Chapter 13
Fair warning. I'm not for sure how well you all are going to like this chapter. I got the idea for this chapter off an episode of NCIS. You'll probably want to kill me after you read it.
Katniss P.O.V.
I shake Peeta's shoulder, trying to get him to wake up. "Peeta, do you hear that?" I ask for the second time. He opens his eyes halfway and shakes his head.
"Hear what?" He asks as he props himself up on his elbows.
"Sounds like someone screaming for help," Peeta says as he jumps up out of bed. I follow him out into the hallway to find Mom coming out of her room.
"Did you hear that too?" Mom asks.
"Yeah," I reply. Peeta starts going down the stairs and I begin to follow him. He turns around and puts his hands on my arms.
"You stay up here," Peeta says. "There might be trouble and I don't want you to get hurt." I nod my head and Peeta starts back down the stairs as I start up them. I have just reached the top when I hear the front door open. I turn around just in time to see Peeta flatten himself on the ground not even a second before a gun goes off.
"Peeta!" I scream as I take off down the stairs. Mom grabs my arm before I make it too far.
"Katniss, I'm okay. Just stay up there!" Peeta says before he takes off running out the door. I yank my arm out of Mom's grip and take off after him.
"Katniss!" Mom hollers. "Katniss! Get back in here!" I ignore her and keep following Peeta. Even though I'm moving as fast as I can, it isn't nowhere near a run. It doesn't take me long to fall behind. I stop to catch my breath just as Peeta disappears into one of the empty houses.
"Katniss!" This time, it isn't Mom who calls my name. I turn around to see Haymitch running towards me.
"You have to help Peeta," I say desperately. "Whoever he's chasing-" I can't even get the sentence out before something explodes and the force knocks us backwards. I catch myself with my hands before I hit the ground.
"You okay?" Haymitch asks. I nod my head as tears start rolling down my cheeks. He helps me up before he takes off to help Peeta. I feel a hand on my shoulder before I hear Mom's soft voice beside me.
"Let's go inside." I stand there and watch the house. Praying that both Peeta and Haymitch are okay. "Katniss. Out of all the orders you've been given tonight, this is not one that I'm going to let you ignore. Now let's go inside." I nod my head and follow Mom away from the flames. Once we're inside, Mom walks into the kitchen and pulls out and chair. "Sit," she says as she gestures to the chair.
I do as I'm told and sit down in the chair. "Stay here. I'll be right back," Mom says before she disappears upstairs. I hear a huge crash outside just as Mom is coming back down the stairs. "What was that?" she asks as I get up and walk over to the window. My heart sinks when I see that the roof of the house collapsed.
Mom's quick to think. She gets the chair over to me just as my knees give out. One glance at Mom confirms it. One look at her expression and I know. I know that there's no way they're making it out alive. I get up and start towards the door, but Mom grabs me by the arm.
"Katniss, sit down." I yank my arm free and start toward the door again. Mom beats me to it. She blocks the door and I go hysterical.
"No!" I scream louder than I knew was humanly possible. "I have to get to him!"
"Katniss, you can't help him!" Mom screams so she can be heard over myself. I stop and look at her. The tears are coming so fast that I don't know how I have any tears left to cry. "Even if they are still alive, there's nothing that either of us can do. Now sit!" she says sternly as she points to the chair that now sits by the window.
I reluctantly go over and sit back down. I look out the window and watch as the rest of the house is consumed by fire.
"Look at me," Mom says softly as she bends down in front of me. "I know you think that I'm being cruel and cold-hearted, but I can't save them. You and the baby are my main concern right now. Okay?" I nod my head because I know she's right. We can't do anything if they're still inside. I sit there and try to stay calm while Mom makes sure I'm okay.
"Has the baby had the hiccups again lately?" Mom asks. I start to panic.
"No," I say as I look up at her with wide eyes. "I haven't felt a kick for a while either."
"It's okay," she says softly. "I'm sure the baby's fine. You just need to stay calm." I nod my head and turn back to face the window.
"Mom, look!" I say excitedly when I see two figures slowly walking towards us and away from the fire. We both rush over to the door. "He needs help," I say when I realize that Haymitch is trying to drag Peeta across the yard.
"Stay here," Mom says before she takes off outside. It takes a while, but with both Mom and Haymitch supporting him on either side, they finally get Peeta inside.
"Bring him in here. We don't have time to take him upstairs," Mom says as she starts towards the kitchen. They lay him on the table and I'm immediately at his side.
I take his hand and squeeze it, but I don't get a response. I hear Mom say something about him being unconscious, and that's when I notice the big knot on his head.
"Looks like he fell and hit his head," Mom says.
"Or someone hit him on the head," I say.
"You think that's what happened?" Mom asks as she continues to work.
"If you're asking me if I think the person who almost killed Peeta would knock him out, my answer is yes!" I snap. In a minute, I look up at her with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Mom replies. "Don't worry about it." She points to something on the counter. "Can you hand me those scissors?"
"Yeah," I reply as I walk over to the counter and grab the scissors for Mom. I hand them to her and she immediately starts cutting away Peeta's shirt. My mouth falls open when I see the damage that his shirt was hiding.
He's burned in several places. Along with three big bruises, a bunch of smaller ones cover his body. There's a place on his shoulder that looks like someone forcefully grabbed him and dug their fingernails into his skin. I put my left hand on the table to steady myself but I quickly jerk it back.
"Mom." She looks at me and I show her my blood-covered hand. She comes over and lifts Peeta's arm. I notice the gash above his elbow before Mom does. My other hand rests on Peeta's cheek as the tears start rolling down my face again. I start shaking and it's all I can do not to get sick.
"Katniss," Mom says softly. "It might be best if you go sit down." I nod my head and go to the bathroom to wash my hand off. As I'm scrubbing the blood off me, I hear a knock at the bathroom door.
"You okay?" I hear Haymitch ask. I go over to the door and open it.
"Yeah," I reply, giving him my best attempt at a smile. He opens his arms and I don't hesitate to walk right into them. "I thought I lost both of you."
"You didn't loose us," Haymitch says. "We're okay." I step back and look at him.
"I almost lost both of you."
"Almost," he replies. I smile at him. "Let's go sit down. You look exhausted." I nod my head and we both walk to the living room. As soon as i sit down, Mom comes in.
"Is he okay?" I ask quickly.
"Well, he's awake," Mom says as she gives me a sad look.
"And?" I ask. She doesn't respond. "Can I see him?"
"You might want to let Haymitch see him first,"she replies.
"Why?" I ask. Haymitch goes into the kitchen and Mom starts to follow him. "Mom, what is going on?"
"Just stay in here," she says, then walks off. I wait for what seems like hours. I feel a little calmer once the baby finally starts moving around. I whisper to the baby until Haymitch comes back into the living room. I start to panic again when I see the look on his face.
"What's happening?" I ask. He sits down next to me and shakes his head.
"He's suffering from memory loss,"Haymitch replies.
"Is that normal?" I ask.
"For someone who has gone through what Peeta just went through it is,"Mom replies from the doorway. Haymitch starts talking again.
"He can put names and faces together, but that's it." I look up at Mom.
"Can I go see him?" She nods her head. I get up, walk into the kitchen, and go over to Peeta. He's awake, but barely. "Hey," I say softly as I pull a chair up beside him.
"Hi," he says sleepily. "Katniss, right?"
"Yeah," I reply while holding back tears.
"Sorry," he says. "Everything's a little foggy to me right now."
"It's okay," I reply. "It will all come back to you soon." I have to remind myself to stay calm. We've been through this before.
"My mind draws a blank with everyone." Peeta looks up at me and recognition flashes across his face. "Everyone except for you," he says softly.
"You remember more about me than just my name?" I ask.
"Yeah." Hope starts to build inside me.
"What do you remember about me?"
"I remember being told that you're a mutt." And just like that, my hope is crushed. "Are you?"
"No, Peeta," I say, shaking my head. I want to remind him that we're married. That we have a baby on the way. But that might not be a good idea right now. He might not be able to handle it yet. "I'm not a mutt," I say softly.
"Then why did you try to kill me?" he asks.
"I didn't."
"How come that's what I remember?"
"It's not a real memory, Peeta."
"How can a memory not be real?"
"You were hijacked..."
"What are you talking about?" I can tell he's getting aggravated.
"Never mind," I reply. "Why don't we talk about this in the morning? We both need to get some rest." He nods his head.
I run my hand through his hair and lean over to kiss him. He puts his uninjured arm between us and uses it to push me back. "What are you doing?" he asks, looking at me like I'm out of my mind.
"Nothing," I say as I stand up and start walking back to the living room. Mom and Haymitch both look up when I walk in. Mom walks over to me when she sees the tears steadily streaming down my face.
"Are you okay?" she asks as she hugs me. I shake my head.
"He's getting his hijacked memories back," I cry. Haymitch rushes over to me.
"He didn't go off on you did he?" Haymitch asks.
"No," I reply quickly. They both sigh in relief. "He didn't have a flashback or anything. He just remembers being told that I'm a mutt. He said that I tried to kill him."
"You've had a rough night. Go upstairs and get some sleep," Mom says.
"Actually, I was wanting to sit in there with Peeta tonight," I say.
"I don't know, Katniss. I don't want you in there by yourself."
"I'll watch after her," Haymitch says. Mom looks from Haymitch, to me. Back to Haymitch, then back to me.
"I guess," she sighs. "Only if you promise me you'll get some sleep."
"I promise Mom," I say smiling.
"Goodnight," Mom says as she starts up the stairs.
"Goodnight Mom," I say as I walk back into the kitchen. I sit down in the chair beside Peeta, who's already asleep, and gently take his hand in mine. Haymitch picks a chair on the other side of the kitchen to sit in. I use my free arm as a pillow and eventually fall asleep.
When I wake up, I find Peeta's gorgeous blue eyes looking at me like he's debating something.
"Good morning," I say softly. He just looks at me. I go to get up, but he grabs my wrist. I look back at him to see that his blue eyes are gone. "Peeta." I try to get free, but to no avail. That's when he starts yelling.
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