A/N: I'm tired of calling you guys, 'guys'. im going to name y'all the: "MustProtectTheInnocentandDenseTunaFish Squad."
Very short, no?
Anyways, sorry MPTIDTF Squad for bothering you with this story's update. Also, I'm re-writing chapter 2-9 because it is very cringey and ew and simply put, no. i managed to edit White Tulips and im trying to edit A Trip to Memory Lane and the rest.
Anything else? Hmm, ah! The usual thank you for all the supports and reads :)) and also the usual warnings of incorrect grammar and blah blah blah.
This story is solely about Chrome and Tsuna and their past history together. AND with Tsuna reacting to Hayato's involvement with--//brother covers mouth//
thanks MPTIDTF Squad, i rlly appreciate it x3
時々 。 。 。物事をそのまま残す方が良いです 。
Silence followed suit after her query, resulting in an awkward and asphyxiating tension to submerge the room. "What . . . what do you mean, Chrome?" Tsuna asked, utterly and very much in a state of stumped confusion. "Why on earth would you ask something like that?"
Chrome sighed, expecting the reaction, but still feeling weary and timeworn nonetheless. "Boss," she repeated once more, eyes narrowing. "Please just answer the question." Tsuna flinched at that, not expecting something so harsh and cold to come out of his childhood companion's mouth.
"W-Well," Tsuna stammered as he settled the tea down. "I've known him for over three years now, and I can honestly say: he's an honest and good person. He's auspicious and a very loyal friend and has helped me through difficult times of financial needs," Tsuna trailed carefully, waiting for Chrome's reaction with wariness.
Chrome closed her eyes and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself. "Boss," she said, voice conspicuously dipped into a whisper. "Did you ever consider . . . that your honest and auspicious friend might be involved with the mafia?"
"—that was rather fun, wasn't it?" a fourteen year old Tsuna asks a dizzy thirteen year old Chrome, laughing at the fuming look she threw at him.
"Easy for you to say, boss," Chrome muttered as coherently as she could, hands clamped securely around her mouth to prevent herself from gagging. "Why would they even invent something as dangerous as a roller coaster? I swear I saw my life flash right before my very eyes when the frightening ride went down at supersonic speed." Tsuna choked on his burrito at this, snickering at his friend's choice of words.
"That's the point of the ride, really." The brunet grinned, handing her a carefully wrapped burrito. "And besides, it wouldn't be fun if it didn't give you a start, no?" Chrome shot him a halfhearted glare, resulting in Tsuna tumbling over, laughing.
Suddenly, the brunet's eyes glinted maliciously, an evil idea forming in his head. "Hey, hey, Chrome-chan . . ." He tugged her sleeves, evil sparkling in his eyes. "Do you want to go over to the haunted house?"
Chrome was indignant; she tossed her burrito into Tsuna's face and ran, shouting incoherent curses at him, face beet red. The teenager jogged along after her, laughing at Chrome's antics.
"Oh my God – you're really good at this, Chrome-chan!" Tsuna exclaimed with a mixture of awe and envy lacing his voice, his lips folding in on itself to create a small smile.
Chrome looked over to him with a shy and embarrassed smile, never before being praised for something as trivial and tedious as . . . throwing darts.
"Really?" The female of the duo tucked her hair behind her earlobe, blushing. "It isn't all that amazing, boss. You just have to aim, locate where your target is at, adjust your position and—" Her eyes narrowed intuitively, and she threw her fifth dart at the wall with as much proficiency and prowess as a pro baseball player, and Tsuna stared, awed at the dart that firmly implanted itself into the board. "—fire."
The man who owned and had been casually leaning on the small stand, had stumbled back, doing a double take at Chrome's victory and Tsuna watched in sheer amusement as the cigarette dramatically fell off the man's mouth. "W-What the h-hell—"
"Excuse me, mister," came the timid reply of the small victor, eyes blinking innocently, "but I do believe that I have won this game; and is it not customary for the stand worker to hand the prize to the winner of the game?" Tsuna couldn't help but laugh at the incredulous and flabbergasted look the man seemed to sport and he patted Chrome in the back, eyes grinning and teeth stretched from ear to ear.
"Yes, yes, that's more like it Chrome-chan!" The said owner of the name blushed, her eyes averting to the side as Tsuna collected their prizes, grinning and whooping in how lucky he was to have a friend like Chrome.
"Dear God." Tsuna lets a small and tentative gasp escape his lips. His eyebrows furrowed together, easily giving away his concern and worry for his short companion. "C-Chrome-chan . . . don't tell me you're going to eat all of that! That's way too much sweet, even for you!"
Chrome blinked, honestly not knowing what the other was talking about. "What?" She scanned the items within her tight hold curiously, not understanding what Tsuna meant. "Why?"
"Chrome-chan, you're going to get cavities!" Tsuna exclaimed and quickly snatched the satchel of sweets out of the surprised Chrome's embrace.
The victim of having her property stolen from her so abruptly scowled at him. "Boss, those are mine!"
Tsuna held the satchel tighter to his chest, shaking his head recurrently and refusing to return what was rightfully Chrome's possession. "No! Chrome-chan, you need to watch your diet!"
Chrome raised her arms in a bid to try and snatch the bag back. But to no avail. Damn her short stature. "Boss," Chrome wailed, lips jutting to what could only be identified as a pout, "please."
Tsuna gave her a hard look. "No."
"Boss, I won them—"
"And I am suspecting you're going to eat them all in a matter of minutes if I even take my eyes off of you for a precious second." Chrome went still, brooding.
"No sweets," Tsuna repeated, sighing as he slung the rather and surprisingly heavy satchel over his shoulders, "and that's that. You can keep the rest of what is rightfully yours, but the matter of the candies and chocolates will be left as it is."
"Chrome-chan." There was a threatening and dark edge ringing in Tsuna's voice, warning the younger of the two that there was no more room for further arguments, and Chrome slumped, reluctantly accepting her defeat.
"Fine," she said, sulking, and Tsuna smiled, triumph, clasping her and chortling that he knew he could count on Chrome to see reason.
"Boss! Please come down!"
"No!" Tsuna shrieked back in response, clutching the tree branch tighter to his chest.
Chrome just felt grateful that nobody was there to witness the teen's cowardly antics. "Boss!" she keened, shooting the small barking creature beside her a scornful glance. "It's just a Chihuahua!" Much to her dismay, Tsuna replied by sniffing and drably shaking his head. The satchel of sweets was long forgotten on the ground, having been left unattended after the teen miraculously climbed up the tall oak tree.
Chrome looked miserably down at the yapping pup. It had somewhat appeared out of nowhere and chased Tsuna all over the amusement park, who was at that time, holding a tasty-scented sandwich filled with all manner of meat, and the brunet happened to be unlucky enough to eat it in area full of berated dogs.
"Boss!" Chrome begged. "Please come down!"
As if understanding her, the dog yapped and howled, but this only further emphasized Tsuna's fear, for he refused to be within even five foot radius with the dreadful creature.
"C-C-Chrome-chan," Tsuna wept. "I-I can't possibly come down there with . . . with that thing chasing me about the place!"
"But boss—!"
The dog yapped once more and Tsuna, with his luck and awesome acrobatic skills, ended up falling down the ground with a dismal thump.
Let's just say that the rest of the remaining hour was spent with a certain brunet boy running for his dear life with a small dog trailing not too far behind.
". . . This is why I told you to come down the tree, boss."
Tsuna sulked as Chrome carefully applied a small bandage with disinfection to his bruised cheek. "Easy for you to say," Tsuna said through puffed cheeks. "You're not the one running around the entire grounds of the theme park with a dog following you like a hungered predator." Chrome snickered at his explanation and his brooding mood continues to darken.
"Karma is quite a vindictive person, no?" Chrome chortled. Tsuna looked like he had eaten a sour lemon. "Be of good-cheer, boss."
"Shut up, Chrome-chan," Tsuna muttered. "Maybe next time I'll decide to attach several pieces of meat to your body and see how the whole situation unfolds itself." For the first time, Tsuna witnessed an emotion akin to actual fear cross her face.
Chrome grumbled. "You and your imagination . . ." Attaching the final bandage to Tsuna's injured body; she heaved a relieved and exasperated sigh. "There." Utterly transfixed, Tsuna examined himself and marveled in how his injuries stopped bleeding out through the rough gashes.
Tsuna beamed. "You're the best, Chrome-chan!" Tsuna squealed and enveloped Chrome in a big bear hug. Chrome squeaked at that, not expecting such a surprising display of warmth.
Chrome tried breaking free, feeling the need for air to fill her lungs. "B-Boss . . . you're choking me . . ." After much bargaining and cajoling, Chrome gasped and sucked in much needed air after Tsuna graciously set her free from the suffocating confines of his arms. "I-I swear boss . . ." Chrome murmured as she turned blue in the face. Tsuna laughed nervously and sheepishly apologized.
"Sorry, Chrome-chan." Tsuna laughed.
Chrome was fidgeting in his hold; she sported a look of guilt. She lowered her head, feeling like she didn't deserve this, having been raised in isolation. "I-I'm sorry for yelling at you and, well, indirectly insulting you, boss—"
"Chrome-chan." Chrome stiffened at the sound of her name being called. "You shouldn't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault," Tsuna said with a reassuring grin. He swung his arm around Chrome's shoulder in a half embrace. "If ever there was a situation or problem that I find myself stuck in, I know I can count on you to help me." Tsuna scratched his cheek. " Ehehe, that sounded weak of me. But I wanted to assure you that you always had a place with us, you know? With Mama and me, I meant." Tsuna eyed her. "I understand you have your . . . insecurities. But don't let that stop you from coming to us, alright?" Chrome felt speechless. Tsuna responded by grinning and tugging her arm.
"Come along now!" Tsuna jostled, laughing. "All this talk about gloominess makes the air feel heavy. Plus, I still have something to show you!" Chrome lets herself be tugged along once more, but this time, a small and happy smile graced her features.
I swear, Chrome thought to herself as Tsuna tossed her a warm grin, I swear that no harm will ever be inflicted to you. Ever again.
For she knew, aside from Mukuro, Tsuna was the closest thing she will ever get to a sweet and caring older brother. And, as dusk broke and the tree rustled and her smile grew, Chrome knew that there was no place on earth she would rather be.
At least, that's what she had pledged to herself ten years ago.
But now, seeing the hurt and betrayed look Tsuna was starting to sport, Chrome didn't know if she was still able to keep her silent promise to him.
"Chrome . . . what kind of sick joke is that?" Tsuna stammered; confusion etched on his features. "A-Am I supposed to take that seriously?" The brunet's face went slack, highly disturbed and dubious of the information that Chrome had enlightened him with.
Chrome gave him a look filled with pity. "This's why Nii-sana told me to wait, I see . . ." she muttered coarsely, disliking the task of inferring the other bit by bit.
"Boss, it is your choice if you choose to acknowledge this piece of information." Chrome straightened, her eyes narrowed, and her proficient persona took over. "I'm sorry if this may come as a shock to you but you need to accept it."
"You do not have a single proof that would support your outrageous statement!" Tsuna shouted, blanching.
Chrome gave him a weary glance. "Don't I?"
Then, to prove that her statement was precise, she wordlessly dished out the documents tucked carefully within her purse, lips pursued in a small frown as her eyes scanned over the laminated pamphlets.
"Here." She handed the documents towards Tsuna's direction, beckoning him to take it.
Tsuna eyed the pristine and laminated notes cautiously. "What is this supposed to be, Chrome?"
An uncharacteristic glare was directed at him. "They're the proofs that you were so desperate for, Boss. It provides evidence that serves as an official record." Then, her eyes soften, a plain contrary to the attorney-like persona who moments ago, was seething. "If you find these documents unpleasant, Boss, I won't force you to forgive me. But know that what I'm doing right now is for your own stability and safety." She gave him an unreadable look. "Please . . . read it."
A little bit shakenly, he took it, flipping over the pages with scrunched eyebrows.
Then, his eyes flung terribly wide with disbelief. His hands shook.
"C-Chrome . . . I-I thought this was only about Hayato-kun." His fingers were shaking so badly, Chrome feared that the papers might just about fly everywhere from his unstable grip. "Why does it s-say that—"
"That Mukuro-nii and I are involved, as well?" Chrome interrupted. Tsuna threw his head up, eyes flaring.
Chrome sighed. "We never wanted you to know, Boss –at least, that's what Mukuro-nii said." She bent her head low. "But the guilt was gnawing away my consciousness. Mukuro-nii didn't want you to think lowly of him," her eyes averted, "or me."
The silence that fell upon them was so thick; it could've easily been cut in half with a knife.
She heard the shuffling of papers and the small and shaky sigh escaping the mouth of her beloved brother-like friend. Chrome, although hesitantly, raised her head and saw the softening of Tsuna's eyes.
What? Why wasn't he yelling? Why wasn't he contacting the authorities and sending her out?
"A-Are," Tsuna started, scratching his cheeks as a sign of nervousness. The action felt out of place in the gloominess of the atmosphere. "A-Are you . . . are you at least safe, Chrome?" He eyed her with surprisingly worried eyes.
Chrome sat upright, confused. "What?" She sounded flabbergasted, if not breathless.
Tsuna smiled. "Are you safe Chrome? I'm sure that . . . you and Mukuro have your reasons for being affiliated with the underground society." He steepled his fingers together in his lap, his face etched in a thoughtful expression. "I've known you for over ten years now, and I know if you're keeping secrets from me, it's for good reasons." Chrome couldn't believe what she was hearing.
She stood up. "This isn't something to take lightly, Boss; I could as easily take your life as a deplorable degenerant would! I'm a criminal, and that doesn't bother you? Not even in the least?" Tsuna flinched at her piercing tone and, reluctantly, shook his head.
Then, he sighed. "I don't want to think any less of you, Chrome." He eyed her. "And if you were going to take my life, you would have already done so a long time ago. . . . Why stop now? Why won't you do it?" That rendered Chrome speechless.
The brunet gave her an ironic smile. "You're a good person, Chrome." He briskly walked towards her, patting her shoulders. "And your background means nothing to me, nor did it hinder that kind personality of yours from blooming." He laughed. "As I have said, I'm sure you have your reasons."
"You shouldn't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault," Tsuna said with a reassuring grin.
Chrome folded her lips. She forced back the tears that were gathering behind her eyelids.
Finally, she thought. I've found somebody who could accept me for who I am.
Because that was all Chrome ever wanted.
"But I wanted to assure you that you always had a place with us, you know? With Mama and me, I meant."
"—Young Mistress, you're doing it wrong." Chrome stiffened. She squared her shoulders and bended her knees, focusing.
Her mentor shook his head. He tilted her body with his finger. "Your father won't be pleased at all at the lack of development with your figure," he deadpanned, solemn. It wasn't the most encouraging thing to say, but it determined Chrome to try harder.
Her mentor slapped her after her fifth try. His expression indicated that he was pissed and had been pushed beyond his limits. "Do it right. Again – from the top. I don't want your father to think that I trained a failure."
"Freak!" A small child aggressively pushed her back, sending her tumbling down and scraping her palms and knees. She merely gave him a detached look.
"Go back to your freaky mansion with your freaky brother and be freaks together!" he yelled. The rest of the kids sniggered, finding the insult hilarious.
He tossed her a twisted and smug smile. He spat at her. "See? We don't like playing with freaks."
"I'm sorry." A child who she thought was her friend bent down and bowed very lowly. "I-I don't want to be seen together with you anymore, Chrome-chan."
She offered Chrome a sorrowful look. "You're just so . . . weird."
"—aren't they though?" a maid whispered, thinking that the young mistress and master were upstairs, sleeping. Unfortunately for her however, Chrome was up, intently listening to their conversation.
"Shush now, Maria," an old lady whispered, her face extremely pale. "I would hold my tongue if I were you."
The newly hired maid huffed, specifying that she didn't care. "So? The young master and his sister are both sleeping – an odd bunch they are, too. The young master specifically, is strange, with his unnerving pair of hetero eyes." Chrome clenched her fists at this. Her eyes narrowed.
But, this time, instead of reprimanding the young rookie, the older and more experienced maid nodded somberly in agreement. "Yes." Her eyes went serious. "An odd bunch they are, indeed."
"Try harder, young mistress Chrome."
"You have strange eyes."
. . . That child is very dangerous. Do not go near her, understood?"
"Get away from me!"
Her entire life, Chrome had embraced and accepted the cruel reality that nobody would accept her. That that was all she was and ever will be. A freak. A weirdo. A failure.
To make matters worse, her father had acknowledge these statements within the bat of an eyelash. And Chrome knew; she knew that this was it for her. No more trying. No more efforts into being someone who she was not, and was desperate to be. That her life and the social classes would center on a pretentious girl who hid behind a broken mask of discretion.
This was it. The end of the line for her—
"Why are you acting so glum, Chrome-chan?" Chrome's head had shot up, surprised.
"What?" Her Boss had sighed, irked, and pinched her cheeks before slapping them. Chrome gave an indignant yelp.
"You're sulking and I don't like it." He frowned, giving her cheeks another firm squeeze. "Your face is indicating that you are thinking very deep thoughts unsuitable for a teen, you know?" He grimaced. "You look like you aged a few decades. And moreover—" He grabbed hold of Chrome's forehead, tsking. "Thinking too deeply and frowning so hard would give you wrinkles."
She looked at him, astounded. He laughed at her expression and tugged her wrist. "Come on now! We don't want to be late for the school festival, no? They're selling dangos!" And with that, he tugged along a smiling Chrome, blabbing about the usual things as he sent all her worries away.
"Oh my God – you're really good at this, Chrome-chan!"
"Chrome-chan, you're going to get cavities!"
"Do you want to go over to the haunted house?"
"Boss, please come down!"
"I-I can't possibly come down there with . . . with that thing chasing me about the place!"
"You're a good person, Chrome." He briskly walked towards her, patting her shoulders. "And your background means nothing to me, nor did it hinder that kind personality of yours from blooming." He laughed. "As I have said, I'm sure you have your reasons."
Finally. She found him.
Her hero. Her savior.
Her sky.
"It's getting a bit late now, isn't it?" Tsuna stood, gathering the files and giving the leaflets back to Chrome, smiling. "Here. As I am sure you would need them in the nearby future."
Chrome stared for a while before shaking her head. "These are supposed to be for you, Boss." She eyed the files. "Although I didn't expect for you to take in this news so calmly . . ." Tsuna heard this and laughed.
"What are you talking about? I'm having a rather difficult time digesting it! Involved in mafia? Who would've thought?" He shook his head. He separated the files and took the one that was Gokudera. "I'll consult with Hayato-kun when he gets back from his . . . trip." His eyes suddenly went downcast. "I-I don't know why he would be involved with the criminal society, but he is a dear friend of mine, and I know that, he too, has his reasons for keeping this undisclosed from me."
He shrugged, smiling thinly. "And aren't you involved, too?" He laughed before sighing. "But . . . is there anything else you're hiding from me, Chrome?" Tsuna's voice suddenly dipped to a more serious and solemn tone.
Chrome shook her head, her knuckles clenching and unclenching in her lap. "No." Then, she nervously flicked her eyes over to his direction. "I-I'm not trying to do this to ruin your friendship or have you turn us over to the police—" Her primal instincts was to turn around and run. She had elaborated her escape, but she never thought that Tsuna would take in the news as easily as if Chrome was handing him the daily newspaper. "It's just that—"
"You were worried about the people I was associated with." Chrome became silent. "It's time you headed back home, Chrome."
Chrome raised her head. "But—"
"You have already told me what is needed to be told." He smiled. "And informed me of what was needed to be informed. Do you think I would turn you over to the police just because of this?" He shook his head. "I'm not that shallow, Chrome. Like I have said before and I will continue to remind you so, I'm sure you have your reasons." He raised the teacup. "More tea?"
She shook her head. "You're impossible. A person involved with the mafia is sitting in your living room and you're just sitting there, taking in the news like you were hearing about the weather." She threw him an exasperated glare. "I cannot believe you."
Tsuna laughed. "I was raised by a woman who took in everything with light strides." He shrugged. "Guess I inherited that part of her it seems."
She glared at him. "You're impossible."
"How long are you going to say that?" This time, it was Chrome's turn to laugh.
"Mukuro-nii is going to kill me," she murmured, sighing. Tsuna raised an eyebrow.
"As I have suspected, you didn't tell him. If you did, I would have concluded he was lurking somewhere in the shadows, waiting." Chrome snorted at his imagination before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
"I really dislike you right now, Boss, you know?"
"Yes, yes, I love you too, Chrome." He poured her a cup, smiling. "Now, more tea? I've been asking you a million times now and in response, you keep throwing a bunch of sentiments at me." Chrome couldn't help herself, she rolled her eyes.
"Isn't that your title?"
Chrome paused. She looked at Tsuna, trying to detect a trace of malice in his expression but found none. Only sheer playfulness and amusement. "Yes, I suppose so . . ." She smiled. "But you're going to regret leisurely inviting me into your house someday, Boss."
Tsuna just smiled.
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