Jimin pulled the casserole he'd made out of the oven and set it on the cooling rack. Cooking always eased his thoughts. Ever since he'd spoken to Yoongi and made plans with him, his bad thoughts had returned and appeared to have doubled. They were beating him up inside and there appeared to be no relief. So, Jimin made a casserole that he knew he would most likely never eat, just to relax himself temporarily.
Jimin slid his oven mitts off and put them back in his drawer. Maybe he'd give the casserole to Yoongi. He hadn't seen the dish he'd put the baked spaghetti in since he left it on the older's doorstep, so he either really liked it or didn't. He could only hope that it was the former. He wanted Yoongi to like his cooking. He wanted his approval. He didn't understand why, but he did.
Jimin pulled aluminum foil out of the cabinet and set it on the counter. Would Yoongi even like broccoli casserole? It was far different from baked spaghetti. Maybe that would be a good thing if he didn't like the baked spaghetti. How would he go about giving it to him as well?
“Jimin, you're thinking too far into this.” Jimin said to himself, hoping to ease his train of thought.
“Thinking too far into what?” A voice said behind Jimin, sending him flying up in the air.
“Geez, Hobi, how the hell did you get in?” Jimin said, resting a hand on his chest as he turned to see Hoseok.
Hoseok pointed to the door which had a Taehyung coming through it, “You left your door unlocked.”
“I tried to stop him but he just waltzed right in.” Taehyung said as he leaned on the counter.
“You can't just do that, horse.”
Hoseok shrugged before taking an interest in the casserole, “Is that a casserole? What kind is it?”
“Broccoli.” Jimin said.
Hoseok licked his lips, “Can we have some?”
“Absolutely!” Jimin said as he pulled a knife out of his knife rack. There went his idea of giving it to Yoongi. There was no way he was giving a half eaten casserole to his neighbor.
Jimin cut the casserole into squares while Taehyung pulled plates out of one of the cabinets. Jimin placed a square on to each of the plates and Hoseok passed them out along with silverware. The three seated themselves at the dining room table and Hoseok started stuffing himself. Taehyung took a quick bite and let out a sound of enjoyment.
“I don't know how you make broccoli taste so good.” Taehyung took another bite before looking at Jimin's untouched piece of casserole, “I also don't know why you made casserole.”
“What do you mean?”
“We're your friends, Jimin. We know which foods you make for yourself and what you make for others. This,” Taehyung used his fork to point at his piece of casserole, “is not something you'd make for yourself.”
Jimin opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it. Taehyung was right, he hated how any type of casserole tasted. However, casserole was, as he had said previously, fun and stress relieving to make. He wasn't going to admit to Taehyung that he made a dish for stress relief and had zero idea what he was going to do with after it was made. It was coincidence that his friends arrived moments after the stress casserole came out of the oven.
“You're right, I don't make casserole for myself.” Jimin set his fork down on the plate, “I, uh, I-I made it for Yoongi.” He lied.
“'ooni?” Hoseok asked, his mouth still stuffed.
Jimin quickly bit his lip after realising that Yoongi was the first person he thought of.
“Is Yoongi your neighbor?” Taehyung said, leaning on his arms, “You talked to him, didn't you?”
Jimin hid his face.
“You did!” Hoseok shouted after swallowing his bite of casserole.
“I did.” Jimin admitted.
Hoseok let out a screech and Taehyung shook Jimin's arm around in excitement. Once the two calmed down, Taehyung cleared his throat and in a serious tone asked, “How'd it go? Did you two kiss?”
“What? No! We just met!” Jimin answered.
“Sorry, sorry. What'd you two talk about?”
“We talked about our interests. He played sports when he was in school. He loves plants, like a lot. His Dad didn't believe in his liking for plants and that's why he played so many sports.” Jimin smiled, “I can't wait to get to know him more.”
“So you're gonna hang out with him?” Hoseok asked.
“I guess so.”
“When? When?” Taehyung asked.
“Um, I'm not sure. I haven't thought that far ahead.”
“Soon, say it'll be soon.” Hoseok begged.
Jimin wanted to say he'd go to Yoongi's house right that moment, but he didn't. He couldn't. He just couldn't explain it. “Um.”
“Jimin, c'mon. New friend. He's right there.” Taehyung gestured out the window at Yoongi's house.
“Okay, okay. I'll go tomorrow at the earliest.” Jimin said, standing up to collect the dishes on his table.
Jimin left the dining room with the plates while his friends’ excited shrieks were emitted in the other room. He set the dishes in his sink and filled it up with water. The shrieks had died down into calm chatter by the time he was done washing the dishes. Jimin moved the remaining casserole into a tupperware container and popped the lid on. He brought it into the dining room and set it in front of Taehyung.
“For you and Jungkook.” He smiled.
“Thank you.” Taehyung said, putting a hand on the container, “Oh, speaking of Jungkook, I'm sorry that he couldn't be here. He had something to do with a couple friends.”
“Ah, well, tell him we missed him.” Jimin said, not wanting to pry into Jungkook's whereabouts.
“I will. I know he's going to love this casserole.”
“Damn it, I'm late.” Hoseok said, jumping up from his seat, still glancing down at his watch.
“What's going on Hobi?”
“Business meeting, that I'm late for. Gotta go! Bye bye!” Hoseok shouted as he dashed out the front door.
“Bye-” Jimin was cut off by the door closing.
“Well,” Taehyung stood up, “I guess that's my cue to go. Jungkook's going to be home soon and I want to be there before him. This'll make the perfect dinner.” Taehyung said, holding the container up.
“Do you remember the reheat temperature and time?”
“Yep, same as last time.”
“You got it.”
Jimin walked Taehyung to the door and as Taehyung stepped outside, he turned back and said, “Jimin, I'm here for you, alright? If you need support, I'm your go to man.”
Jimin smiled, “Thank you, Taehyung.”
Taehyung nodded and closed the door behind him.
Jimin sighed. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would head to Yoongi's and hang out with him. Those words excited him and worried him all at once.
Word Count: 1158
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