Around six after the party had ended and congratulations and thank you's were exchanged, the family of three —- soon-to-be four —- piled into the car to go to the park. The sun was nearly set but Chanyeol hadn't wanted to break his promise to his son, so they went. Taehyung ran wild, climbing and jumping and swing on everything he could touch. Chanyeol was just as wild, playing with his son and trying his best to go down the slide when Taehyung asked him too, only to lose his momentum towards the middle and laugh when he got stuck.
Taehyung's laughter was like magic to Baekhyun's ears as he listened to his son tease his father, yelling as loudly as his little lungs possibly could. Baekhyun laughed along with them as Taehyung kept dragging Chanyeol around the park and making him do ridiculous childish things that had Taehyung's eyes lighting up with joy.
Baekhyun was so happy as he watched them play together, he didn't even mind the judgemental stares he was getting thrown his way for being a male and pregnant. He was too happy watching his two greatest joys having fun together that he never cared about the looks and whispers, and as he lovingly rubbed his baby bump nothing could ruin his happiness.
After spending an hour at the park the sun finally set and Chanyeol lifted Taehyung into the car before helping Baekhyun into the passenger seat. Once Chanyeol had made sure Taehyung was safely buckled in he glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled as he said, "Tae, all that running around made me so sweaty . . ."
Taehyung's eyes lit up when he realized what Chanyeol was asking and he excitedly cried, "Ice cream!"
Chanyeol laughed while Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a disapproving look and quietly muttered, "Chanyeol, he'll be up all night."
Chanyeol just grinned and waved Baekhyun off as he replied, "Don't worry, love, he'll behave."
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Fine. But he's your problem when he doesn't sleep tonight," Baekhyun muttered as Chanyeol put the car into drive, while Taehyung kept asking for ice cream from the backseat.
When they got home Baekhyun tiredly made his way to his room while Chanyeol and Taehyung made a tent in the living room out of the couch cushions and blankets. It was the only way Chanyeol could manage to get Taehyung to sleep, by pretending that they were camping in a strange land.
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hey, lovelies! I just wanted to say this chapter was adorable, and thank you for reading/voting/commenting! Have an amazing day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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