Jack's P.O.V.
"Bye Mels," I said to my girlfriend, Melony. "Bye Ja- I mean Sean," she stutters. I get out of the car. Don't worry, you can be Jack OR Sean," I explained why my nickname was Jack and left, the plane was older than the plane I left on last time. It was Thursday and I was going to Mark's house so we spend time together. I watched Gravity Falls, ate, then fell asleep. I wake up and eat breakfast and watch Rick and Morty until we got off the plane I went pee once only because they're bathrooms sucked on the plane. Literally. "Hey Jack you're finally here!" A familiar voice yelled. It was Mark.
"Mark, buddy," I exclaimed, as I went in for a hug but Mark, kissed me. "M- Mark?" I stutter. "I'm sorry Jack it's just-" I wanted to kiss Mark more so I did as soon as stop he has something to say. "Jack... have you ever felt this way?" He asks. "Now I have," I held his hand. "So which ones your car?" He points left where a new shiny car sat running gas. "Let's go," I say.
The car ride was great, but Mark didn't ask many questions all the way there we only exchange love glances and 'I love yous' but I didn't really care.
Mark's P.O.V.
When we get there Chica loves him every last bit, when she came to me she looked exhausted. "It's okay Chica- Peeka," I said. Jack already new her nickname, so he didn't ask any questions about it. I look at him. "With you I feel more secure than ever," I say. "But what am I gonna tell my fucking girlfriend!? He yelled. "That I'm gay and I'd rather be with you?" He's screaming now. "I'm sure we can work that out, n-" he cut me off. "No, we can't!" He starts to cry.
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