Chapter 8
Peeta P.O.V.
We were only in District 12 a week before we got a call saying it was safe for us to come home. Neither of us know why though. They don't know who broke in that night, they don't even have a suspect, and the guards still follow us around, so we don't feel very safe.
We weren't back home a full day before I was being called out to meetings. The living room window was replaced, but the mess was still there, so Katniss decided to stay home so she could get everything back in order.
What started out as a three day trip, ended up lasting two weeks. After two weeks of back-to-back meetings that accomplished nothing, I'm more than ready to get back home to Katniss. I didn't like the idea of her being home alone with nobody but a bunch of guards to keep her company. I finally talked her into going back to 12 to visit with Haymitch for a few days.
I am just about to fall asleep when the car comes to a stop outside our house. Katniss steps out the door, but that's as far as she's allowed to go. Within seconds guards are swarming us. I was hoping we could get rid of all these guards when we got back home, but that didn't happen.
Katniss holds the door open for me as I bring my stuff in. I set everything down in the doorway, turn around, and wrap my arms tightly around Katniss.
"I missed you so much," she whispers.
"I missed you too," I reply. I pull back and plant a kiss on Katniss's lips. "Anything happen while I was gone?" I ask.
"Nope," Katniss replies. I look down at her and that's when I notice the familiar look in her blood-shot eyes.
"Katniss, you look like you haven't slept in a week," I say. Katniss laughs a little.
"Try two," she replies. My eyes widen.
"You haven't slept the entire time I was gone?"
"Besides fifteen minute naps every so often, no." I shake my head at her.
"Why didn't you..."
"I couldn't," Katniss says, cutting me off. "Between missing you and everything that's been going on running through my mind, I couldn't sleep."
"Maybe you should go rest," I suggest. She shakes her head.
"I'll be able to sleep tonight now that you're home." I start to protest, but Katniss places her hand over my mouth. "I promise," she says softly.
Fortunately, she keeps her promise. Once she falls asleep, she stays asleep the rest of the night. The only time she gets up, I watch her head towards the bathroom. I lay there and wait for her to return. It's not until I hear an awful, gagging sound that I know what's really going on.
I jump up out of bed and run to the bathroom. I find Katniss kneeling on the bathroom floor, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet. I bend down next to her and rub her back until she's done. She rests her head back against my chest as she tries to catch her breath.
"You all right?" I whisper against her ear.
"Yeah," she replies. She turns her neck around as far as it will go to look back at me. "Peeta, do you think I could be..." her voice trails off as she looks away. I can tell she's trying not to get her hopes up. I take both of her hands in mine.
"I don't know," I say softly.
"Maybe I should make a doctors appointment for today," Katniss suggests. I nod my head.
"You want me to go with you?" I ask.
"No," Katniss replies. "You go on to work. I know you're bound to have a lot of stuff to catch up on."
"You sure?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'll come by your office after my appointment if you're not already home."
"Okay," I reply as I pull her close and kiss her temple. "You want me to make you some breakfast?" Katniss shakes her head.
"I can't even think about food right now."
"That's okay," I say as I help her up off the floor.
"I'm going to see if I can schedule an appointment for today," Katniss says as she walks out of the bathroom. I decide to go get ready for work Afterwords, I go sit on the couch with Katniss until I have to go back to work.
"Did you get an appointment scheduled?" I ask. She nods her head.
"I have to go at noon."
"You sure you don't want me to go with you?"
"I'm sure," she says.
"Okay. Well, I better get going," I say as I stand up. "The quicker I leave, the sooner I can get back home." Katniss comes over and kisses me before I head out the door.
I wish Katniss had let me go with her. She was right, I did have a lot of work waiting for me, but I can't focus on any of it for right now. I sneak another look at the clock to find that it's one thirty. Surely Katniss should've been here by now. I cross over to the window to see if Katniss is outisde. By the time I reach the window, someone is knocking on my door.
"Come in," I say loud enough so the person on the other side of the door can hear me. Before I have the chance to turn around, arms are being wrapped tight around me and my shirt is already wet from tears. I can't tell if they're happy tears or not, so I just hold her until she pulls back to look at me. A huge smile spreads across her face.
"We're having a baby," Katniss says quietly as more tears flow down her face. Time stands still as the words roll around in my head, making me happier by the second. I find myself holding Katniss even closer as the tears build up in my eyes. "I guess that means you're happy," Katniss laughs. I pull her back and kiss her.
"I'm more than happy," I whisper against her lips.
"Me too," Katniss whispers back as she kisses me and buries her head in my neck. "I better get going. I haven't ate anything all day and I'm starting to get hungry."
"Okay, let's go," I say as I take Katniss's hand in mine and we start walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Katniss asks.
"I'm going to walk home with you," I reply. "If that's okay with you, that is." She smiles at me.
"That sounds perfect," Katniss says as she rests her head on my shoulder and we go walking towards our house. On our way there, Katniss talks about her appointment today. She tells me that the doctors can't tell much about the baby yet, but she has to go back in a few weeks. As we're walking across our yard, I notice something unusual.
"Aren't there usually guards hanging around outisde our house this time of day?" I ask.
"Yes," Katniss replies. The smile threatening to appear on her face lets me know she's up to something.
"And don't they usually stay here until I dismiss them?" I ask.
"I may have dismissed them early."
"And why's that?" I ask as I unlock the front door.
"Because I knew that I was coming to your office, and I knew that you'd be walking home with me." Katniss closes the door behind her.
"And how'd you know that?"
"Because I know you all too well." I look at her and laugh.
"I can't argue with that," I say as I make my way to the steps. "I'm going to go change into some comfortable clothes."
"Okay," Katniss replies. "I'll fix something to eat." I nod my head and make my way up the steps. I change into a shirt and jeans and start making my way back downstairs when the smell of smoke fills the air.
I run down the steps and into the kitchen. Katniss is nowhere to be found, and whatever she was cooking has burnt. I quickly run over and turn the stove off.
"Katniss!" I holler.
"I'm right here." I turn around to find Katniss coming out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry. As soon as the smell of food hit my nose, I felt nauseous. I didn't even think to turn off the stove."
"It's okay. I was just worried about you," I say as I wrap my arms around her. "Why don't you go sit down and I'll fix you something to eat." Katniss shakes her head.
"I'm not hungry now."
"Katniss, you need to eat something."
"I'm fine," she insists. "I'm just gonna go lay down."
As Katniss walks up the steps, I go back into the kitchen. I know she doesn't want to eat right now, but she needs to try something. I fix her some toast, pour her a glass of water, and take it upstairs to her. She's already asleep, so I set the plate of toast on her nighstand.
"Katniss," I whisper as I run my free hand through her hair. She stirs a little before opening her eyes. "I brought you something to eat." She props herself up and takes the glass of water from my hand.
"I had a feeling you would," she says quietly. "I'm not hungry, but thank you anyways." I smile at her.
"You're too stubborn," I say as I lean close to her. "But, you're welcome anyways." She laughs before she closes the gap between us.
"I love you," Katniss whispers.
"I love you too," I reply. I lift up her shirt and kiss her flat stomach before whispering, "Daddy loves you, too."
So I typed this chapter back up for you guys. The next chapter will be coming soon because I don't have time to type it back up right now. There will be a small time lapse in the beginning of the chapter, but nothing drastic. There's a HUGE surprise coming next chapter though. You all are either gonna love me or hate me for it.
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