Chapter 5: 🎉🎂Birthday-Part.2🎂🎉
Don't hate me. Plzz. I changed the Cover and the Title.
Should I keep it or change it back.
It just seems better. Idk, share opinions just don't be so negative. 😊🐞🔥❤️😿
I couldn't find any other song, lol 😹
So here's the music video.
{Starts writing, July 14, 4:32pm}
Its my Brother's Birthday,
He's turning 21 today, 🔥😿💙🎂🎉👌😏😭🎶😄
👇👇It says "This chapter had me hold back my laughter because the characters are so dorky it makes me laugh and I love it." 👇👇
Okay this made me laugh, when I first read it I thought it said that I was a dorky and then I read it again and I was like,
"ooooohhh hahahahhahahahah I like to make people laugh," lol🔥😂
I made Adrien and Marinette dorky on purpose 😂. Kinda.
SapphireBlue19 thxxx for the support.
"Can I take this thing off yet." I say as I point to the piece of fabric on my eyes.
"No not yet." Adrien said
He gently grabbed my hand and toke me to where he toke me because I can't see anything.
"Don't open your eyes yet" he said
He took the piece of fabric off my eyes. It sounded like he opened a door. I slowly put up my foot and walked it.
"Okay you can open your eyes now!" He yelled-ish
"SUPRISE!!" Everyone yelled.
OMG! It looked like the whole school was there,
Well I guess that's what happens when you have a model for a boyfriend that everbody loves.
"Hey Girl!" Alya yelled.
"This is amazing!" I said excitingly
"Loverboy did all this for you!" Alya said pointing to Adrien, who was behind me.
Everybody went back to dancing and doing a whole bunch of stupid games.
"OMG thank you so much Adrien!!" I turned around and hugged him and gave him a small peck on the lips.
"Come with me!!" Alya yelled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.
Hey just imagine Adrien's house that is in the show.
To lazy to explain the house.
"Alya what are we doing in Adrien's room!" I asked and yelled kinda.
"What its not like you haven't been in here before." She said.
".........just tell me what we're doing in here?!" I asked a little annoyed.
"Here!" She said,she gave me a bag and pushed me in the bathroom.
"Put that on okay I'm gonna look for Adrien." She said as she left the room.
I put the clothes on and looked it the mirror.
OMG no way this is........ummmmm I'm turning 18 not 21.
That is what Alya gave her to wear and.....just forget about the sunglasses because she won't need them if she's inside the house.
I.....ummmmm okay??!!
"She's in the bathroom." I heard Alya say.
"Princess?!" Adrien asked to know if I was in the bathroom.
He knocked softly.
"Yes?!!" I answered
"Alya said you wanted to show me something?" He said confused.
"Oh did she now. Okay hold on." Wow.
I put the purse in the bag that Alya gave me because I'm not gonna need it right now.
I slowly open the door. Adrien was in front of me.
"A..Adrien" He looked at me like he saw an angel.
"You look beautiful!" He grabbed me and spinned me around it the air.
"Thank you." Was the only thing I could think to say.
"You do know I'm not the only guy at this party, right?!!" He asked
"Yeah I know."
"Are you trying to make me jealous or something?!!??" He said seductively.
He leaned in close me, are lips inches apart.
"HEY GUYS.WE'RE GOING TO DO KARAOKE!" Nino yelled as he opened the door.
Adrien grabbed my hand and led me to the room where everbody was. There was stage, not that big. But big enough for at least 7 people to fit. Uh maybe that is big I don't know.
"Aye let me go first!" Yelled Adrien.
Nino gave him the microphone.
"Okay what song!?! "The DJ asked.
Adrien went over to the DJ (which it was Nino) and whispered something in his ear.
And then the music began..
Imagine Adrien singing this.
He looked at me and smirked.
What a dork. I thought
Everbody was cheering and FanGirling.
Ugh how sickening.
I looked at Adrien and you could see that he was enjoying singing the song. Hahah I know what song I'm gonna pick. Its puurrrfect. Wow teasing him so so funny. I just don't like it when he does it to me.
"Woah, who is this for!!!" Some girl yelled.
I started blushing a little. He quickly looked at me and smiled.
He finished the song.
He got off the stage and started looking at me.
"Do you want a picture??!" I asked a little sassy.
"I want more than just a picture. " Savage, was the only thing that popped in my head.
I grabbed the microphone from his right hand.
"My turn!" I yelled and went on stage.
When I walked past the Guys they whistled. I immediately thought of Adrien and how he might feel right now. Meh, now he can feel what I felt.
I went over to Nino and whispered a song to him.
Imagine Marinette singing this.
This time I was the one to look at Adrien and smirk.
He made a heart shape with his hands. I giggled at his little gesture.
I just blew a kiss to him. He giggled at my little gesture.
I started to sing and all you could hear (other than my voice), whistles. From the stage you could see people dancing and Alya filming.
"That's my girl!!" Adrien yelled.
I just kept singing although I really wanted to laugh.
I looked at the crowd and I saw the devil. (AKA: CHLOE)
She looked pissed off. Mhm I wonder why.
I finished the song. I was looking for someone to give the microphone to.
I saw.........
N/A: okay so, I changed Zacks name to Justin. Okay
I saw Justin and walked up to him. He was looking at places he shouldn't be looking. So I waved my hand in front of his face to wake him back up to reality.
"Here." I told him and gave him the microphone. I gave him a genuine smile.
He smiled back. "O-O-O-Okay" He stuttered.
"I'll see y--" I was cut off short by Adrien grabbing my hand and pulling me some where.
We ended up in his room.
"I don't like you talking to Justin." Mhm does he really get him that mad??!
"He was looking places HE shouldn't be looking." True I kinda got uncomfortable.
"Okay so every guy does its human nature." I probably shouldn't have said that it sounded better in my head, so how.
He pinned me against the wall. OMG ummmmm. I looked at the door.
Huh goody it was locked.
"I don't like that." He responded.
Hehe, I kinda don't regret saying that now.
"What are you gonna do about it." I asked confidently.
I wrap my arms around his neck. I started fiddling with his hair.
He rested his arm on the wall. To the left side of my head
"Your about to find out." He leaned it close.......
Lets just say the dorky couple loved each other very much that night.
That's all for this chapter. You can tell that I kinda gave up at the end.😏😝😅🔥😂
Next chapter will be longer, HOPEFULLY😂.
Oh and about the cover and the title tell me what you think about it.
The cover took me a long time to create.
{Stops writing, Monday. July 17, 2017. And is hearing Save The Day by Selena Gomez}
Yeah I'm a fan of 💎Selena Gomez💎
Vote and comment what you think of the chapter. Plzzzzz and thxxxxx
But be nice. Lol😊😂
Byeeeeeeee Natalie Ooouutt❤️💙🔥🐞😹💎🎉😅👏👍👌
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