Fixing it
After we fixed it and everything went back to normal it became normal for different AUs so come and go. I was sitting down planning a party for MTT wen he knocked on my door,"Come in."
"Hey." It was UF MTT,"Hey?"
"Um in our AU there's a party for Chris since well today's the day since he disappeared for us and came here we want you to come and be the guest of honor we'll since your his daughter." I looked up at him and tilted my glasses,"What time?"
"In a few hours by that in one hot."
"Ok see ya there." U looked at my watch and realized in five minutes I have to to, so I but on a black turtle necks and black jeans and my red jacket and put my hair up and walked out the door and into the portal to there AU I looked around and saw MTT,"Hey."
"Hey let's go in." I followed them into the MTT resort and saw everyone wearing a Gaster blaster charm on there shirt I looked down at the patch on my shirt seeing it on both arm sides and walked up to there Gaster and sans and papyrus,"Hey." I didn't smile I just nodded and looked at the picture of my father,"He'd be prou-"
"No he wouldn't." I looked at the picture,"He was a calm peaceful man but he didn't care for me only his wife he'd be ashamed of the person I've become." I frowned,"I'm only here to pay my respects." I showed no emotion,"Lilithan?"
"He cared only for his work he didn't like snowdin or anyone he was like you, but he was undeserved with the core." My eye twitched,"Im here for one thing besides paying my respects I want to see what you remember him for." A few minutes later we all sat at a long table and everyone else was at different tables I sat next to Gaster and Papyrus and sans showing zero emotion,"Gaster wasn't like us he cared for us all and was a special man, his daughters here." A few hours of speeches it was my turn I stood up and looked at them,"He was a cruel insane man who only cared for his work and killing humans he had no desire for a family and hated me and the sight of me made him made. He was always in his work he was upset with me when I got a c in my grades and therefore he'd be sad and pleased with the person I'd become he'd be pleased to see that I've completed his experience and jobs with pain and sad with the kind person I've become and that I stoped what he wanted as a little girl he thought I'd take his spot and he forced me to work Jared and harder he made me hate the world as it is he made me promise to finish what he started he told me to kill anyone who got in my way I've done the opposite he's still alive I know he is he's in the core obsessing with the person I am and ashamed. Thank you." I say down and looked st everyone showing zero emotion my scares still on my face,"Well ten that was umm." He sat back down,"Lilithan what was your fathers job?"
"Science." I said looking at them,"This is something to remember someone who deserves to be forgotten for the pain and hell he sent my mother and I threw." I clenched my hand into a first and my eye twitched,"He's turned me into something I fear. He laughs every time I do something that shakes me. He's a demon something that deserves to be lost in time and space." I heaved,"I think I've said enough, in turning into something I'd rather not I don't want to turn into him." I took my jacket off and folded it and left it in the table,"Im
Not like him. I don't want to hurt you all but this was the only way to tell you. You've remembered someone who wants to hurt you all." I looked at nocecream guy,"Pssh she's lying he was never like that." My eyes widened,"Oh really." I swiped down and a projector thing scream appeared and I clicked something and swiped it to him,"What's this?"
"Just look at it."
"What's that thing on your arm?"
"Do you honestly want to know?" He looked up at me,"That's a." I nodded as I swiped up and it disappeared,"Lilithan why are you telling us this?"
"Because your the only people that remember him like this and this is his AU and my "family's here"." They looked st me,"Fine trust me or don't." I said looking at them,"I feel better knowing that I can tell
You all this I don't wed to live knowing that no one knows this in this AU." I saw someone who didn't make eye contact with me,"Asgore I need a word with you."
"Make sure no one can leave make everyone go to water fall and keep the guards surrounding them." I disappeared and Flynn myself on a grave of a dead human who grabbed my leg and slammed me
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