Part Two: XXII
"G-Gil?" I was light headed and in shock, the letter I had been holding slipped from my hands. I couldn't believe my eyes—no, I refused to believe.
I quickly stumbled forward, letting my feet carry me where I had longed to be for what felt like an eternity. I collided with him with a force that almost knocked him over. He wrapped an arm around me tightly and we embraced, his body seemingly weaker than I remembered. But it didn't matter. He was here. He was actually here. I gripped his shirt tightly in my hands, holding him close to me. Yes, I wanted to scream with joy, He is real. He is here.
"Alyce..." Gil choked into my hair. "My beautiful warrior."
Everyone was watching with a silent intensity that seemed to slice the air in half, all except Erik, who gazed onward with an odd, uncomfortable look.
I released him enough that I could lean up and put his face between my hands, resting my forehead against his own. Tears streamed down my face in a steady fountain, and I was aware I was sniffling and spluttering like an idiot. I trailed my hands slowly down his shoulders, his arms, his wrists, and finally his hands so that I could hold them. So I could hold them tightly in mine and beg him to never let go.
But my hands only found one hand to hold.
In a sudden panic, I stepped back to examine the end of his left arm. I swept back his sleeve frantically, pushing it up his arm. My vision blurred and the world teetered for a second as my fingers and eyes met not a hand connected to a wrist, but a fully healed stub. I ran my fingers over it slowly, the truth of what I was seeing not quite sinking in yet.
"Gil... What happened to your h—" I started to ask, horrified.
"Result of being imprisoned... it's nothing to worry about now." He said quickly, looking away as he pushed his sleeve down frantically. It was indeed something to worry about, because I was worrying. And I knew it bothered him too.
"But Gil—"
"Alyce, I'm fine." He leaned forward and gripped one of my hands, using the voice that always soothed me. "I'm here now."
"Why don't we get him inside? We will get a bath and a room set up for him." Erik stated, pointedly, leaning down to pluck the letter from Cyrus from the grass. "I'm sure he'd appreciate that."
"I agree, I thought I was going to be sick watching you two. Seriously get a room." Tristian said, which got a sideways look from Erik and Lucian.
"I'm very happy you're here! Misty—I mean, Alyce, she's been.... she's been missing you!" Geneth said, bursting into tears. Tristian perked up every so slightly, but then acted as if he was annoyed at the of her crying.
"Come on everyone, let's go," Maleah said, starting to usher Geneth away, a hand on the younger girls shoulder.
"I'll be happy to show you to your room?" Verity said to Gil, beaming as she always did. If anyone else here was going to make him feel welcome, it would certainly be her. Gil looked at her, and then glanced back at me as if he was unsure, or just didn't want to leave my side.
"Go on, I'll be right behind you." I said, not wanting to quite have him leave my sight either. I watched as everyone walked away before I started to head out too. I stayed in the very back, protective and watchful.
To my astonishment, Erik was ahead of everyone else. It suddenly felt like a bunch of needles were pricking my heart. Erik hadn't stayed back to walk with me. Instead he was taking long strides up the hill, the letter clutched tightly in his hand. I made a mental note to find him later, but right now, a miracle had just happened. Gil was alive. And I had so much I wanted to say to him.
The servants took him and shut himself inside a room, drawing him a warm bath and getting him some clothes that were not Qlephian. If anyone saw him dressed as he was, he would either be spat at, or worse, killed. Qleph was not yet a true ally in the eyes of the people of Siva. The people, understandably, would need a lot more time to trust and warm up to the new alliance, and to the kingdom many had spent hating their whole lives. Even though it might take generations, I hoped that the future would hold no more bloodshed and hate between the kingdoms.
I patiently waited outside the door for Gil. I sat on the floor and ran my hand through my hair, letting the feel of the waves run between my fingers. It was calming and satisfying, though it was very girlish of me. It was getting so long. I should do something with it soon.
I yawned. When was the last time I slept soundly? Without worry? It wasn't even the night I had returned to Siva after I killed King Torryn. I slept well enough since I came to Siva, considering everything, but I never woke feeling fully content or refreshed.
I yawned again and positioned myself more comfortably against the wall, as much as I could, anyway. I ignored the passerby's looks, the servants and the soldiers, and just closed my eyes. I was going to keep waiting for Gil, just needed to rest my eyes for a second...
I slowly woke to a dark hallway, the only light from the moon spilling in through the hallway stone arch windows. It was clearly very late, but in one of those windows stood Gil, leaning on the sill. The moonlight bathed his face, making his cheekbones and jaw more pronounced and his skin even paler than it already was. He was staring intensely outside, perhaps lost in thought.
"Gil?" I asked softly, beginning to sit myself up with a groan. My back and neck were stiff.
"Hey, you're up." Gil said, casting a quick look over his shoulder at me before staring back outside again. "Sorry, you looked as if you really needed the sleep. I didn't want to wake you."
"No, you're okay," I said, standing up and stretching. "But what about you? What are you doing up?"
"Can't sleep," he said curtly. I waited, but he didn't explain any further.
Something was gnawing at his mind, swirling around like a storm inside. I wanted to know what he was thinking. To share our burdens again like we used to. But something was different now.
"You know... I went back to Qleph recently to hopefully end the suffering that I caused. And I had the opportunity to kill Torryn. And I took it. I risked it all to avenge you." I explained, and I started to tear up. "I thought you were dead, Gil... He told me you..." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence. I was met with a brief, cold silence. That's when I realized Cyrus hadn't told him what happened.
"What..." He wasn't confused, I knew better than that. He was horrified. Angry. "You idiot! How could you put yourself in danger?"
"Gil, it's fine! I'm standing here in front of you while Torryn is dead and—"
"No! It's not fine!" He yelled, his teeth clenched. "If something happens to me you do not come looking for me, understand? You don't avenge me! You turn the other direction and you never look back!"
"How could you expect me to do something like that?" I exclaimed, astounded. Gil was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again it was almost in a whisper.
"You were the only thing that kept me going. That you might be alive somewhere, living your life and that you were happy."
"Gil, I'm sorry, I—"
"I'm tired. I'm retiring to my room." He said quickly, making it clear the conversation was done. He moved past me, and I reached out a hand to stop him, instinctual, but abandoned the idea before I touched him and made things worse.
All I could do was wince as the door slammed closed, shutting me out.
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