Chapter 21
I want to clear up any confusion about the last chapter. What happened is I started updating it on my phone then switched to the computer so my phone was only showing the part i had typed up on it. But the chapter did end where it was supposed to. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Katniss P.O.V.
"Katniss!" I look up to see Peeta practically running across the room towards me. He kneels down in front of me and I wrap my arms around him. I hear him ask Haymitch what happened.
"I had a feeling something like this would happen!" I cry.
"Shh. Calm down honey," Peeta says as he uses one of his hands to hold me close and the other to rub my back. "Everything's going to be okay."
"But everything's not okay Peeta!" I start to hyperventilate and he pulls me back.
"Katniss, breathe," Peeta says. I try to calm down but it only makes things worse. "Take a deep breath in," Peeta says softly. I inhale quickly, but Peeta shakes his head. "Slow down, Katniss. Out. Slower. In. There you go. Out." My breathing finally slows to a normal pace, but my head is still spinning.
Haymitch scoots down a seat so Peeta can sit beside of me. Peeta pulls me in and rests his chin on top of my head. The door to the waiting room opens up and Mom walks in.
"I was talking to one of the doctors about Willow," Mom says as she sits down in the chair across from me.
"How is she?" I ask, trying to stay calm.
"She's responding right now," Mom says.
"Do they know what happened to her?" Peeta asks.
"No," Mom replies. "But they're going to run a few more tests on her."
"Tests?" I say. "Like blood work?" Mom nods her head. The thought of complete strangers poking my baby girl with needles terrifies me.
I start feeling sick so I get up and walk out of the room. I start walking down the hallway when I hear Peeta's voice behind me.
I turn to face him. "I'm sorry," I say. "I just had to get away for a minute." He nods his head.
The tears sparkle in his blue eyes. I know he's trying to stay strong for me, but I can tell it's killing him as much as it is me knowing that there's nothing we can do to help our little girl. I walk over to him and we wrap our arms around each other.
"Peeta, " I mumble into his chest. "I know this is going to sound crazy after everything we've been through, but I've never been so scared in my entire life. "
"I don't think it sounds crazy," he whispers in my ear. I pull back enough to see his face, but we still hold each other.
"You too, huh?" I ask, even though I know the obvious answer. He sadly nods his head.
"I would do anything for my two girls," Peeta says as he finally lets the tears fall. I place both of my hands on his cheeks and gently wipe away his tears.
"I know, " I say softly.
"What we went through in the Games and even being hijacked can't compare to this." He shuts his eyes and slowly shakes his head. "I just can't stand the fact that I'm not able to do anything to help her. I love you two so much, " Peeta says as he wraps his arms tighter around me. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost either of you."
"We love you too, Peeta, " I say. "It scares me how quickly this stuff can happen."
"Me too," he says.
"I don't tell you this enough, but you are an amazing husband to me, and a wonderful daddy to our little girl," I say truthfully. "Trust me, I'd be completely lost without you."
"And you are an amazing wife and a wonderful mommy," Peeta says. "I can't help but notice how your eyes light up everytime your see Willow's face or when someone mentions her name."
"Yours do too," I say. It's unbelievable how we've both already fallen head over heels in love with her. "We can't loose her," I say.
"We won't loose her," Peeta replies. "We should go back to the waiting room now. "
"Okay," I say. He takes my hand and we go walking back. As we near the door, a doctor walks out of the room and takes off walking away from us. I look up at Peeta. "You think that could have been about Willow?" I ask.
"I hope so," Peeta replies. We walk into the waiting room and I look over at Mom.
"Did they say anything about Willow?" I ask.
"Yes," Mom replies. "I'll tell you word for word what the doctor said, but you have to let me finish explaining before you get upset." I nod my head, not liking the sound of this, and Peeta leads us over to where we were sitting earlier.
"What did the doctor say?" I ask, still gripping Peeta's hand.
"There's this illness called SIDS," Mom replies. "Sudden infant death syndrome." My heart stops and Peeta's hand tightens around mine.
"No," Mom cuts me off calmly, but quickly. "Let me explain it. That term is used when babies die suddenly from random causes. It usually happens when they're sleeping, but that's not always the case, and there's not really anything you can do to prevent it."
"What causes it?" I ask impatiently.
"Usually it's caused by a blanket or something like that blocking the baby's airways," Mom explains. "And sometimes, babies just forget to breathe in their sleep. That's most likely what happened with Willow. Katniss, if you hadn't have been holding her when it happened and hadn't started moving her around like you did, the outcome most likely would have been a whole lot worse."
"But Willow's okay?" Peeta asks.
"Yes," Mom replies. "They're just going to keep her here for a couple days so they can monitor her. Willow's nothing short of a miracle." My head starts spinning again, but not for the same reasons as before.
"Did they say if we can go see her?" I ask.
"Not tonight," Mom says. "But if everything goes okay tonight, you can go see her first thing tomorrow. They wanted me to make sure that I told you two you could stay here in the waiting room tonight if you want to."
"Thank you," I say as tears of relief fall down my face.
"I told you she'd be okay sweetheart," Haymitch says. I look at him and slowly nod my head.
Later, after Mom has left and Peeta has taken Haymitch home, Peeta and I sit in the waiting room by ourselves. He tried to get me to go with Haymitch and stay home tonight, but I want to stay as close to our baby as possible, even if we can't go see her right now.
"I can't wait to see her tomorrow," I tell Peeta as I lean my head over on his arm.
"Me neither," Peeta says. He takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over the top of my hand. I know neither of us will be getting any sleep tonight, so we just sit here and enjoy each other's company.
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