Chapter 7: 💙FLUFF💙
Helllllo fellow people, this story is dedicated to Miraculous__shipper
This chapter is going to be reeeaaalllyyy lllloooonnnng okay.
(Starts writing July 27)
I'm not even good at making fluff!
I'm making a MariChat love story!
I deleted it!!!! 😩😢😭😭Ugh kill me
Currently rewriting it..!!! Its gonna take longer now.
Well. on. With. The. Story!
🔥❤~ADRIEN'S P.O.V!~❤🔥
Marinette had plans to go to the carnival. Matthew of course, was coming with us. But it didn't bother me.
The only thing that I had in mind was to be alone with her on the fairest wheel.
Alya and Nino were coming to. Marinette and I were currently walking in the park, like a loving coulple would.
Matthew was still asleep so we decided to go to the park.
I don't think she has notice what I'm doing.
As in, staying next to her and holding her hand all the time. Hehe
This morning we were watching a scary movie, my pick.
And she was cuddling with me. When there was a jump scare she would grip my shirt. It was adorable.
That's also another reason we came to the park. She wanted to get that movie out of her head. She was shaky. She was the one wanting to hold my hand.
"We should come here more often." She said.
"Yeah we really should, so what time does the carnival start."
I asked.
"It starts at 12:00pm, but we should get there later so we don't have to be in the sun." She said.
"Okay we should tell the others." I suggested.
"Yeah you're right, hold on." She took out her phone. And texted Alya letting her know.
"So what time should we get there?" I asked
"well I was thinking about 4:30PM?" She said in a questioning tone.
"Yeah that sound okay." I say with a smile.
"okay" She smiled.
"look!" I say excitingly, while I pointed to a grassy green hill.
"Race you!" She said. With a smirk.
"Aye, hold on what does winner get!" I said confidently.
"what ever they want." she said with a smirk again.
"Deal!" We said in union. We shook hands to make it official.
"Ready. Set. PICKLES!!"
I ran like my life depends on it. Which it does,sorta?
we started running up the hill. I was ahead. I was several feet away from getting to the top. Until......
"Owww!" Marinette cried.
I turned around to see Marinette on the ground.
A part of me was thinking the she was faking. But I quickly shook that thought out of my head. She wouldn't do that. I run over, i take out my hand for her to grab it and get up. She grabbed my hand and she smiled. Still sitting down
"Aww Adrien I love you!" I was about to answer but she pulled me and I started rolling down the hill I thought it was fun.
I saw her running. Kinda it looked like she was upside down since I was rolling.
"HA I WIN!!" She yelled.
I finally stopped rolling and ended up from where we started.
"Cheater" I whisper under my breath.
She couldn't hear me.
She spins around and cheers.
"Yay you won!" I say sarcastically.
She then rolls Down the hill. She ends up next to me.
We lay down next to each other on the grass.
"I love you." I put up my arm half way.
"I love you too." She puts up her arm and we connect our hand together. It was the best feeling ever. So soft and delicate.
"What are you thinking?" I ask.
"Of you." She respond.
"Haha I knew it!" I laughed.
"Wow and you ruined the moment!" She said in a sassy tone.
"How did you know I was 'the one'?" She asked in a serious yet loving tone.
"Easy. I guess you could say Love at first sight."
"Yeah that explains it puurrrr-fectly!" She giggled.
"And because you're the only one who can stand my puns."
I chuckle.
We just stayed there, laying next to each other. In silence.
Not an awkward silence. More like admiring each others presents, silence.
"We should head back to the house. I'm getting sleepy again."
She yawns.
"Do you want me to carry you?!" I smirk.
"I can walk. And we're in public. I don't think they want us showing our lovey dovey stuff." She giggled.
"But I want everyone to know we're in love with each other."
I whined.
she laughed.
We walked back to her house, never letting go of each others hands.
We walked in, and she needed to go use the restroom.
I just went to the couch and layed down.
She then comes out, her hair was down. It was in a high ponytail when we left to the park.
She walked to the couch and was about to sit down on the other side of the couch but walked back over to where I was.
she smiles and then lays on top of me. She starts getting comfortable. Her legs between mine and her head on my chest.
I felt the warmth of her body against mine.
She hugged me and then her grip lossens up.
I look at her and she had fallen asleep. She looks so adorable.
I start moving my fingers through her stoft hair.
I then hear Matthew's door open.
He walks over to Mari and I.
"Good Morning!" He says while he yawns. Loudly
Marinette starts to move.
"Ssshhh you're going to wake her up." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear me.
"She's asleep?" He asked.
"Yeah, so keep It down. Shes been doing a lot of things lately, She needs the rest." I say still moving my fingers through her hair.
He walks over to the other couch and sat down.
"So when did you meet her?" He asked.
I start telling him the story of how Mari and I met. He was laughing through most of it though. I kept telling him to keep it down.
"" Marinette mumbled in her sleep. It made me smile. She was dreaming about me?!!? I dream about her, but I didn't know she dreams about me.
"What did she say?!" He asked.
Damn he asks a lot of questions. I didn't want him to feel heart broken. I mean I know he likes Marinette so I just feel bad, you know. I just have a kind heart. Hehe.
"I don't know." I respond.
"Oh, okay whats on the news?!" He says curiously. He grabs the TV control and puts on the news.
The news reporter starts talking. "We are planning a ceremony on behave of our Superheros of Paris. Chat Noir and Ladybug."
A picture of ladybug and chatnoir pops up and Matthew quickly looks at Marinette and back at the picture of ladybug.
"wow Marinette looks a lot like ladybug." He said amusingly.
"Pff, nah not even close." I say.
"Okay? Anyways who are they?!" He asked.
" Ladybug and Chat Noir. The superheros of Paris they protect us from evil and stuff." I say.
"Ladybug is really pretty." He then pulls out his phone and starts typing things.
Pretty? Nah she's Gorgeous!
I slowly wrap my arms around Marinette, trying not to wake up.
"Gorgeous...." I whisper under my breath
""Mmgggmggaaa" she starts to move again. She starts gripping on to my t-shirt.
It seems she's having a nightmare.
"Marinette, Mari, Marinette" I say shaking her a little bit.
"Hhhhhuuuuuu!" She jumps up causing for her to fall to the ground.
"Are you okay?!" Matthew and I say at the same time.
"Yeah , yeah, just fine." She resurs us.
She seemed a little shaken up.
She quickly gets up. "I'll be right back!" She ran up to her room.
Well the moments over. Huh, I wonder what happened?
I just sat there with Matthew
Awkward!!! Haha, Hehe!
⏰~Time Skip~⏰
I'm going to start writing in paragraphs.
Still Adrien's p.o.v
Marinette was wearing high waisted shorts and a short sleeve colorful crop top that says "Weird is a side affect of Awesome"
I'm wearing a black shirt that said "HEHE" in colorful letters. And some blue jeans. We were in the front of the entrance waiting for Alya and Nino to show up. Marinettes' phone started ringing. She picked it up. "Where are you guys?!" Marinette asked. She put it on speaker. "Sorry I'm waiting for my aunt to pick up her kids. I was babysitting. I'll see you in 10 minutes!" She apologizes. "Okay see you in 10." Marinette replies. She hangs up. "Sooooo......" Matthew says awkwardly. "Nope." I say. Ha. "What?" He asked sounding confused.
"Nope. Just Nope." I say looking at him. He's so awkward. "Knock it off you two!" Marinette said sounding annoyed and angry. "He started it!" Matthew and I say like children. "Jinx. You have to go in the haunted house!" I say. "Nope" he says trying to mimic my voice. "Fine I'll go in cause I'm not a wimp." I say teasingly. "I'm not a wimp I'm just to lazy." He crosses his arms. "Then why y--" I get cut off by Marinette pulling me towards her. She leans over to my ear. "Stop bothering him and I'll make it up to you." She whispers. "What?!" Asked Matthew. "Nothing." I say. Marinette goes back and stands next to me waiting for Alya. "Hey guy!" Someone yells from behind us. We turn around. "Hey Alya!" Marinette goes up to her and hugs her. "Hey Nino!" I wave. He waves back.
Marinette and I introduce them to Matthew. We walk inside and decide to go in the haunted house after we go on the roller coaster. We walked over to the ride and it was a long line. But we decided to wait. We waited for about 30 minutes until it was our turn. We sat down. It was two pur row, so Marinette and I Alya and Nino And Matthew and some random person. I'm in the front with Mari. The ride started . We went up it took at least several minutes. We were at the top ready to go all the way down. The video of the girl that yells "ponies, I love ponies" pops in my head and I started laughing. We start going down really fast. I put my arms up and start yelled Woah woooo. Hahah and Marinette and Alya are doing the same thing but yelling instead.
The ride ends and we all get off. "That was fun" Marinette says excitingly. "Haunted house!" I yell excitingly. "Yeah!" Everyone yells. We walk over to the haunted house. "I call going last!" Marinette says shaking. She grabs my hand really tight. "Fine I'll go first." Alya offers. We follow behind her. Marinette starts hugging the side of my body. Still holding my hand somehow. We turn a corner so I get prepared for someone to scare us. They jump out a painting that was hanging. I can barely see anything. Marinette yells. The whole time she screaming my name every time someone jumped out. This is not exactly where I want her to scream my name and in that way. Hehe.
Anyways we get out and I instantly grab Marinette and put her on my back. "W-w-What are doing!?" She asked shyly. "Nothing" I smirk. "Ooooo I want to play that game." She says pointing to the tossing game. I don't know what it's called. I place her down and give the person running the booth two tickets.
"I want that one!" She says as she points to the stuffed animal.
Awww its adorable.
HHeheheeh to lazy to explain. You know meeee! Thx for reading and enjoy.
It resembles her alot. Well the adorable part and the love for cookies. And its a cat. Yay. We started throwing little bags at the stack of cans that are up on a shelf. I throw it and win the stuffed animal Marinette wanted. She wins something too.
I promise it looks way more like a plush but the way it saves makes it look like I edited it. I didn't.
"Here you go princess~" I say lovingly. "Awww thank you Adrien!" She hugs me. She hands me the plush she won. "Thank you Mari." I kiss her forhead. The others were getting snacks. "Hey finally we find you. Here." She hand us both a candy apple. I take a bit of mine. Mmm green apple. My favorite. The rest of the time we were playing a lot of Games. I lost to most of them, I just love the way Marinettes' eyes light up when she wins.
"Okay time for the fairest wheel." Marinette says as looks at me and smiles. "You lovers can go we're going to stay down here. Matthew keeps winning. But I'm gonna beat him, just watch." Alya says competitively. "Okay" mari and I say as we start walking over to the 'ride'. We waited in line till it was our turn.
Few moments later. Adrien's p.o.v
We were currently in the cart. It was getting all the way to the top. We are seating next to each other,on the right side of the cart. I gently grab her hand.
"So what happened, back at your house?" I ask.
"You're to curious" she giggles and taps my nose.
"No,I just worry for you." I say.
"I....I...umm bad dream?" she says unsure of her response.
"you sure?" I ask.
"yeah it's just every thing seems to perfect." she ask a little lost in thought.
"Well yeah duh you're here." I flirt. Hehe.
"shush you. I'm being serious." she sasses.
"Lets' keep it perfect." I suggest. she hugs me.
"yeah, let's" she agrees.
"I love you." we say at the same time.
We laugh together. "Great mines think alike." I laugh. "Yeah" she laughs
HEY GUYS! Sorry this chapter took so long school has started for me. And my family from seattle visited us.
VOTE if you like this chapter. SHARE if you love/like this story or know someone that will. PLLZZZ and THXX
didn't look for any mistakes.To lazy.
Whoever can guess my FAVORITE anime, or can recommend an anime that I will like, gets a chapter deticated to them. You pick Sinful, Funny, Fluff,or dramatic. but there will always be a happy ending.
I suck at creating Fluff. So sorry if you were cringing this whole chapter. I kinda like this chapter, I LOVE THE SONG THOUGH!!
I'm writing the ending with my computer. So no emoji ending.
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