So firstly I am so happy finally with this part I have completed golden jubilee on my this book . Let's start with the update ...it again my already posted story which will be completed in three parts so please support this one like you have done previously ..thanks to all for this much huge support 💗💗
Let's start .....
here RIDDHIMA is not any intruder and she doesn't love kabir but as same as show she is an orphan and has only one best friend SEJAL . she is a physiotherapist and all other characters are also same like show but here kabir is best friend of RIDDHIMA . lets begin
my os begins from RIDDHIMA entering into VR mansion as a doctor of SIYA but here she is only going to stay there till SIYA recovers
ridhima : siya we will start your treatment from tommorow be ready at 7 am
siya : ok dr ridhima
They both depart for their room . in ridhima's room when she was changing suddenly aryan enters her room and she got frightened and wears her jacket back immediately
RIDDHIMA : hey mr don't you have any manners to knock before entering into someone's room
aryan : hey ridhima why are you getting angry by the way don't forget that you are living in my house , and in my house i can go anywhere whenever i want
RIDDHIMA : look mister i know i am living in your house but it doesn't give you any right to come without knocking into my room and i am here only for your sister's treatment and i am living here only on your brothers order , so next time when ever you come please first knock on the door .
aryan : and if i don't do then what will you do
RIDDHIMA : if you can't understand anything at a time then better go and take your treatment at a good mental hospital . it will help you
aryan ( grabbing her hand ) : you cheap girl , don't dare to talk in such a tone with me next time otherwise you won't be able to bear consequences..
vansh : aryan , it would be better if you stay in your limits . and leve her hand as you are making her uncomfortable
aryan : bhai , it would be better if you stay out of this as this matter is between us . so please
vansh : aryan , i said leave her hand , you can't bother anyone living in VR mansion and especially a girl and she is doctor of sia so its my order to behave properly with her
aryan : ok bhai
aryan leaves . vansh come near to RIDDHIMA
vansh : i am sorry on his behalf , please don't mind , are you fine
RIDDHIMA : thank you mr vr , yes i am absolutely alright
RIDDHIMA was attracted to vansh respect towards girls and they both shakes their hand and vansh leaves . vansh was also attracted to ridhima's befeating replies to aryan which show that she is very brave . they both were not able to sleep as both of them has started occupying each other's mind . next morning vansh heard some laughing sound coming from yard and from window he saw RIDDHIMA and SIYA were laughing together . he was very happy to see SIYA laughing whole heartily as she rarely laugh with anyone after that incident
RIDDHIMA : SIYA first we will do some stretching exercises
RIDDHIMA : SIYA as we have became friends sow so you can call me riddhu
siya : ok dr RIDDHIMA ... i mean riddhu
(they both laughed )
they both completed their exercises and went back inside the house . whole family was gathered at dinning table for having breakfast , when RIDDHIMA was passing by and dadi spoke
dadi : RIDDHIMA where are you going , come let's have breakfast with us
listening to dadi's word vansh was also overjoyed like he also wanted to have RIDDHIMA with them at breakfast table . he doesn't understand what those feeling were but he was having a great desire to have breakfast with RIDDHIMA , but his thoughts were interrupted by ishani listening to which he became very much angry
Ishani : com'mon dadi she is servent here who has just come to treat SIYA , how could she have breakfast with us
Vansh (fuming in ager ) : Ishani mind your tongue and be in your limits , she is a renowned doctor and runs her hospital very well and still on my request she is here to treat SIYA so behave
Ishani : but bhaii ......
RIDDHIMA : its ok you all please Don't argue , i am not hungry so , i will take breakfast later
RIDDHIMA leaves .... she was in her bedroom reading a novel when someone knocked on her door
RIDDHIMA : please , come in
( a servant enter with a plate full of food in his hand )
RIDDHIMA : but i have not asked anything
servant 1 : mam this is send by vansh sir for you and he has asked to finish it all
ridhima : ok thank you , you keep it there
servant 1 : ok mam ... and its a vansh sir order that if you need anything you can call me
ridhima became happy with the mention of vansh name , she was also not aware of her feelings towards vansh but was very much happy with vansh care towards her .
The end !!! hope you all liked it
please tell me your views whether you all liked it or not
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