Chitchat With Your Bestie-2
“That's…. weird” Andi said from the passenger seat of Calvin's car. He'd picked her up for school that morning so they could talk about last night.
“I know! He talked and acted like we were besties when I have no clue who the dude is!” Calvin exclaimed. He moved his hands around when he talked.
“WOAH! HANDS ON THE WHEELS!!” Andi screeched and leaned forwards. Calvin threw his hands back onto the wheel and cut left as the car almost careened off the road.
Andi held her chest as she tried to calm her breathing while Calvin just rolled his eyes like she was being dramatic.
“What if, I dunno, he's trying to bully me. What if it's a trap!?” He gestured with his pointer fingers.
Andi rolled her eyes “I doubt it. I don't know much about the dude besides the sports part, but he doesn't seem like the type. He's in my third class and never gets aggressive. He doesn't even have a school record. Nothing, not a single bullying incident.”
“That he was caught,” Calvin said, earning a look from Andi. “I'm just saying, maybe he's sneaky. Or he just bribed people to not tell on him. He is a popular jock.”
Andi just rolled her eyes. “Or, get this, you're just paranoid” she said in a faux nice tone.
“Shut it.” Calvin screwed as he pulled into the parking lot. They passed many kids as they cruised to a parking spot. “Now get out of my car.”
Andi just smiled and rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag from the back seat and exciting the vehicle.
It was a Friday, and Calvin was hoping to just glide through with no interaction from Maverick. Thankfully, the only class they shared was second,he was sure of that.
Calvin sat down in Mr. Armstrong's class after leaving first and started looking around. Where was Maverick? Was he just lying? Calvin started to scratch the edge of his folder as he fell deeper into thought.
“Ah, cutting it closer Mr.Clint?” The ravenette teacher said as Maverick scrambled in.Calvin looked up as he heard the name “Take a seat, you're fine.”
“Sorry sir” Maverick chuckled. It was a chuckle that should've been awkward, scared, but Maverick made it seem cool, chill, calm. He sat down next to Calvin, the only empty seat. Calvin averted his eyes and looked in the opposite direction.
Maverick didn't say or do anything, but between looking at the board, teacher, and notebook, he'd steal glances at the sandy blonde.
“So, you will have three weeks to make the diorama.” Mr. Armstrong said. A collective groan made its way around the class. “However,” He continued. “It'll be a partner project,and yes, you get to pick your partner.”
Everyone cheered and started to move to sit next to their friends, moving desks to have sides touching. Calvin started to panic as he realized he didn't have any friends in the class. He’d had an “acquaintance” in Ken, but after ‘The Dodgeball Incident’, he'd been put in a different class.
As Calvin’s breath started to quicken, his panic was interrupted by a soft voice.
“Hey, uh, would you possibly want to be my partner? Uh- for the project?” Calvin looked up to see the dopey smile of Maverick. He was standing next to Calvin, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “I noticed your usual partner was removed from the class, so i just thought-”
“Sure Maverick, we can be partners.” Calvin cut him off. He tried seeming calm, but this whole situation had him panicking internally.
Maverick’s smile grew even more before he grabbed his desk and moved it directly next to Calvin’s. “So, what historical event do you want to do the diorama over?” Maverick asked as he sat down.
Calvin raised a brow at Maverick. “Isn't there some sports event you wanted to do it over with your sports friends?” He asked dryly.
“Oh, well, I was more thinking,” Maverick looked to the side embarrassed. “The Great Emu War.”
Calvin just stared at Merrick, his mouth slightly agape, eyes narrowed in confusion. “I mean… sure? Yeah. Sure. Emu war it is, I guess.”
Maverick just smiled. “I just think the whole situation is very interesting.” He chuckled.
“I mean, yeah, a whole country fighting a species of birds. I’d say that is pretty interesting.” Calvin was so confused.
“Okay everyone, there's five minutes of class left.” Mr. Armstrong started. “I’ll need one student from each duo to come up here and tell me your partner and your idea.”
Maverick stood up and headed over to the teachers desk. Calvin just sighed. Why was life so difficult for him.
As soon as the bell rang, Calvin grabbed his stuff and ran out of the room before Maverick could come back. Even though his class was very far from the cafeteria, he was still one of the first people there due to his walking speed. He put his stuff down at his usual lunch table and then sat down, waiting for Andi.
He watched as she slowly meandered in with a bunch of other students. He was so confused as to how she got to lunch so late when her class was so close to the cafeteria.
Calvin jumped up and hustled over to her. “Talk, quick.” He grabbed her stuff, sat it down next to his, and pulled her into the lunchline as she looked up from her phone.
“Wha? Huh?” She asked, disoriented.
“Grab food. Sit to talk.” Calvin said quickly. Andi just rolled her eyes unamused as they got their food.
“Okay. I… mmm.” Calvin tried to say as they sat down at their table alone. His knee was bouncing as he tried to think of what to say.
Andi just groaned, deciding to initiate. “What happened?” she asked before poking the ‘broccoli’ pile with her fork.
“He… Maverick is my partner for a project in history.” Calvin managed out, thoughts swarming his head.
“Wow, must suck. Mr. Armstrong really must've messed things up for you, huh?” Andi continued as she inspected the orange cup.
“No!” Calvin groaned. “He let us choose our partners! But Maverick chose to be mine.”
Andi looked at her friend, surprised. “Wow, that is weird. I guess it’s better than you having to find someone else to be your partner, seeing as Ken got moved from the class.” Andi had been in the gym when the ‘Dodgeball Incident’ happened, she’d witnessed it herself. “Welp, good luck, I guess.” She shrugged before sipping on her milk carton.
“Uhhhhg.” Calvin complained before going quiet and eating. When the bell rang, Andi headed to gym while Calvin went to art.
Hey! Hope you're enjoying these. I've got a basic guideline for the plot planned out, I roughly know what’s going to happen over time. I hope you all are excited for it! Remember to have a good day and stay hydrated!
Hey! I decided to add extra since I felt like this chapter was barebones. I did write it at midnight… like I am now. But I feel better about this chapter now. I hope y’all liked the new part too, bye! (1,207 Words)
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