Chanyeol and Baekhyun were still breathing heavily from their love making, and sweat clung to their skin. Baekhyun sighed contentedly and rolled over into Chanyeol's arms, stretching up to plant a kiss below his jaw.
"I'm hungry," Baekhyun mumbled.
Chanyeol chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Would you rather order-in or wait to cook dinner together?"
Baekhyun pursed his lips, pretending to think about his answer before replying with a sweet smile. "I think I want my boyfriend to cook with me on our last night together before we're married."
Chanyeol smiled and kissed him again, softly replying, "That's good, because I feel exactly the same way."
Baekhyun smiled as Chanyeol sat up, pulling on a pair of sweatpants from his dresser drawer before turning to Baekhyun and helping him to his feet. Chanyeol helped slip one of his own shirts over Baekhyun's head, it fell to his mid-thigh as Chanyeol's eyes hesitated there before lifting up to Baekhyun's gaze. He grabbed his hand and lead him from the room to their kitchen.
Their kitchen was full of bubbly laughter and whispered words of adoration. Baekhyun was standing at the stove, Chanyeol directly behind him with his chin resting on Baekhyun's shoulder and one arm around his waist while the other rested over Baekhyun's as they stirred the cooking vegetables around the pan. Chanyeol kept teasingly kissing his neck, his hand around Baekhyun's waist sometimes coming up to tickle the back of his neck, causing those sweet giggles to ensue.
Chanyeol sighed and nestled his face in Baekhyun's neck, breathing in his addictively sweet citrus scent. Baekhyun couldn't help but giggle and peek over his shoulder. Chanyeol turned his head towards Baekhyun, his hand coming up to gently touch his left cheek, angling their lips together for a chaste kiss. Chanyeol kissed him slowly and delicately, taking his time and asking for permission when he lightly traced Baekhyun's bottom lip with his tongue. Baekhyun's mouth parted and with an almost shy slowness their tongues began to dance.
Baekhyun fell into the blissful feeling of Chanyeol as he turned around in his arms and brought them closer. They became so lost in the feeling of each other that they didn't even realize their dinner had began to burn until they smelled the acrid scent, which was soon followed by the ear splitting blare of their fire alarm.
Baekhyun jumped away from Chanyeol with a squeak as Chanyeol quickly snapped the stove off before pulling a chair beneath the alarm and climbing up to shut it off.
Once he had, he turned to Baekhyun with a sigh and said, "New rule. No kissing while dinner is being cooked."
Baekhyun giggled while he glanced at the blackened vegetables, poking at them with a spoon while he murmured, "I'm in total agreement with that rule . . . But what are we going to eat now?"
Chanyeol threw an arm around his shoulders and said, "Take-out?"
Baekhyun laughed and slipped out from beneath Chanyeol's arm as he replied, "Definitely. What shall we have . . .?"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and sarcastically replied, "No, really?" He snorted and pulled a take-out menu off their fridge from one of his favorite restaurants, aimlessly flipping through it.
"Let's just get something easy," Chanyeol muttered.
"But I want this," Baekhyun whined.
Chanyeol sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"
Baekhyun laughed and clapped his hands before pointing at what he wanted. Chanyeol rolled his eyes again and pinched Baekhyun's cheek before asking, "Can you use your words, Baekkie?"
He giggled and chirped, "Nope!" before running out of the room.
~ ~ ~
They had finished with their dinner and were getting ready for bed. Baekhyun was in the bathroom washing his face while Chanyeol was picking up their discarded clothing. He was picking up his jeans and getting ready to toss them into their hamper when something fell out of the back pocket. He looked at it confusedly before he realized what it was. He chuckled to himself and picked it up. He glanced toward the bathroom, checking to make sure Baekhyun wasn't close to being done before he slipped out of the room.
When he came back, he had his hands behind his back as he called out, "Baekkie! Can you come into the bedroom for a moment?"
"One second!" Baekhyun called back. A moment passed, and then Baekhyun came out asking, "Yeah? What is it, Channie?"
Then his brow furrowed and he mumbled, "Um.... Why do you have your hands behind your back?"
Chanyeol just smiled and replied, "Reach into my front pocket, baby."
Baekhyun's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he murmured, "Uh . . . Why, exactly?"
"Just do it, Baekkie."
Baekhyun sighed but did as he was told, pulling out a little dotted shirt. He frowned at it confusedly and murmured, "Channie, what is this?"
Chanyeol just continued to smile as he pulled Honey from behind his back, the same time the thing in Baekhyun's hand clicked and he knew what it was. He laughed and reached out for Honey as he said, "Channie! You bought her a little outfit!" He giggled again and plopped her onto the bed as he began to struggle putting Honey's tiny limbs into the shirt sleeve holes.
"Awe! So cute!" Baekhyun gushed as he held Honey up into the air. He cooed at her and kissed her nose before placing her onto the bed. She mewed a lot and rolled around on their bed as she chewed on the new shirt, her attempts at trying to pull it off.
Baekhyun just laughed and threw his arms open as he exclaimed, "Channie, thank you so much! And you didn't have to, you know."
Chanyeol smiled and kissed his temple, gently replying, "But I wanted to, baby. And you're welcome." He wrapped an arm around Baekhyun's neck, pulling him into a quick yet lingering kiss before softly murmuring, "I love you, Baekkie."
"I love you too."
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