new marriage, new baby
Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating lately just school work, junior high right.
In the morning I felt Elsa tracing my bare chest. I smile, "good morning snowflake." I say she smiles I kiss her fore head.
After we got dressed (in our pj's) elsa's phone rang she got up from the couch and started talking I heard her scream and ran into where she was "are okay?" I asked "yes yes yes!" She queled and hugged me and kissed me still on the the phone then walked out of the room again I stood there stunded.
Merida called me
Me: hello
Mer:Elsa guess what
Me: what
Mer: hic proposed to me last night at the pier at sunset.
Me: what really that's amazing
Mer:also...I'm pregnant
I screamed with joy jack came running into the other room "are you okay?" He asked "yes yes yes." I said hugged him and kissed then walked out of the room. I keepped talking until I hung up. "Hey what was that all about." Jack asked me as I walked into the room, "Merida and Hic are Engaged and merida is pregnant." I say "that's awesome when is the marriage?" He asks "first day of fall." I say "huh 1 month from now." He says "yep."
I say and walk off.
-------1 month later------
"Merida breath just breath in and out. In and out.", she was pacing around the room "I can't what if he says no what I say no oh my god." She pankiecd today is her wedding and she is freaking out. "Hey its okay look your beautiful and talented and funny and... All those other things you are that I don't want name." Anna said trying to calm her down just then there was a knock at the door "hellooo. Its jack." He said through the door "heyyy." I said "can I come in." He asked "nope." Anna said "fine but meridas going to miss her wedding. Soooo." He said "shit. Let's go." Merida said and we all walked out the door I was the last one out "whao Elsa you look beautiful." He said to me as he held out his arm for me. "Thank you. You look handsome." I said "yeah hic made me were a tux." He said unwillingly I laughed "do you think hic will be mad if I tell him that mers dress costed about a thousand dollors." I ask "yes." He said "oh." I reply "and that's why you don't tell him." He chuckles "jack dude come on my have to go." Kristoff says "okay. Um els I have to go seen you when you walk down the aisle....I mean when Merida walks you down I mean when Merida walks down the aisle." He rubs the back of his neck *nervous and embarrassed* "I know." I say and kiss him he puts his hands on my hips "guys leave this kissing to Merida and hiccup Kay." Kristioff says "Kay hold on." Jack says holding my chin and kissing me again "Elsa let's go." I hear Anna yell "I got to go okay bye." I wave and walk off with Anna. The wedding begins
----------8 months later----------
Its official jack and I have been together for 3½ years.
I'm sitting on the couch reading a book in my pjs while I'm left alone in the apartment jack and I bought I hear the door open and keys jingle "hello!" Jack yells "hi." I say he kisses me on the cheek "so whacha doing." He said sitting on the couch next to me "reading." I says "what." He asks "a book." I reply "you do know there's always TV." He says "yes." I say he sighs "I have to tell something." He says "mmhmm." I say not really paying attention "Merida baby is due soon." He said "mmhmm." I say with no total consecration what so ever "Rapunzel and Flynn are getting married soon." He says "mmhmm." I say "I love you." He says "mmhmm...oh um I mean I love you too." I put my book down. Jack just laugh. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say putting my hands on my face.
My phone rings "hello" I say "hey elsa its hiccup." He says "hi hic what's up." I ask "my wife just had her child." He says "oh my god really." I say happily "yeah I'll send you a picture " he says "what is it." Jack asked "its hiccup mer just gave birth." I say "cool." He said my phone buzzed the picture of Merid holding the baby, who is cute, she has little strands of red hair and green eyes its a little Merida. "She's so cute." I say into the phone "I know I'm with them right now." He says I hear. Baby sounds in the background "oh uh hey I gotta go." He says "okay have fun." I say "i will bye." He says "bye." And I hang up "look." I say handing jack my phone "it that the child." He asked "yeah." I reply "she's so cute and she looks like Merida." He says "I know its a little Merida." I say "Cute." He says "what time is it." I ask and yawn "9:30." Jack says "yep I'm going to bed." I say "me too." Jack says and gets up off the couch
Jack runs into our room and literally jumps face first on the bed I calmly climb into bed "goodnight snowflake." He says wrapping his arm around my waist "good night." I say and fall asleep. This year was full of new marriages and new babies
I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while love you guys promise I'll uptade more #shout outs to Queen_Of_Snow_Elsa TheBigFive ElsaQueenofArendelle ElsaOfArendelle and FrostyGuardian thank you guys so much for insiperation in this story and I really love you books ♥
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