Chapter Seven
As they landed on the beach Hermione felt herself fall into Harry's arms. She was gripping onto her arm. The word 'Mudblood' had been carved into it by Bellatrix. Suddenly she felt the arms around her change, the girl looked up and saw Charlie pulling her close. Tears smiled from her eyes as she hugged him tight. She could hear Harry calling her name, turning to face him she saw Dobby. Blood was spilling out of the house elves stomach. And before she knew if he was gone. The tears fell out of her eyes even harder and Charlie hugged her tighter.
The next morning Hermione woke up in an unfamiliar room, she couldn't see Harry or Ron and she immediately panicked.
"Mione sweetheart, it's okay, you're okay" Charlie smiled walking out from behind the wardrobe.
"Oh Charlie!" She said and jumped into his arms, he smiled slightly and hugged her back. Looking up into his eyes for a second before she pushed her lips onto his.
"It's okay, you're okay" he smiled and rubbed her arm soothingly as she lay on him.
"I love you Char, but you know Harry, Ron and I aren't staying long" she looked up at him.
"I know, but while you are here I'm going to make you happy" He hugged her tight. Her head rested on his chest. She hadn't seen him in months, which was hard for her as she loved him. "Oh and of course, I love you too princess" he kissed the top of her forehead.
"So what do we do now?" Harry asked them as they sat down, Hermione and Ron were sat opposite him.
"We have to get in there. To the vault" Hermione told him.
"Why?" Ron questioned.
"Bellatrix isn't the smartest person. There's a reason she got so agitated because she thought we'd gotten into her vault. I suspect there's a horcrux in there"
"Okay, but not yet. We need to be ready. And I think you need to relax for a bit 'Mione" Harry smiled at her lightly. She smiled back and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Thanks, we also need to figure out a plan. I have an idea. But it's going to take a while to brew the polyjuice potion" the two boys nodded, as they finished talking Hermione felt Charlie sink into the space next to her. Her head fell against his shoulder and Harry and Ron stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"You trying to get yourself killed again?" He asked, she chuckled lightly and rolled her eyes.
"I don't try and get killed. But I almost always nearly do" she responded and let her head fall against his shoulder. He smiled down at her.
"Two words Godrics Hollow" her cheeks flushed red.
"That was a one off type thing. We got out of Malfoy Manor before Tom arrived" Hermione grabbed onto his hand. Her eyes met his for a second before he looked away. "Char, what's wrong?" She asked, he looked down at her.
"I should've been there to protect you. I'm sorry" she sighed and pecked his lips.
"Hey, I love you. And there's something I need to ask you"
"Anything princess"
"There's a dragon in Gringotts right?" He nodded. "Right, can you teach me how to tame a dragon?" He smiled and jumped up, a confused look was painted on her face and he picked her up and spun her around. A giggle escaped her mouth.
"I love you so much more than I ever have before" he smiled broadly.
"Aww I love you too" she smiled as he put her down, her hand reached for the side of his face. Their lips met.
Over the next few days Charlie taught Hermione how to tame dragons. You had to make a connection with them, show them you mean no harm. Which Charlie said Hermione could do perfectly.
A day later Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking to Griphook.
"We need your help" Harry told the goblin.
"With what Harry Potter?" He responded, Hermione could feel Rons hand on her shoulder as she sat in the chair in the room, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown.
"Getting into a Gringotts vault. We've sort of got a plan but we'll need your help" Harry stated, Griphook had a look of pure distaste on his face.
"Why should a goblin like me help wizards like you? You've never treated us well.." he began.
"Griphook, listen. We're not like most wizards. I'm a Mudblood! They think that I don't deserve to carry a wand. If we can get into the vault we can stop you-know-who. Then we can change the laws. To make them fair to all species. Including goblins" Hermione smiled standing up, she'd ignored Harry and Ron's protests to tell not to call herself a Mudblood.
"I shall think about it. I need some rest" he responded, the three of them nodded before leaving the room.
"That was bloody brilliant 'Mione! But you really shouldn't call yourself that" Ron half smiled at her. Chuckling lightly Hermione sighed.
"Why shouldn't I? I'm a Mudblood and I'm proud to be. I was raised my muggles, my parents were muggles. I'm not ashamed of it" she smiled.
"And that's why I love you" Charlie smiled and planted a kiss on her head as he approached them. Hermione could feel her cheeks flushing scarlet, she turned around to face him. A smile was painted across her face.
"I love you too" she planted a gentle kiss against his lips.
"I'll see you later" he smiled and walked off down the corridor.
"So is he agrees how long before we can go?" Harry asked Hermione, she sighed.
"From when Griphook agrees it would be at least five days" Hermione said still mixing the potion. "I only wish I'd packed more of it. I really hate brewing this stuff" she looked down at the potion in the pot, a disgusted look showing on her face.
"Well, how much of that are you making?" Ron asked looking at the surprisingly small amount.
"The ingredients only left enough for one person, I also had to leave some in the bottles. In case we need them again" Hermione replied and added a drop of something to the brew. "There, leave that for a week then it's ready to go" she said and placed it under the bed in the room they were in.
"Let's just hope Griphook agrees to help us"
"Need some help?" Hermione asked as she saw Charlie making the dinner. It had been four days since they spoke to Griphook and they still hadn't heard back from him. He turned to her and smiled.
"Thank you" he said warmly, moving over slightly so there was room for her to stand next to him. Not like she needed it, they barely ate a good meal whilst camping. Occasionally they'd have something from a muggle shop or Hermione would actually find something good in the Forest. A smile spread across her face as she chopped the carrots.
"Hermione, are you sure you have to leave?" Charlie asked her, she placed the carrots in the pot and turned to him.
"Yeah I do, Harry, Ron and I have to do something. When we do this then we can kill him" She told him and placed her hands on the sides of his face.
"I just don't want you to get hurt" he looked down into her eyes. The height difference now quite obvious. His arms wrapped around her waist.
"The great of good comes first, killing you-know-who is more important. I've been prepared to do this for years. Plus I can't abandon Harry and Ron" Her hands dropped so that her arms were resting on his shoulders. Smiling she felt him pull her closer and their lips connected once again. Their lips began to move in sync before Hermione pulled off, she tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled before taking the dinner out of the oven.
Fifteen minutes later everyone was sitting at the table, Hermione and Fleur handed out the plates of food.
Twenty minutes later they heard a knock at the door, Hermione felt her heart beat fast as her and everyone drew their wands.
"It is I, Remus John Lupin. I'm a werewolf and I'm married to Nymphadora Tonks. You Bill Weasley told me the location of this house and said to come here in case of an emergency" Came the voice of Remus Lupin, Bill hopped up to answer the door. A smile was on Remus's face but he also seemed really tired. "It's a boy!" He told them. Ginny and Hermione squealed.
"Congratulations!" Both girls replied in unison, he smiled at them.
"We've named him Teddy, after Doras father. Oh and Harry, if you'd like we'd want you to be Godfather!" Harry's eyes widened in shock.
"Wait what? Me? Really? I'd love to" Harry smiled and was engulfed in a hug by Remus.
"To Teddy Remus Lupin, a great young wizard in the making!" Remus announced, smiling they all raised their glasses.
"To Teddy!" They all chorused.
Even after Remus left they were still celebrating.
"Harry Potter" Hermione heard Griphook say as she walked through the hall with Harry.
"Yes Griphook?" Harry responded, the goblin smiled at them.
"I shall help you, but I return I need something" The two teens followed him into the room.
"What do you need?" Hermione asked, the goblin smirked at her.
"The sword of Gryffindor" he said, Harry and Hermione looked at one another, shock in their eyes. "Umm I'll need to think about this for a second" Harry replied and grabbed Hermione hand and pulled her out of the room.
"What do we do?" He asked her, her brain whirred for a possible solution where they could keep the sword.
"We can't give him a fake he'd spot it, also it's immoral. If we don't give him it after he's helped us it just immoral" She told him and pulled hair to one side.
"Let's talk to Ron" Harry sighed, she nodded and they pulled Ron aside.
"What's going on?" Ron asked them.
"Griphook will help us, if we give him the sword" Hermione said, Ron's eyes widened.
"We can't do that!" He responded, annoyance and anger clear in his eyes and on his face.
"We don't have a choice!" Hermione retorted, "because we aren't double crossing him"
"What if we give him the sword, but we just don't tell him when we'll give it to him..." Harry suggested, Hermione glared.
"That's double..."
"No it's not, because we're giving it to him" Ron smiled, Harry smiled too. Sighing Hermione nodded.
"I guess, we can leave in three days" she told them and walked back to the room she was sharing with Charlie.
"Mione what's wrong?" Charlie asked as Hermione lay snuggled into his chest.
"We're leaving in three days" she told him, his eyes widened in shock and tears filled his eyes. He hugged her tight.
"Why?" He asked kissing her head. A sigh escaped her mouth.
"We have to. We're going to kill him, we need to get something. I love you but you can't see us off either"
"You can't see what we'll look like, it's dangerous for you..."
"And it's not dangerous for you?!?!"
"Of course it is, but Dumbledore left Harry a mission. Me and Ron are the only people he was allowed to tell, we need to do this. After all, I don't know if it could get much worse. I don't think I need to be worried about getting hurt anymore, worst thing that will happen is I die. And I'm ready for that"
"Excuse me but if you die, I'll die. I love you and if you die it will kill me inside"
"You'd find someone else, right now defeating You-Know-Who is mine, Ron and Harry's number one priority"
"I don't want you getting hurt or worse. But I know you have to do this stuff"
"Thank you honey" she smiled and kissed his lips.
"Mione?" Charlie felt her wiggle out of his grip, she had a bottle in her hand.
"Bye Char" she said and walked out, he felt his eyes fall shut again. When he awoke he saw all the girls belongings were gone. And so was she. The space where she'd been lying on his arm was empty.
"Bill? They've left haven't they.." Charlie said as he came down the stairs. His older brother nodded at him. "She did tell me they were leaving, I didn't really think she meant it though"
"Charlie, they have to do whatever it is. Dumbledore told them to do it. That's what Harry told me" Bill smiled warmly, his older brothers smile reassured him. "And Hermione is one of the best witches I know, she could probably beat mum if she tried to. And you know how good mum is" Charlie chuckled. "Plus she's with Harry and Ron"
"I know but, you could tell she'd been tortured. She never outright told me, but I know she was"
"Charlie.... She's strong. It's going to take more than someone torturing her to bring her down. She could probably beat you in a duel"
"She probably could"
Tears filled Hermione's chestnut eyes as she pulled away from Charlie and slipped into the black dress, she'd concealed the beaded back on her and clutched the polyjuice potion in a glass in her hand.
"Mione?" She heard Charlie ask drearily, he clearly has half asleep.
"Bye Char" she sighed and walked out, the tears pouring out of her eyes. When she reached thr outside she drank the potion. It tasted even worse than Millicent had, well Millicent mixed with a cat. She could feel her appearance changing, she bolted up a few inches and her brown hair grew to a dark black and extended a bit. Her warm chestnut eyes changed to a merciless black.
"Mione? Is that you?" She heard both Harry and Ron ask, she nodded and faced them.
"She tasted disgusting" she stated, both boys laughed quietly and Hermione began to change Ron's face.
"Right, here we go" Harry said as they walked out of range of the Fidileus Charm and apparated away.
"How do we get out of here!" Ron shouted as they narrowly escaped the Lestrange Vault.
"The dragon!" Harry shouted and was met with a look of sheer fear from Ron.
"Are you bloody insane!" He responded.
"Hermione if I blast it free can you get us on it?" Harry asked, shaking slightly Hermione nodded. The polyjuice had worn off. Bellatrix's robes were awfully big for her. The three ran towards the dragon, Hermione to the front Harry and Ron attempting to blast the chains holding it to the ground.
"Hey" she forced a smile and outstretched her hand, the dragon may have been blind but it could sense her standing there. "I don't want to hurt you. We can get you out of here. But you need to get us out too" the dragon appeared to sniff her before pushing its huge nose into her hand. Smiling for real this time Hermione jumped on the dragons back and blasted the final chain as her, Harry and Ron flew out of Gringotts on the dragons back.
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