What had he done to deserve this ball of sunshine in his life?
Word Count: 1578
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