When Baekhyun woke up the next morning Chanyeol's side of the bed was empty. Baekhyun yawned and rubbed his eyes, laying there for a moment in silence. He peeked at his alarm clock and gapped in surprise when he realized it was nearly ten in the morning.
"Oh my gosh," Baekhyun whispered. He couldn't believe he had slept in so late, usually he woke at eight and prepared Taehyung breakfast. He was starving his baby.
Irritated that he had slept so late he struggled to get out of bed. He couldn't skip going pee or brushing his teeth though, so as soon as he did that he made his way to Taehyung's room to find his bed empty. Baekhyun sighed guiltily, knowing his poor child must be hungry downstairs waiting for his mom.
Baekhyun carefully made his way down the stairs and peeked in the living room for Taehyung; he wasn't there either. Then Baekhyun heard a clatter in the kitchen and quickly followed it to find Taehyung sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal before him.
Baekhyun quickly took in the sight of the spilled milk and pieces of cereal surrounding Taehyung's bowl; along with the chair that was pushed against the counter and the open cabinet so he could get the cereal box. Baekhyun sighed, the noise drawing the attention of Taehyung who glanced up with full cheeks. Baekhyun smiled at him as Taehyung quickly chewed before happily crying, "Mommy look! I made breakfast all by myself!"
Baekhyun nodded and ruffled Taehyung's hair, he leaned down to kiss his cheek and said, "Yes you did, little man. But why didn't you wake me up?"
"I tried, but you were so sleepy and you were snoring," Taehyung said with a giggle.
Baekhyun pursed his lips guilty once again. "I'm sorry, baby," Baekhyun said as he stroked Taehyung's hair back from his forehead.
Taehyung shook his head and said, "It's okay, Mommy."
Baekhyun sighed and kissed the crown of his head before moving the chair back and closing the cabinet. He got out a bowl of his own and a spoon before settling at the table and pouring himself a bowl of cereal too. Once they both finished with their breakfast Baekhyun placed the bowls into the sink to quickly wash them as Taehyung went into the living room to watch his morning cartoons. Baekhyun was drying the bowls with a towel when he noticed a note hanging on the fridge dated that day. It was addressed to him, and he quietly read:
Morning Baekkie,
I just wanted to remind you that Taehyung has a playdate with Sunny at noon. Kyungsoo has the day off and agreed to pick up Tae. Once our precious little guy gets picked up I want you to rest. Besides, you're probably tired after last night . . .
Anyway, I love all three of you dearly and you better share the love with our babies. See you soon, my love, stay gorgeous.
Lots of love from,
—– Daddy ;)
x x x
Baekhyun chuckled at the winky face after 'Daddy' before pulling the note off the fridge and kissing it before placing it inside his back pocket. He smiled to himself as he rubbed his baby bump.
"Did you hear that, baby? Daddy loves you," Baekhyun softly muttered as he rubbed his belly just when a small kick hit his hand. Baekhyun gasped, his eyes crinkling with joy as his baby kicked again. "Oh my gosh! Hello to you too, my little angel!" Baekhyun gushed as he continued to rub his belly.
He bit his bottom lip against a squeal of joy before going into the living room and sitting down beside Taehyung. Baekhyun had to turn the TV off to gathers his sons attention, who pouted when he glanced up at Baekhyun. Baekhyun chuckled and flicked his pouty lip; Taehyung giggled.
Baekhyun smiled as he softly said, "Tae, sweetheart, would you like to feel your sister?"
Taehyung frowned confusedly and asked, "What do you mean mommy?"
Baekhyun just smiled as he grabbed Taehyung's hand and murmured, "I'll show you, baby." Baekhyun placed Taehyung's hand on his baby bump. "Okay Tae, say something to your baby sister."
Taehyung pursed his lips in thought before saying, "Hi!"
Baekhyun chuckled and gently probbed his belly as he murmured, "Did you hear that, baby? Your big brother says 'Hi'." At that, there was another kick.
Taehyung gasped and cried, "Mommy what was that!"
Baekhyun chuckled and softly muttered, "Your sister was saying 'Hi'."
Taehyung gasped and grinned widely before saying "Hi!" again, which was soon followed by two more kicks; Taehyung giggled with delight.
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