Jimin set two soju down on to his glass coffee table and adjusted them a little. He and Jungkook always drank soju when it was just the two of them hanging out. It made them feel like something was still ‘their thing’ when they met up. It also put them into a more comfortable state to discuss what they knew was inevitable in their conversations at some point.
Jimin never liked bringing it up. He hated how pained it made Jungkook look. He knew Jungkook didn't want to be a part of what was going on but he couldn't leave, it wasn't his choice. Youth and that sense of rebelliousness had been a big portion of why he had even agreed to do it. Jimin knew that if Jungkook could take it back, he would. Taehyung had been credited as Jungkook's savior, the one person who managed to pull his clouded head away from it all, without knowing. That's why Jimin loved Taehyung. He always brought out the best in people and made everything clear, obliviously. It was funny that he had that power and was completely unaware of it.
A strong knock on Jimin's door threw him from his thoughts and sent him running to his little peephole that he had gotten put in just a few days ago. Jimin got on his tip toes and peered through the little hole. Even though he was expecting Jungkook at this time, it helped to be cautious. Jungkook was looking down at his shoes, his red hair being the only portion of him shown through the little holes limited view. He smiled and unlocked the door. Jimin had gotten two other locks besides the generic knob lock placed on his door while the peephole was being drilled. It made him feel safe which was one of the main feelings he needed these days. The door swung open and Jungkook's face shot up from looking at his feet to looking at Jimin. He smiled at the older and gave him a quick hug which Jimin happily returned.
“I'm glad you could make it.” Jimin commented as he closed the door after Jungkook strolled in.
“Me too.” Jungkook sighed, “Taehyung wouldn't let me out of his sight this morning.” Jungkook made his way into the living room and sat down, almost immediately picking up the soju and reading the label, “So, it's one of those meetups, huh?”
Jimin sighed, he really wished it didn't it have to be this way, “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook looked at him, “Don't be sorry, I understand that you're scared. It's rational, especially with your situation.”
“I guess so, but aren't you worried about yourself too? He could hurt you just as much as me.” Jimin said, worriedly.
“Can this wait until after I've had my soju?” Jungkook asked, taking a swig from his bottle.
Jimin nodded and fiddled with his fingers, “I talked to him.”
Jungkook's eyes widened, “You did? What's he like?”
“He's very passionate about his plants. That's all I could tell about him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I wouldn't consider it us actually meeting or holding a conversation. It was more like an exchange of words. He just seemed tired and out of focus. When I talked to him, it took him a second to catch up, basically. I talked to him though, so remain proud!”
“Well, it's a step in the right direction, I'll give you credit.”
“Yay!” Jimin said happily before clearing his throat, “So, why wouldn't Tae let you out of his sight?”
Jungkook hummed and held the bottle against his leg, “He discovered one of the cuts on my leg and my slight limp yesterday and when I wouldn't tell him specifically where I got it other than the street he refused to let me do anything on my own.”
Jimin smiled, “He truly loves you.”
Jungkook looked down into his soju, “I know.”
“That reminds me, how'd you get him to move in with you? You've been together for what? Two years? And he's always disliked the idea.” Jimin asked.
“He decided that he could overlook my secrets and be with the person he knows I am on the inside. He thought moving in with me would help him move beyond my secrets and get to know the me he wouldn't have known otherwise.”
“What's he gotten to know about you so far?”
“That I'm a slob and completely disorganized.” Jungkook laughed as he took a sip of soju.
Jimin sipped his own soju, “I'm glad you have him.”
“Me too. I don't know how I lived without him, to be honest.”
“He seems to make you happy and that's enough for me to love him too.”
Jungkook smiled, “I'm happy that you approve of the relationship I've had for the past two years, Dad.”
“Hey, be proud. It normally takes me three years and maybe a ring to be properly approving.”
“So, marriage is what it'll take to seal the deal with you?” Jungkook smirked, “I like that idea.”
“Hold on there, young one.” Jimin said, gesturing for him to slow down, “Give Taehyung some time. If it took him two years to move in with you, I don't see him being ready to marry you even though I really want it to happen.”
“Ah, you're right, even though I really don't want you to be.”
“Hey, cheer up. He'll be ready eventually.”
“Thank you, Jimin.”
Jungkook swirled his soju around before bringing it to his lips and chugging it all.
“Holy crap, are you okay?” Jimin said, his voice full of concern.
Jungkook moved his hands around in the air, his face giving an expression of discomfort as his throat burned from downing the soju. He coughed and cleared his throat before managing to get out a, “Yeah, just fine.”
“What were you thinking?”
“Tried to get things moving.” Jungkook rubbed his throat, “What's going on inside of that head of yours that required soju?”
“Uhm..” Jimin's mouth refused to voice the words he so desperately wanted to get out, instead it said, “What's S doing?”
“Him? Nothing major so far. He hasn't started planning anything out that requires him knowing your specific location, so that's a plus.”
Jimin narrowed his eyes, “You're keeping something from me, right?”
“N-no.” Jungkook stuttered.
“Fine. He's sweeping all of Daegu’s bars for any sign of you. I know you didn't like leaving that job but it was for the best, at least I think so, especially with the search going on.”
“He’s a complete psycho.”
“I agree.”
“Anything else?”
“Nothing as far as I know.”
“Thank you, Jungkook.”
“It's no problem, Jimin. You're one of the only good things to come out of what he's done. I didn't mean for things to come to this so I feel like I owe you this much and so much more.”
“Jungkook, I think the soju’s gotten to your head. Are you sure you can drive home?”
Jungkook smiled, “I'll be fine.”
“Alright, you better be on your way, right?”
Jungkook looked up at the clock and stood up, “Yeah, I'm sorry that I could only stay for a short amount of time. I promised Taehyung that I'd be home around now.”
“I understand, he's worried about you and he has a right to be.”
“Thanks Jimin. I'll see you soon, alright?” Jungkook said as Jimin guided him to the door.
“Yep, say hi to Tae for me!”
“Will do! Bye!” Jungkook said, stepping out onto the porch.
“Bye!” Jimin responded, closing the door behind Jungkook.
He pressed his back to the door and sank a little, letting out a slight sigh. He never could actually get what he wanted to say out. He never could explain just how terrified he was of that man. Just how worried he felt for everyone he came in contact with. It was something he couldn't express just yet, maybe never. He hoped he could, it felt horrible keeping it bottled up.
If he could trust anyone with these feelings, he knew it would be with Jungkook, but then why would every time he'd try to explain it, his mouth wouldn't let him? Why did his thoughts feel so distant from his voice, from Jungkook. This was his best friend, the person he'd trusted the most these past few years when a certain boyfriend couldn't be there.
Jimin pushed himself away from the door and down the hallway to his room. He slid his hand under the bed until he felt a certain blue shoebox in his grasp. Turns out, he was having a harder time forgetting than he'd like.
Word Count: 1448
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