"I brought pillows!" Jimin shrieked as he tossed his pile of pillows through Yoongi's door.
"Why?" Yoongi said as he shielded his head.
"What do you mean "why"? To build a pillow fort of course!" Jimin said, trying to appear hurt that Yoongi didn't know.
"Why would we be building a fort?"
"We're having a sleepover."
"Oh." Yoongi's eyes widened in realization. "Oh! Right!"
"Can I join my pillows inside?"
Yoongi stepped aside and Jimin came in. He scooped up his pillows and moved them to the living room along with his small duffel bag.
"Ignore the clutter." Yoongi said, his voice seeping with embarrassment as he stood in front of his shelves. No matter how many times Jimin saw them, Yoongi was always going to be embarrassed.
"What clutter?" Jimin said as he organized his pillows.
"Would you like anything to eat?" Yoongi changed the subject.
"No, thank you. I ate before I came."
Yoongi glanced up at the clock which read 8:36. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you, hospitable host."
"Mi casa es tu casa."
"¿Así que puedo esconder un cuerpo aquí?"
"I'm sorry?"
Yoongi sat down next to Jimin, "You sure decided to get a late start up here."
"I've always heard that sleepovers are better the later you start them."
"Where'd you hear that from?"
"Not sure. Some gossip magazine, maybe."
"Yes, because always believe the gossip magazine."
"Hey, don't diss my People magazine."
"And you judge me for having instant food."
"What did my People ever do to you?"
"That's harsh."
"Harsh is my middle name."
"Do you even have a middle name?"
"Can we just do the pillow thing?"
"Yes, we can build the pillow fort, Mr. Change-the-subject."
"Me? Nooo."
Jimin raised his eyebrows.
"Let's just build the fort." Yoongi rushed out and grabbed a pillow.
Jimin set the pillow on top of Yoongi's before meeting the older's confused stare. "How does one even build a pillow fort?"
"Just follow my lead." Jimin answered.
Before Yoongi knew it, the fort was built and he and Jimin were underneath it and several layers of blankets watching SBT music videos.
"Which one is this one again?"
"And that one?"
"Why Seagull?" Yoongi asked for the fifth time at least.
"Something to do with where he was born."
Yoongi slid out of the fort and returned with popcorn.
"Man, this has really turned into that cliche sleepover."
"Should I get rid of the popcorn to make it less cliche?"
"Hell. No. How dare you even suggest removing my child from the picture."
"You're the one that said this was cliche."
"Did I say cliche was bad?"
"You implied it."
"You have an excuse for everything."
"That I do."
"Oh my God, you made me miss Seagull's ab reveal!"
"Oh my God, an ab reveal? You didn't tell me we'd get to see abs! Roll it back!" Yoongi rushed.
"Hyung, give me a second."
"Abs can't wait, Jim!"
"Is this your fetish?"
Yoongi blushed, "What's a fetish?"
"Pretend to be innocent all you want, I'll forever know you as ab fetish Yoongi."
Yoongi slapped the back of Jimin's head and contentedly watched Seagull reveal his abs. His dazed look earned a barely audible, "I have abs, too" from Jimin.
"You know Jimin, I have yet to thank you for introducing me to these beautiful boys. Thank you."
"You are very welcome." Jimin grinned. "This is the first time I'll hear those words said to me about SBT."
"That's crazy! How can you not love these guys?"
"Exactly! My friends just don't get it."
"Well, that's more scrumptious men for us."
Jimin laughed, "I guess so."
Yoongi quickly tapped the auto play's recommendation before it could start.
"You know, hyung, you don't appear to be the type who'd like SBT or any boy group for that matter."
"I get told that more often than you'd think. Apparently I don't look like the type to like anything I like."
Jimin hummed. "I'm going to go change. Where's your bathroom?"
"Actually, I'll change upstairs so you don't have to navigate my mess of a house." Yoongi said as he slid out of the fort and towards the stairs.
"Are you sure, Hyung?" Jimin said, still in the fort.
"Yeah." Yoongi shouted from the upper level.
Yoongi grabbed his white t-shirt and a pair of black and grey pajama bottoms and slipped them on before heading back to the landing and starting down the stairs. Yoongi turned to look into the living room about halfway down and froze. Jimin's toned stomach stood on display while his grey shirt sat in his hands ready to be put on. The part that caught Yoongi off guard was that the short midget he'd been calling Jim had actual abs. Jimin spotted Yoongi, blushed and slid his shirt on before saying, "Well, this really is cliche."
Yoongi laughed embarrassedly as he finished his descent, "Yeah, it is."
Jimin collapsed on Yoongi's couch, "Man, I never realized how tired watching SBT made me."
"You want to go to bed now?" Yoongi asked, laying down on top of some of the forts collapsed pillows.
"What time is it?"
Yoongi glanced up at one of his various clocks, "Past 10 I think."
"Man, we're just getting started! We still have so many sleepover games to play and videos to watch!"
"That's what next time is for, Jim."
"Ah, I suppose you're right." Jimin sighed disappointedly.
"Floor or couch?"
"Where do you want to sleep?"
"I'll take floor and you take couch." Yoongi said as he started setting up a makeshift bed.
"No, no. If you're sleeping on the floor, so will I." Jimin said, joining Yoongi on the floor.
"You really should sleep on the couch-"
"Zip it. I'm down here and I'm not getting up."
Jimin got down and brought the blanket up over him. Yoongi flicked the lights out and the room went silent. It was a peaceful silence. No words spoken between the two, not even sounds. Just crickets chirping and the wind tousling the fields tall grass. Yoongi stared up at the ceiling. Ever since the incident he'd had trouble getting to sleep. It was like his head knew that him staying awake was a living hell and just wanted to torment him further than it already had. He could hear Jimin's soft snores next to him and he smiled softly. He was glad that while one of them was forced to remain awake, the other could go into a restful sleep.
Jimin rolled over, his blankets rustling around as he moved. What if the incident never happened? Yoongi could only imagine. He'd be able to remember every little thing. He wouldn't constantly have to question those he was around or make assumptions based on the situation. He wouldn't have to be the unknowing recipient of Jimin's pitying glances that he thought were unseen. He'd be able to still be under the same roof as his family even if they treated him like dirt. He could hear his Mom's voice again, calling him to dinner like she used to. He could go to school and smile and be looked up to, even if those that looked up to him were only around for his popularity. He could still find new flowers he'd never seen before, ones that weren't in his garden. He could be friends with Jimin and remember all his favorites and really, truly be there for him. He felt a warm arm wrap around him and looked over to see a still asleep Jimin latched onto him. He smiled and relaxed his tensed body. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. This was super duper extremely cliche.
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