After leaving the adoption agency with the promise of getting another phone call in the next two or so days, Baekhyun and Chanyeol where off to share the news of both Baekhyun's pregnancy and their agreement to temporary adopting a child. An they were happy, unbelievable happy.
When they reached the small restaurant —- much like the last time they had had dinner with Baekhyun's parents, they met them just outside the restaurant.
"Mom! Dad! Hi!" Baekhyun cried as he tightly hugged them both.
Mrs. Byun smiled and hugged her son back just as tightly as his dad gently rubbed his back. "Hi, my baby boy," Mrs. Byun whispered into Baekhyun's shoulder.
Baekhyun smiled as their hug broke apart and he grabbed Chanyeol's hand; Baekhyun gently squeezed it, giving Chanyeol his cue. He squeezed back before he said, "Mr and Mrs. Byun, Baekhyun and I asked to have lunch with you for two reasons, to make up for the last time and to tell you before going in that Baek and I have decided on adopting."
Chanyeol paused, allowing for the information to sink in before he continued. "But the adoption is only temporary until the agency can find the child we take in a permanent home because...." Chanyeol trailed off and took a deep breath before deciding it was better just to say it. "Because Baekhyun is pregnant."
Mrs. Byun gasped and her eyes widened as Mr. Byun confusedly cried, "Th—- What!? How is that possible!?"
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and buried his face into Chanyeol's shirt as Chanyeol replied, "Mr. Byun, please, don't yell. We were shocked too but Baekhyun has an extra X chromosome that, like very few other males, gives him the ability to get pregnant."
"We didn't even know until a few days when he started experiencing morning sickness and our adoption agent called Baekhyun to tell him the news. We also . . ." Chanyeol trailed off as he pulled one of the eight ultrasound pictures they had gotten from his back pocket. "We also went to the doctor's clinic and got an ultrasound done and he's six weeks in . . ."
Mrs. Byun stared with glassy eyes at the picture before slowly taking it from Chanyeol's hand. Tears trickled over her cheeks as she gently touched the picture and whispered, "I can't believe my baby boy is pregnant." She sniffled and passed the picture to her husband, who's expression softened upon seeing the picture.
Mrs. Byun stepped forward as she said, "Baekhyun, I want a hug." Baekhyun slowly turned his face out of Chanyeol's shirt to glance at his mother who was fighting back her tears. Baekhyun couldn't though, and he started crying as he jumped into her arms. She shushed him and stroked his hair as she gently said, "Don't worry, baby. I'll be there every step of the way, and if you ever have any questions don't hesitate to ask them." She kissed his forehead. "I love you, my precious boy."
Mr. Byun, after safely tucking the picture into his back pocket, joined in on the hug as well. He kissed the crown of his son's head before muttering loud enough for Chanyeol to hear over the sappy family hug. "I can't believe Chanyeol got my son pregnant...."
Baekhyun laughed and Mrs. Byun smiled; Chanyeol blushed embarrassedly as Baekhyun said to his defense, "But aren't you happy? You'll have a grandchild!"
His parents playfully rolled their eyes. "Of course, we're happy silly boy," his father said with a chuckle.
"Good!" Baekhyun cried as he hugged Chanyeol. "Because we're incredibly happy."
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