Chapter 2
I was walking along the path with nice cream guy,"And I just sat there trying not to laugh at him because it was a counsel meeting and no one cared about this one guy and his idea to expand the underground by digging up." He began laughing,"And he was wearing this ugly dark pink and dark green suit and he had a pink thing stuck on his Heath." He was laughing know,"So were you wanna eat?"
"The MTT?"
"Sure foods on me." I smiled
"Your one of the nicest monsters in the whole underground just like your mother sorry if that's an it to far in-" he stopped
"It's fine, she was vthe only human we every trusted." We walked up to the MTT resort,"Hey metta!" I waved and smiled at him,"DARLINGS!" He ran up to me and hugged me,"That party you planned for us a few weeks ago was amazing thank you, lets get lunch it's on me."
"That's why we came here."
"Ok." All three of us were laughing and being stupid as we walked in everyone went quiet as mettaton and I were laughing so hard that's all you hear,•Ehm oh." We walked up and ordered.
A few days latter. I was wearing my jeans with chains and my turtle neck with my chirp jacket and my hair styled differently that day and I had a cigarette,"Uh lilithan what's that?" It was nice cream guy,"A cigar." I blew it out,"found them and remembered why I had them." I frowned,"And thought perfect just what I need." I moved my hair out of my eyes,"I'm going to waterfall. Can you come need to get some sh*t of my chest." I heaved in the smoke and blew it out,"Isn't that bad for you?"
"Dude I have no lungs I'm a skeleton remember this is just how it came out with my powers I can seek up what's not done." I frowned and walked to grillbys instead,"No cigarettes!" I narrowed my eyes and ignored him,"Lilithan." He growled at me still ignoring him I sat down and told him,"Inhale exhale, a month ago Gaster and my Father pasted into the Coe, and I can't be so che-"
"LILITHAN THROW THAT CIGAR OUT OR ILL THROW YOU OUT." I exhaled the cigar,"Fine." I stood up and began walking then stopped and turned my head slightly,"Heh sorry for wasting your time NCG." I inhaled the cigar and exhaled it,"I'm going to ashore for the help I seek." I looked down and began walking again my hands in my pockets I looked at the gaster blaster sing on my coat and looked forward seeing sans I ignored them,"What's wrong?"
"Ah nothin much." I shrugged and took my jacket of I was wearing a tan turtle neck,"I see."
"What's up with that look?"
"Nothing much kiddo."
"Who you calling kiddo I'm three years older then you frisking bone bag!" I inhaled and exhaled,"I've got aloe on my mind sorry if I'm a jerk, I'm going to asgores on foot I need the truth even if the truths what kills me."
"Your determination."
"Stay determined." He put his hand on my shoulder,"Heh I can't stop thinking about Gaster and Dad." I exhaled the cigar as I leaned against the hill were in water fall by know and my magic eye was glowing,"I don't know how this is even possible I'm not even." I stopped talking and looked at my right hand I sighed and snapped my fingers and watched the bones
Appear then stop as it reverted to its skeletons mess,"exhale is it even possible to be half skeleton when your father was the brother of faster but your mother human? When this happens they child's usually all human with powers or a skeleton never this." I sighed and threw away my cigar and grabbed a new one and lit it,"Isn't that bad for your health your still human right?"
"Nope I'm pure skeleton just have flesh and muscle and that's it and a brain and heart made of pure magic." I looked at him,"Heh you do realize even though our dads were so close they were like brothers doesn't mean I'll treat you like that." I stood up, and disappeared and reappeared at grilby so I threw away my cigar and walked in I smelled of lavender and not smoke,"hi?" I said walking in and pushing over out of my way to see two skeletons bros one looked like sans and faster and me and the other one looked like papyrus and faster,"What the hells going on here?" I found my eyes matching up with his."They appears out of no were there probably dan-"
"Wait? Wait wait. Out of a- so it's possible there are other AUs out there." I said looking at them,"Yes." I walked up to them and stunned I froze,"Wait? Your." I stopped and covers my mouth,"Dear god. Please come." They followed me,"What are your names?"
"Faster sans and gaster papyrus." I pulled out my cigar box,"Want one?" I pushed one up,"Heh thanks." He took one and I handed him the litter I also took one and
Lit it,"I thought this AU was supposed to be the original one why do you look like one of us?" I sighed and held my arm,"Uh sorry if tat was touchy."
"No it's fine." I turned around and smiled,"Uh." I turned back,"Everything I thought I knew I didn't I found a box to me and realized something that someone from another AU had given me this to me from." I stopped and picked up my pass and turned around and grabbed there arms and flung them to the side taking a bullet for them I looked down to see the slash mark on my chest I looked the side and so did the human i side kicked them.They did have a knife but I didn't feel like using my powers so I got in my fighting position and as they jumped to stab me I kicked them in the chin.
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