Baekhyun walked along the aisles, his fingers trailing along the boxes of different cereals before getting distracted by something else. He kept grabbing things that looked appealing, for either themselves or Honey. He wasn't even aware of the amount of food or toys he was throwing into the cart until Chanyeol returned from grabbing a carton of strawberries and commented on it.
"Oh my god, Baekkie! Are you planning on buying the whole store?" Chanyeol exclaimed.
Baekhyun stopped in the middle of reaching for a bag of sweets as he turned to look at Chanyeol before glancing at the now overstuffed cart. He made a 'yikes' face and muttered, "Oops, I didn't even realize what I was grabbing. It just all looked so good and Honey doesn't have very many toys...." Baekhyun pouted.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and poked Baekhyun's forehead. Then he pulled out a bag of strange looking foreign sweets and said, "Baekkie, we don't need all this sugary candy and Honey has plenty of toys. I even bought her that feather toy last week.... So let's just stick to our usual list. Fuel food, you know, like protein and a one toy minimum...." Chanyeol trailed off as he tossed a bag onto the shelf were it belonged. "And Baekkie, we already have cereal at home . . ."
Baekhyun huffed and snapped, "Fine then, I'll just use my money to buy food and Honey's toys and this little sweater I found!" He said as he snatched away the bag of candy Chanyeol was holding.
Chanyeol huffed and tried snatching it back as he yelled, "Baekhyun, stop it! You shouldn't use your money this way! We have to pay off the church for them allowing us to use it for tomorrow! Along with our house payment and my new car!"
"But it's just candy and toys Chanyeol! It's not a big deal and as I said, I have my own money! That's the whole reason I got the job anyway. So I don't have to always depend on you!"
"But I don't care about that! You're going to be my husband and I'll take care of you no matter what! I just want you to be more responsible, instead of acting childishly!"
"It's not childish!" Baekhyun yelled back.
Chanyeol huffed and raked a hand through his hair in frustation, his arms crossing as he stared Baekhyun down and quietly muttered, "Yes, it is."
Baekhyun exhaled as calmly as he could, his eyes narrowing as his hands fell to his hips and he stared Chanyeol down. He didn't say anything, he just stood there, his gaze unwavering and his mouth set in a grim line.
Eventually Chanyeol threw his hands up and said, "Fine then! But I'm going to continue getting everything on our list."
Baekhyun dropped his arms to his sides and grumbled, "Don't worry, I won't buy anything. I'm just going to wait in the car . . ." He trailed off as he gathered everything into his arms, walking off to put everything where it belonged before going out to their car.
~ ~ ~
Baekhyun was sitting in the car, his eyes trained on the store when he saw Chanyeol walk out holding bags on his arms and in his hands. Usually Baekhyun would have gotten out to help him, but this time he just crossed his arms when he saw him and turned his head the other way.
The door clicked open a moment later as Chanyeol got in. He glanced at Baekhyun, who was turned away from him and staring defiantly out the window. Chanyeol sighed and started the car, deciding it was best not to speak until they were home and wouldn't have to worry about anything spoiling if they began to argue again.
Chanyeol was thinking of ways to apologize as he drove, passing the silence when he heard a strange noise. His brow furrowed as he quieted his thoughts, wondering if he would hear it again.
And then . . . crunch.
Chanyeol frowned as he peeked over at Baekhyun. He couldn't see his face though because he was turned towards the window, but Chanyeol could have sworn he saw Baekhyun's mouth moving, as if eating or talking to himself.
Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something, then thought against it as he sighed and turned his attention back to the road. Then he heard the sound again. Crunch.
"Baekkie?" Chanyeol murmured. "Do you have something?"
"No!" Baekhyun cried, although it sounded like he was talking around something and the word sounded garbled.
Chanyeol sighed and rolled his eyes, he kept one hand firmly on the wheel while the other reached out and took Baekhyun's chin in his hand, forcing him to look at him. Chanyeol chuckled when he saw Baekhyun's face, his cheeks obviously full with some kind of food.
"Liar," Chanyeol murmured as he used his thumb to wipe the corner of Baekhyun's mouth of what looked like chocolate.
Baekhyun huffed and rolled his eyes as he just decided to finish chewing before reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out a bag of chocolates.
"Fine. You caught me," Baekhyun huffed as he dropped the bag between them.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "You didn't have to hide it, Baekkie. I'm not mad. I just didn't want you spending so much money, baby. That's all."
Baekhyun sighed with a small pout, then he softly murmured, "Okay. And sorry for being such an asshole back at the store."
"You're not an asshole," Chanyeol sighed. "You just wanted to treat us and Honey, and I shouldn't always tell you not too. So I'm sorry too.
Baekhyun softly smiled and scooted a little closer to Chanyeol as he murmured, "Thank you, Channie. But you're not the one who has to apologize. I was being a brat so . . . Sorry."
Chanyeol softly smiled and reached out for Baekhyun's hand, squeezing it gently as he quietly said, "No more arguing. Deal?"
Baekhyun grinned. "Deal."
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