Special Chapter: Princess Marina
Dedicated to my friend, Val, the artist for this book. ❤️
"Your Highness, wait!" My lady-in-waiting called out frantically, her hands holding her dress so she could try and keep up with me.
"Tabitha, come on!" I called back excitedly, "You might miss it!"
"Nothing might even be happening..." I heard Tabitha grumble over the rustling of our dresses.
I turned the corner and after only a few steps, extended my arms, opening the large wooden doors that led to our massive outdoor gardens. In the center of the main garden loomed a large tree, it's branches seemed to reach into the sky as if wanting to embrace it. I was careful as I pulled myself up, finding a foothold on a large, thick branch.
"Get down from there before you get hurt! We have been over this a dozen times, Princess Marina!" It came from Tabitha's lips as more of a complaint than an order. I only laughed and looked down at her, holding tightly onto the branch above my head.
"You need to have some fun once in a while, Tabitha!" Come up here and have a peek with me!"
"Not a chance, Your Highness! I'm an old woman, I'll break my neck!" Tabitha put her hands on her wide hips and scrunched up her face. She had graying hair that was in a bun at the back of her neck, but she was only in her early fourties. However, when she made that face at me, she indeed looked much older. "And you'll break your neck too if you don't get down this instant!"
I shook my head and laughed again, pulling myself up to another branch. And then another. I sighed in exasperation at my puffy dress, as it was difficult to climb in. I wished I could change into something thinner... and a little more maneuverable.
"You're being very unladylike right now, Marina!" Oh no, I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes, she dropped my title. "If your mother found out she'd have my head!"
My mother... oh, dear old mom. She was overbearing and needed to loosen up a little too. She was always forcing me to go to those boring tea parties with other noblewomen. They were always uptight and condescending, eyeing my every move to see if I would make a mistake. Sizing me up to see if I would one day make a laughing stock of my mother and fail our kingdom.
I couldn't stand those women and their fake laughs and sincerity. I didn't want to be like them. I refused to be like them.
I climbed higher, and there it was. I almost squealed with joy, but put one hand on my mouth to stifle it. Control yourself, Marina.
There, across from me on another tree limb, was a nest. Inside were two baby birds, just hatched. One, however, was still unhatched and I looked on in awe as the egg wiggled next to its siblings. The egg cracked little by little and soon, I could see the head poking out, followed by it's fragile body. It's cries joined those of the other two and I stared on at the helpless beings, dependent on someone else to survive and thrive.
In no time at all, they would be free. Free to do as they chose and soar in the sky, showing off their beautiful blue feathers and majestic bodies. Someday they would create life.
And it was so beautiful.
"Your Highness, it is important you come down right now." Tabitha ordered in a tired voice.
With a sigh, I started to slowly and carefully make my way back down. As I went to put one of my feet down on the lowest branch, something stopped me. My dress was caught on a sharp part of the branch. I reached up with one hand and tugged at it, trying to get it free. With a grunt of determination, I yanked on my dress, pulling it free with a force I had not planned. I couldn't grab onto the branch with my other hand quick enough and found myself swiftly removed from the branch completely.
"Your Highness!" Tabitha cried out in horror, mixing with my own cries.
But I didn't hit hard pavement and had no pain from broken bones or injury. Instead, I had been caught by someone.... well sort of. The force of which I fell knocked the person over, causing me to tumble down on top of them. I scrambled to move off the mystery person, embarrassed of the incident that had just occurred.
"I'm so sorry! I feel terrible, I—" I stopped in my tracks, in the process of standing up and took in a tall, brown haired young man, probably only a few years older than me, in royal clothes of black and red. Those were colors of...
"Your Majesty!" I straightened up so quickly I almost made myself dizzy. I curtsied, keeping my eyes to the ground, afraid he would see my embarrassment and fear as he picked himself off the ground.
"This is Princess Marina," The voice of my mother made me finally lift my head. Her tone of voice showed she was highly disappointed and embarrassed because of my actions. My mother was glaring between me and Tabitha, who was keeping her head down in shame. Her hands were folded over her midsection, which was always something she did when she was angry and didn't want to show it. "My daughter..."
"King Torryn," He greeted, finally returning a bow and taking my hand gently in his to plant a kiss on the back of it. My face flushed as we locked eyes, our gazes not wavering. My mind seemed to turn fuzzy as I stared into his beautiful, green eyes. The way he was looking at me... it made me feel like I was floating. Wait—what was wrong with me? This was the king of Qleph—and everyone has heard stories of what went on there. "It's an honor."
"Mine as well," I retracted my hand quickly, but smiled as to not seem rude.
"I've come very far to meet you, Princess," King Torryn said with a wide smile. "And I must say, my dear, I have not been met with disappointment."
This last bit was directed at my mother, whose eyes widened with surprise for a split second. She quickly masked it by raising her chin and with a clear of her throat. Even Tabitha seemed surprised, finally raising her head to look at King Torryn in obvious bewilderment. Because of course, princesses were not supposed to act the way I do. But a part of me was not sorry, as it was obvious my mother was trying to set up an arranged marriage for me.
"May I be as delighted as to take a walk with you, Your Highness?" Torryn asked, offering me his arm. I put my arm around his as if on instinct, not saying a word as we started on the path that led deeper into the gardens.
"I noticed how much your mother was making you uncomfortable... I hope it's not out of line to say, but she seems quite overbearing."
"You have no idea," I laughed. "But thank you. For saving me back there, I mean. You didn't have to lie to them for me, but you did."
"Lie?" He stopped, a bewildered expression on his face. "I didn't lie. I think you're the bravest, down to earth person I know."
"But you have only known me a short while." I countered.
"My dear, when you spend your whole life surrounded by uptight people that try to control you and your life, it becomes really easy to know when you found someone entirely the opposite. Someone who isn't fake like the rest." He retracted his arm from mine and ran a hand through the front of his hair, almost in nervousness it seemed. "My parents and teachers always wanted me to be serious and strictly business. I mastered faking what they wanted me to be, but... they are gone now and I want to try and be my own person."
He described exactly how I felt. The smiles and laughter of people that used it as a mask to hide how they truly felt. Those who acted kind and honest, but only wanted to steal what you had and wanted to be you. Torryn felt like I did, he understood. He didn't condemn my "odd" behavior, my rebellion.
"Marry me," This brought me out of my thoughts.
"W-What?" I stammered, heat rising in my face. He turned to face me and grabbed my hands tightly in his. They were warm to the touch.
"Come on, you can't tell me you don't feel it too? The connection? We understand each other!" He said these words as if pleading with me to say yes. "Your mother wants us to marry. It would make her happy and keep her off your back, and my advisors off of mine."
"So this is what this is? A convenient exchange for you?" I swiftly pulled my hands away from his, starting to get angry. I should have known better than to trust the King of Qleph. I tried not to believe the stories I heard whispered around, as often times they weren't always full of the truth, but maybe this time I was the fool. Torryn was probably just like everyone else. A man fulfilling his duties like a blind puppet.
I picked up my skirts and turned on my heel. I wasn't going to be subject to more lies. I would rather face my mother's wrath a hundred fold than to be stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life, forced to bear children to please a kingdom that would become my prison. I would give the world all my love until it wore me to the bone, but did I deserve none?
"Marina! Wait!" He grabbed my elbow, stopping me. "I would never lie to you! I would never ask you to be someone you aren't. And that's more than I can promise for any other man that asks for your hand. I don't think I could stand it if I found someone took such a pure and free soul and chained it up."
I was silent. I didn't know what to say back. This stranger was practically pouring his heart out to me and yet all I could do was stare back, conflicted. He sounded so... genuine.
"I will give you time to think on it, and if I have not gotten a response from you in a fair amount of time, I shall visit again. If not just to see you once more." He stated. He gave me a very charming and graceful bow goodbye, but I didn't curtesy. Instead, my lips were moving, unable to stop them.
"Pardon?" Torryn's head shot up, his body still in a bow. His bewildered jewel-like green eyes dotted around, searching my face for answers. But he found no hints I was lying or playing a cruel prank on him.
"I will marry you." I said, making my answer clearer so there was no chance he would misunderstand me. He straightened up, his eyes starting to shine. I couldn't pull out now, and a part of me didn't want to anyway.
"I will have the biggest garden made for you, with a tree you can climb to your hearts desire!" He exclaimed, overly cheerful. He turned to go back the way we came, to where my mother and Tabitha were most likely still waiting. He reached out his hand and I smiled as I clasped it tightly. To this man I would spend the rest of my life with. "Shall we?"
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