This story may contain triggering topics such as suicide, rape, bullying, abuse, cuss words, transphobia, homophobia, and more. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THESE THINGS AFFECT YOU NEGATIVELY. I WILL NOT HAVE MY READERS (THE FEW THAT THERE ARE) HURT. The story is an Angsty Will one. If you notice incorrect grammar and shit pls tell me! Thank you.
Will's pov:
I sighed as I walked up the path to the school doors. I've been going here for a few years now. It doesn't get easier as you go, despite what they may tell you. Something I'd noticed, would be the few differences there are between prison and school. You can't leave of your own will, you are diciplined and punished for breaking rules, you walk in straight lines and have assigned seating, and of course there would be the presence of submission into these rules.
It's tiring to walk up to these doors every day. High school was a pain you have to deal with. Today was the first day of senior year. Yippy. I got my schedule and hurry to shove my things in my locker.
I'd always blended in with the crowd yet stand out at the same time. Most likely because I'm generally alone. I don't rush to see my friend or hurry to kiss my significant other before first bell.
I'm an ordinary person. Not worth quoting, nor worth the time spent to get to know. I'm also not all that glamorous. Just Will. I'm nothing that should have caught your eye. No story needs to be told about me. When I die they will forget me, most likely. I used to be scared that I would be forgotten. It was my worst fear. But I guess thats how the world works, you know? You live, you do your best, and die.
Another thing that scares me, even now, is who I am. I want people to know. But how can they if I don't know what to tell them? That kills me, to know that I'll be gone and no one will know. I want the time I spend here to matter. I want to know there's a reason I feel these things. There has to be a reason, a reason to keep going.
I was torn from my thoughts by the bell. "Shit. I'm late." I groan slightly, before rushing to my first class. I take a seat in the back row and sighed as I pull up my hood. A voice startles me and I look up to them.
"William. Your late." The teacher chided.
"Really? I had thought that bell meant it was time to go back to bed." I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. On a general day, I tried to be polite. But lately, it felt like I have nothing to lose. The teacher glares.
"Do NOT talk to me that way young man! Unless you wish to be sent to the office." I roll my eyes at the statement. I mean what can they do? I'm already failing at life why shouldn't I skip the detention I get.
Most kids talked with one another but the boy next to me watched me with chocolate eyes. I've seen him before, but I didn't know much about him. I love to observe people, make sure not a soul goes unnoticed under my eyes. Jannet walks with a bit of pip in her step like she dances through the halls. Johnny shrinks into small spaces, like he would rather be hiding. But I had known next to nothing about this boy. That's probably what drew me in now that I think about it.
The teacher went back to class, much to the dismay of the talking teens. My thoughts and I spoke deeply, but no longer about the inevitable failure we face. We spoke about the black haired boy, who's attention we've caught.
As it turns out, I was less noticable then I had thought. I walked down the hall quickly with my hood up, a tissue to my nose. Blood trailed down my arm. I wasn't too worried about it. My mother certainly wouldn't have cared, assuming she was home. I had no idea what time was, but as kids flooded to the cafeteria I followed.
Most of the tables were taken as always. There's a small table in the back that I call mine. There isn't an assigned seating but there might as well be, considering the order the kids took.
I sat alone as I had been since last year. My friends, Cecil and Lou Ellen, both had parents in the military so they moved around a lot. I wasn't too upset about it, they would be returning soon enough. They told me that they both had an opportunity to come back in a few weeks and I was excited.
I put on my head phones and the world around me disappears. If you were next to me you could have definetly heard the lyrics of a Fall Out Boy song.
I took a bit of an apple (I don't diet but the school food sucks). Fall Out Boy's song Immortals was the first on one my playlist. I only made it halfway through the song when I was rudly interrupted.
I look up as a group of people sit down at my table. My hood was up in a don't talk to me manner but they didn't seem to care, which was honestly pretty rude.
"Hi. Mind if we sit here." A voice said as they sat down, clearly not asking. The tissue I held to my nose was near dripping with the blood by now.
There where eight of them. I recognized them as a group of popular kids.
"I'm Piper. This is, Jason, my boyfriend. Who would you be?" She asks. I saw no way to avoid this conversation without being rude. I was to my breaking point with social interaction but then I saw the black haired boy.
"Will Solace. And I know most of you. Did you need something?" I ask in the most polite voice I had (though it was a very deadpanned 'leave me alone' voice). The blood trailing down my arm was kind of awkward for me, and I was not getting up with the eyes on me. My head phones stuffed in my pocket, I rumaged through my backback for a napkin of some sort.
"We saw you sitting alone. And we wanted to see if you were alright. I assume you know you're bleeding." Explained another girl. Annabeth I think.
"Yeah. I fell down the concrete steps in front of the school earlier. If I'm being honest I'm kinda clumsy." I say with a bit of a crooked smile. They all seem convinced enough. But the black haired boy narrowed his eyes, pin pointing truth like he could see into my soul. He didn't press though I could tell he had no intention of letting it go.
"Well I hope your alright. I'm Annabeth by the way. This is my boyfriend Percy." She says as she gestured to another boy, taller than me with sea green eyes.
"Nice to meet you." He smiles, holding out a hand to shake. I eye it and for a milisecond I try to decide what to do. I put my hand out and meet his, my thumb hooked on my hoodie sleeve to ensure it doesn't betray me.
"You as well." I say as I return the smile to the best of my ability.
"I'm Hazel. This is Frank." A girl with dark skin and golden eyes said, gesturing to a boy she held hands with. You could see they were in the awkward I like you but don't know how to tell you stage.
"I'm Leo." A kid with curly brown hair said. I nod at this. The black haired boy remained quiet. That is the Hazel girl gave him a look. After the silent conversation he rolled his eyes.
"Nico." That's all I got. The boy who perplexed me had given me nothing but his first name. Rude much. But at now I knew. Nico.
"Nice to meet all of you." I reached for my head phones and was about to put them back in when someone else spoke.
"So Will are you new? I haven't seen you before." Percy says. I sighed a bit.
"Nope been goung since Freshman year." He looked surprised at that.
"That can't be right. I know everyone." It takes all I have not to reach across the table to smack him. Like, excuse me I think I would know?!
"Pretty sure." The bell rang, signaling freedom from this conversation.
"Well bye, nice taking to you." My bag was on my back and I start to rush away.
"Wait! We're all meeting at my house after school. Wanna come?" Percy says. "Oak street, house 475 just in town."
And do you want to know what my stupid ass had said? Desprate to escape the conversation? Fucking y e s.
"Sure. Bye." I rush out the door.
I skipped my next class. I can't say I'm proud of myself. I strive to get good grades, considering I'm most likely getting kicked out when I turn 18. I'll need to get into a good college. But my life looks like it's headed south at the moment so who cares. I needed a break.
I sat on the sink with a new tissue to my nose, earbuds in. At first I didn't notice he had slipped into the room, creepily silent. Probably it's because my thoughts were spiralling again.
"What happened to your nose." A voice called, zero tolerance for anything. Quickly, my eyes fly to the boy's face. The black haired boy. Nico.
"I-I told you. I fell down the front steps." He looked me up and down in a 'seriously dude' manner. I had a black eye by then, hiding it under my hood. It wasn't unusual. I generally went home with bruises.
Nico raised an eyebrow before yanking down my hood, exposing my bruised face.
"Right. Because the steps are resposible for this too?" My mind failed to give an answer.
"Yesss?" I say after a moment. He rolls his eyes.
"Liar. Now tell me what happened." Why does he even care? And why are people up in my business? And why would anyone worry about me?
"I'm fine. I can take care of myself." I huffed, trying to be annoyed. But I kind of liked the attention.
I stood and throw the tissue away, before starting to wash blood off my hands and face. Scrubbing of my old make up, I revealing a few older bruises. He watches me as I do so, his eyes trailing over the bruises.
"Can you at least tell me who made them?" His tone was a bit more friendly this time.
I sighed. I don't really share things. I wanted too, believe me I used to be quiet the social butterfly, but so many things could go wrong. Though I had nothing to lose, I don't want to light fire to the little organization in life that I did have. I trusted the boy before me, but there where to many 'what if's.
I quickly cover my bruises with the make up, the marks of pain disappearing under the brush. Within moments I looked better. I practice a smile in the mirror. It took a few tries but I got it.
Grabing my bag and walking to the door, I remember he had asked a question. I turn back for only second to give a questioning smile.
"Who made what?" And then I was out the door.
Short but did you like it? If I get at least five readers by this evening I'll get to work on the next chapter. If you have any constructive criticism, please please PLEASE comment! And tell me what you want to see in the next chapter!
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