Valentines party
I was by the punch bowl looking at all the couples laughing and smiling I had my cup in hand my arms crossed leaning against the wall I let out a sigh to see the group of singles they motioned for me to join them I looked away and Tched them and looked to my side and saw Gaster sans and Mafia grilby I turned a slight pink hearing sans whisper to em,"Smoochy smooches goes the fee man and the skeleton." I turned red and splashed my drink on him and put my cup on his head,"I'm going out for a smoke." I punched him lightly and walked outside on my porch and lit a cigar,"Heh hi Lilian." It was both of them I ignored them and pulled out my
Phone and pulled up my notes app and wrote,'Everyone in the underground feels that everyone needs a partner and feels that they should partner up others with each other' I looked up and let out a heave and stood up,"What's that?" He pointed to my badge on my chest,"Uh this? It's my."
I stopped ,"it's nothing important." I let my cigar disappear and I walked back in to hear slow dancing music and seeing that everyone had someone to dance with there was three of us without anyone so I walked up to my room and turned my laptop of and hearing the music I stoped to see my background it was My and my friend I went into photo shop and blurred out his face and painted over his name and set that as my background I smiled,"Heh I missa bro." (Ok this mystery guys not her brother it's her best male
Friend who's died of a disease in the underground he risked his life for her but he died and she loved him so her souls shatters from her father him and her Phoenix.)
I heard a knock on my door and I closed my laptop and opened the door to see both of them and the grabbed me and found myself in the middle of the dance floor I fixed my bangs out of my face but they fell again,"DANCE DANCE DANCE!" I looked down and thought of the last
Time I dance r was with him,"Heh sorry but I don't dance anymore."
My voice went harsh and I started to shake at the meet thought of dancing without him,"Lilithan what's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm going to head out to town I'll be back in a few." I walked past everyone and heard a few whispering and heard two people follow me then catch up,"Hey lil."
"Go away G.S and grilby,"
"What happens back there?"
"Nothing." My voice went harsh again,"Tell us!" I felt G.S grab me and swing me in front of him,"I-I-I'm sorry that was rude of me-" I grabbed both of them and hugged them,"Lilithan pick one of us." My heart began to shake as I looked up,"You can't love both of us!" I stepped back and bumped into someone I looked up to see UF papyrus he raised a skeleton eyebrow at me my eyes were widened,"Lilithan are you alright?" I looked at them all the looked like him in a way I backed up until I bumped into UT papyrus,"LILITHAN ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I was breathing heavily until I spoke it was harsh,"I don't know what reality is anymore." I should have said something else but I opened my
Mouth and nothing came
Out I looked down and aw dust and a knife I saw charas reflection and frisks frisk was crying I breathed heavily and dropped the knife and looked around to see millions of worrying eyes I shook my head and placed a hand on it I breathed so heavily I was shaking,"Lilithan can you hear us?" It was faint but I half shook and nodded I felt someone grabbed me it was probably Gaster sans but I was wrong I saw swaptale chats my eyes blurred up and I backed up in fear and stood in the middle she was confused at me I wasn't I knew what was going to happen and I saw him my heart raced tears filled my eyes I shook my head,"No no no no no he's dead he can't be there." I covered my hears to feel his warm hands with his gloves and his soft words,"Im here and alive just look up and trust me." I looked up to see his caring blue eyes and purple hair his smile was so soft and calming I placed my hand on his face and smiled but reality became reality again for me,"No. no. No. no!" I said covering my face and on my knees(know she doesn't know that he is in another AU but he doesn't know it's her which hurts the most for her) "LILITHAN PLEASE NOD IF TOU CAN HEAR US?" I nodded and covered g eye and began to cry I felt everyone's worrying eyes on me I looked up and saw him there,"Please tell me his real?" Everyone looked at were I was pointing,"Who him, dav?" I let out a sigh,"Why?" I couldn't bare standing up,"Our David is dead he was like a brother to me but he passed away from a rare diseas." My voice horse with grief I felt someone grabbed me in there arms,"Lilithan!" It was chara my eyes shook along with me I was filled with fear she let go,"What's wrong," I shut them close,"I'm-I'm- sorry for all the trouble." I stood up and saw a few eyes of consent then of judgement,"Psssh finally can we get back to partying or do we need to keep up with this drama?"
"Um is there a problem about her having a horrible flash back?"
"Yes there is why is she even here?"
"Because this is my h-" they kicked me in the stomach making me cough,"No one asked you sooo shut the hell up." They lifted my head up and said,"So if your gonna talk let it be to the devil because that's were your going."
'I don't know what I did?'
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" It was grillby,"Or what? See I don't care if this is her house she's just a load of shit." He stabbed his finger into my eye and choked me with the other hand the sound was unbearable it hurt and he stuck his hole finger in my eye,"Gahhhahhhh." I screamed st the violent pain it was my one good eye,"Let go of her."
"Or what see if you hurt me I'll ruin her other eye." I held back the tears and saw the knife lying on the floor yelling for me to kill him I whispered a quiet sweet peaceful gorgeous breathtaking melody that my mother had taught me, he looked down and dug draper,"Say one thing again and I'll kill you." He picked up the knife and held it to my throughly, I coughed and he pressed against my thought everyone was worried about me he pressed enough to make me bleed I gasped for the air but he removed his finger from my eye it hurt even more when he put it in and out over and over again,"PLEASE STOP!" I heard them yell he finally
Stopped and slammed me down on the ground cutting my
Thought draper I reached for my emblem but he stepped in my hand I heard my bones crush underneath it I screamed as I heard shots and them
Began to fight he kicked my hand away I held it and began crying out of my eye he picked up the emblem of the crest a blaster and a phoenix he laughed,"Ahahahaha so your part of the group of the royal-" I grabbed his foot and pulled it down letting him fall he turned around and kicked me in the face,"And know were was I. Ah the royal Phoenix guards? And you have all three emblems that must make you extra special." He said in a baby voice,"Well my'lady sorry for the disrespect." He kicked me even Jared in the face a few times then in the stomach making me cough again and again until they got him away from my THE pain was unbearable I cried a few times,"Oh lilithan I'm so sorry but he was fighting us will you." I was in so much pain that when I saw GS I reached out for him with my good hand and my bad hand grillby and touched there hands and passed out.
Gaster sans POV
I looked at her body as it quivered in pain and I looked at the blood drip from her eye and her hands skin was bleeding and the bruises on her made me cry I wish I'd done something everyone looked around her,"Lilithan were all
So sorry." It was papyrus,"Lets take her home." She shifted and opened her eye.
Lilithan POV
I opened my eyes and looked at everyone everything hurt realizing my eye was missing from what he did I sobbed until it hurt to cry everyone was worried about me,"Lilithan we tried but he was using magic as he hurt you." I sobbed,"That's not it. My soul." Every part of me was weak and sore but my soul made every breath a living hell for me,"Lilithan it's so damaging." I sobbed and saw my reflection in the knife,"Weres lilithan?!" It was ashore and the royal Phoenix's,"LILITHAN!" Everyone was confused by these monsters they've never seen asgores eyes were filled with tears,"He knows." I cracked and saw his face as he put his hand on my face moving my hair out of were my eye was,"Dear god." He sobbed for me and all my soldiers removed there hats for me," sob asgore my souls shattering it hurts." I felt like my limos were being ripped out until I saw David hovering over me I closed my eyes letting life make its division for me I heard the faint voices,"LILITHAN FIGHT BACK."
The monster gods POV
"Let her life she has a reason everyone needs her alive she's a noble leader a caring friend an honest soldier a caring mother to the ones who need her."
"Then it's I decided? The girl lives?"
I opened my eyes filled with life again I looked at everyone and blinked and looked at them,"I'm fine."
"Pleas tell us what hurts."
"My eye, my skull, my hand, my ribs and my left eye, I think they stopped him before he applied enough pressure for it to die and go blind I can see fine it just hurts." I looked at ashore,"Get the ones that can heal." They all rushed away as I reached for the emblem I noticed one do the soldiers saw me and grabbed it and handed it to me,"here lili." I held there hand instead,"Please sir with me.....Cyanid." I heard him wilder,"yes." He sat next to me and held my hand until the healers came he's like nice cream guy he's his twin in fact,I heard rushing feet,"LILITHAN." I heard gasps and then grab him away from me I reached out but they didn't say it the evacuated everyone out,"Gaster let cyanid stay." I heard feet and him he sat next to me again and held my good hand. After the healing, I had bandaids on my eye wrapped around and on my hand,"Hey lilithan." I forgot how to smile after that the town became gloomy after I healed I always covered it with my hair and wore gloves I went back to work and saw him behind bars I stepped backwards and bumped into the desk he laughed at the condition I was in,"I see your suffering good." He laughed a few times seeing the fear I my eyes until cyanide walked
In he backed up and hugged me,"Shhhh calm down you fine he's behind magic bars your fine we're here calm down." My heart wouldn't calm and I was shaking until asgores walked in,"I'm sorry we should have worked you first." I let him continue to hug me I hugged him back and calmed down slowly,"No your suppose to be dead or at least in bad condition I WANT TO SEE YOU AFRAID AND SCARED AND DEAD!" His words echoed threw my head him seeing me terrified made him laugh at me,"Lilithan calm down ashore I'm talking her home,"LET ME DESTROY HER ITHER EyE!" He yelled at me I ran up to him grabbed him by the neck and choked him,"God I've corrupted you inside and out." I let go and collapsed releasing he had a needle on his collar like the one on his finger that hurt my eye,"I see
You found the needle Eheheheherb." I stood up and walked away and collapsed again at the words,"I killed David~I killed David~I killed DavidI killed David." He song I covered my mouth and cried until cyanide picked me up and carried me home a few of my friends got concerned until I heard those words again but on a different people,"Were here to finish what boss
Started," the figures pushed me
Down and shins cyanide away,"Bye bye right eye bye bye right hand bye bye leader bye bye noble leader say bye bye." They choked me and rubbed around my and applied pressure until he was hit of me I gasped for air,"there many more of use." He stepped on my chest I crapped it and swung him off me,"I'm not as week as you are."
I stood up,"NOPE!" He talked me down and into a tree hitting my head I kicked him off me and saw what and who he was,"UF papyrus?"
"Yes?" I heard him yell from him and he killed one,"I turned into the person you most desire to protect." He change into everyone and I shut my eyes and gave up and slide down,"Heh this is to easy." He stopped hearing me cry but kicked me and I coughed up
Blood I didn't care anymore,"Just kill me." He laughed at me and looked at me,"to easy I'll just do this and leave but your not alone." He tied my neck to a tree and stabbed in the foot and they all disappeared I looked down at the bleeding foot and sighed as they walked up to me I cut the rope and collapsed because of my foot,"There gonna be back." I felt Gaster sans pick me up and seeing cyanide lying In a pool of blood still alive I jumped into him, he hugged me back and I whispered into his ear,"Kill there leader today." And he handed me back and I fell asleep on my couch with him and Gaster my couc was pretty big they didn't want to leave me
Alone. When I woke up I found myself cuddling with them I realized they were awake and watching taking shifts to watch pair I was asleep with grillby I shuttered and he hugged me the warmth kept me happy,"grillby five more minutes then UF papyrus is coming he said he's ok with this." He nodded I gripped tightly into his arm as he got up he chuckled softly and kissed my head I loosened my grip and felt UF he set my head on his lap I was on top of him I touched his and and he hugged me. A few hours of guarding and pain I heard someone whisper to me to wake up,"Lili." I saw grillby mafia grillby he grappled me as I stumbled up his warmth helped,"The girls are coming to help you pack we're going to my place and my brothers it's the safest place right know here in your AU I'm going to carry you upstairs." I just snuggled closer to the warmth,"So warm." I mumbled and he giggled and held me closer and kissed my head,"Ok here we are the girls are here and so is MTT he counts as a lady." I felt Tori hug me,"Lilithan were all here we're going to pack you and change you MTTs gonna help pack and he's going to carry you." I felt MTT pick me up a few minutes later and the cold air of snowdin I heard grillby and shifter my eyes in pain he pushed my hair back and kissed my forehead and I held onto his hand,"Hey MTT I think I'll taker her from here." I felt the fade
Off and the cold air I shivered as I was in his arms My head leaned of and my legs were also off his arms hanging of I rested my head on his shoulder and shifted in pain,"Let's stop for a second she's in pain again." We were at the border of hotland and I felt a slight pain in my right eye I opened them and looked up and held it as the set me down, I was shaking I was cold even though we were in hot lands I shivered a few times and passed out my head landing on grillbys lap. When I woke up I was in a house grillby next to me,"Cough were am I?" I looked around and heard grillby,"Lilithan." He pulled me down and hugged me,"Grillby please be gentle my my right Keanu's hurrying." I said as the next person came to swap if wtuh grillby I ahivered at the pain,"Shh calm down kiddo." Hearing sans voice made me calm down but as soon as grillby left I medianly began to shiver his brothers house was cold but as soon as sans wrapped me in his jacket I fell elders.
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