Chapter 2
Five days Alaric has been here. The same every day. Only speaking when we're in math class.
Every day he's wearing that beanie.
I'm pretty sure he isn't all of who he claims to be and curiosity is often strong with me. If I want to know, I'll find out.
I-I'm not too proud of this, but I did what I felt I needed to- followed him after school. I didn't know what it would reveal about him. Whatever I might have thought, it wasn't close to the truth.
The bell for seventh period, the last class of the day, rang and I waited for the halls to clear out as Alaric did the same. He hid behind the lockers for about fifteen minutes. I hid in a more stealthy place- behind a trash can. Not super sanitary, but it worked. He ran out the back door of the school, which was against the rules.
Waiting until he was out of the door I ran to follow. I saw him running up the back hill to where the woods meet the edge of the school so I continued to follow. I couldn't think of a reason why he'd go there. There isn't anything in there except woodland creatures and a lot of trees.
It's dark in the woods. I only see his tall black outline. His beanie is removed. The outline of his hair spilling out from underneath it. At least now I know he has hair under that hat. He removes his shirt. His head is turned down. Not unlike when you're in prayer and bow your head. A look of concentration is definitely on his face even if I can't see it.
My attention is brought to his back where his shoulder blades start to rise and disconnect from his body.Wings. His Face sharpens. Fingers elongate. He's like a dragon now. Not completely. He's somewhere between human and dragon.
He lifts from the ground, wings flapping. The New Mexico heat isn't what's making me sweat right now.
I back away. Trying to escape. Trying to forget what I saw. A twig snaps and so does Alaric's- if it's Alaric anymore- head. I run. Run until I get back to the door, not realizing until now how far into the woods we went. Grabbing my bag, I dash for my car. Once I'm in I drive. Surely he can't chase me or attack me while he's... whatever he is, in plain sight. No matter what he is, I'm almost certain he wants to keep it a secret.
Suddenly, I'm stopped by another car. Principal Higgins's.
He steps out of his car and over to my window. I roll it down.
"Julie... What are you...doing?" He asks clearly confused. I pull and auburn strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.
"I... just had to do some extra schoolwork and, uh...stuff." I smile and hope he believes my words.
"You know you're not supposed to be at school after 3:00 without permission." He says. His face now showing a look of disappointment.
"I know. I just-" he put his hand up, cutting me off.
"I have to give you detention. Now you have permission to be in Mrs. Green's room at 3:00 tomorrow."
"Ok." I say, my mind not completely processing his words as it's still back in the woods from a minute ago.
Then the worst happens. Just when Higgins was about turn back to his own car Alaric is running out of the school's front door. As if he knew the exact moment it'd be most embarrassing for him to come out of the school.
Alaric knew someone was watching him in the woods. Now he knows it had to have been me or Higgins. And judging from the principal's anatomy, he couldn't have run out of the woods like I did.
"Mr. Pace. I was just telling Miss Soler here how you're not supposed to be at school after hours. Just giving her detention too. Since you've only been here a couple days I'll let it slide with you."
Alaric does the nod he's gotten so good at and quickly walks to his car. The 20 year old Tennessee truck.
Mr. Higgins gets in his as well and we all drive out of the high school parking lot.
Fortunately that was Friday so I had two days to go over what I saw. What I would say to Alaric. Unfortunately, those days didn't help. Every line I planned to say to him fled my mind when I actually had to face him.
He still had the beanie. Still had the silence.
Today was detention day for me. I also got a lot of teasing from Jesse about it over the weekend.
Between every class I tried to talk to Alaric. He avoided me. Wouldn't even look at me.
Finally, between sixth and seventh period I catch him. Grabbing him by the arm. He looks at me, total fear in his eyes. Why is he scared? He's the monster
"I want to talk to you." I tell him.
"I don't want to talk to you." He says as he breaks loose from my grip.
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