Chapter 2
Peeta's P.O.V
I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I just sit there and stare at Katniss with a surprised look on my face.
"Are you sure?" I finally ask. She smiles and nods her head. "You're not saying that just because I..."
"Peeta, we've talked about this already," Katniss says, cutting me off. "I don't want a baby because you do. I really do want one. It's just that I'm scared I'm going to mess up. That's why it's taken me so long to agree. I'm still scared, but I guess all we can do is love it to the moon and back and hope for the best."
I smile and nod my head. "You're exactly right," I say as I wrap an arm around Katniss's shoulder and kiss her temple.
"I have one condition though," Katniss says.
"Of course you do," I chuckle. Katniss let's out a small giggle before continuing.
"What I was saying," Katniss continues as she playfully rolls her eyes at me, "is we wait till I say so."
"Why?" I ask. "So you'll have time to change your mind?" I tease.
"I'm not going to change my mind about this," Katniss says assuring me. "I promise. I just think we need to wait a little longer to plan ahead." I nod my head.
"Okay," I say. "I've waited four years, I think I can wait a little while longer." Katniss smiles at me.
"Good," she says as she kisses me. "Well, now that that's off my mind, I better go finish the dishes." We both stand up and walk back downstairs. Katniss walks towards the kitchen, and I go sit down on a couch in the living room.
I sit there and watch the flames flicker in the fireplace while I wait for Katniss to get done with the dishes. When she does get done, she sits down on the couch next to me and lays her head over on my shoulder. In just a matter of seconds, Katniss's eyelids start to close.
"Come on Katniss," I say as I start to stand up. "Let's go to bed."
"But the bed's all the way upstairs," Katniss says as she holds me back by my arm.
"You want me to carry you?" I ask. Katniss shakes her head.
"I'm already comfortable," Katniss replies.
"Okay then," I say as I lean my head back against the couch and drift off to sleep.
Sometime early in the morning, Katniss wakes me up screaming my name and thrashing around.
"Katniss, it's okay. It's not real," I say as I pull her up onto my lap. When she finally opens her eyes, she pushes me away from her and jumps up off the couch.
"Get away from me!" Katniss yells as she goes and sits in a corner with her back turned towards me. It breaks my heart to see her like this. When she's just waking up from a nightmare and she thinks I'm supposed to be dead. Unfortunately, I've done this so many times that I know exactly what to do.
I get up and kneel down beside of Katniss. I put my arm on her shoulder and she flinches.
"Sorry," I say as I remove my hand. She doesn't say anything. She just sits there and stares off into the distance.
"You died," Katniss whispers.
"It was just a nightmare" I say. Katniss looks at me and I notice she's shaking. She stares at me for a minute before she finally realizes what's going on.
"I'm sorry," Katniss says as she puts her head in her hands.
"It's okay," I say soothingly s I wrap my arms around her.
"Peeta, the nightmares, they'll never go away will they?" Katniss asks as the tears she's been trying to hold back start to roll down her cheeks.
What do I say? I want to comfort her and tell her that they will eventually, but I don't know that for sure. If I do tell her that they'll go away, I could be lying, and I love Katniss too much to lie to her. I take a deep breath and tell her the truth.
"I don't know Kat," I say as I kiss the top of her head. She sighs and looks up at me with wet eyes. I take my thumb and gently wipe her tears away. "Even if they don't go away, I know that you'll be right there with the right words to say," Katniss says as she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her forehead against mine. "Always," she whispers. I smile at her and nod my head.
"Always," I reply as I cup my hands around Katniss's face and our lips meet. When we break apart for air, Katniss leans her head over on my shoulder.
"I love you Peeta," Katniss says softly.
"I love you too Katniss," I reply as I wrap my arms around her and give her a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay now?" I ask her.
"Yeah," she replies as she nods her head. "We better get up now. We have a big day ahead of us."
"Yes we do," I say as I stand up and offer Katniss a hand. She takes it and I pull her up off of the floor.
"Great way to start your anniversary off huh?" Katniss asks as she looks up at me. "Having to calm me down because of a stupid nightmare."
"I don't care how it starts off," I reply. "As long as I get to spend every second of it with you."
"Same here," Katniss says as she gives my lips a quick peck. "Are we still planning on going to District 12?"
"If you still want to," I reply. Katniss nods her head.
"We better go pack then," Katniss says as she takes my hand in hers. We walk upstairs hand in hand and begin to pack for our trip to District 12.
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