The next morning the brilliant sunlight shown through their bedroom window blinds. Baekhyun had already woken up at the crack of dawn, too excited to sleep. He had just finished packing away a few things for the camping trip when he noticed it had finally reached a reasonable time to wake Chanyeol.
Baekhyun grinned mischievously as he stood up, his eyes locked on his sleeping husband and the little kitten sleeping above his head. I'll have to be careful of Honey when I . . . Baekhyun's thought trailed off as he pounced.
He landed perfectly onto Chanyeol's lap as many things happened at once. The sound of the springs squeaked from Baekhyun's impact, which in turn startled both Chanyeol and Honey awake. Honey jumped into the air with a hiss, her fur standing on end before she lunged off the bed and ran from the room. Chanyeol couldn't escape so easily. He had yelled when Baekhyun landed on him and kicked his legs out while he covered his face with the blanket.
His actions killed Baekhyun with laughter and he fell off Chanyeol as he clutched his stomach. Chanyeol stayed hidden under the blanket for a moment longer, catching his breath and waiting for the redness to leave his cheeks. Once he was sure it had faded, he pulled the blanket away and threw it over the still laughing Baekhyun, cocooning him inside.
Chanyeol fell over his body and poked his side through the blanket as he asked, "Was it really necessary to jump on me?" He peeled the blanket back from Baekhyun's head and stared down at him. Baekhyun's cheeks were flushed and his smile lit up his face. Chanyeol sighed at the beautiful sight and chastely kissed his forehead.
Baekhyun's eyes fluttered shut at the tender touch, his smile gently curving his lips. He loved these moments, the carefree ones that surrounded them in comfortable silence. They always wrapped his heart in warmth.
"Yes. How else would you expect me to wake you up?" Baekhyun asked with a sly smile.
Chanyeol laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, I don't know? Maybe you could have gently shaken my shoulder? Or called my name? But jumping on me...." Chanyeol trailed off and tapped Baekhyun's nose. "Jumping on me should have been your last resort."
Baekhyun just grinned and threw the blanket back over his head as he crawled out the other end. Chanyeol playfully rolled his eyes as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Baekhyun fell out of the bottom of the blanket and hit the floor with a soft grunt.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes as Baekhyun asked, "Do you want to shower together before we leave? It'd save water . . ." Baekhyun singsonged as he fluttered around the room gathering together his clothes and two towels. He turned expectantly to Chanyeol with a big smile, the two towels held out in his arms like an offering.
Chanyeol sighed and grabbed the top towel. He dipped his head to whisper in Baekhyun's ear, "Lead the way, Baekkie."
Baekhyun grinned and clasped Chanyeol's hand as he replied, "Happily!" Chanyeol chuckled and kissed his neck before following Baekhyun into the bathroom.
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