Chapter 3 - Virgil
That moment when you have a schedule and then just don't follow it because you don't have time to write :/
TW: None
|Previous chapter:
"To answer your question, Talia," Virgil said, catching the attention of the rest of the group. "I have no idea what the fuck we're doing when we get there, but we'll figure it out on the way there."
When the group heard this, they all laughed before throwing out ideas for what to do upon their arrival.|
1:15 pm, February 14, 3050
Virgil looked out the window of the train, watching the buildings of D.C. fly past. He knew that in a few minutes the train would be arriving at the station and they would have to get off and go through with their plan.
The plan the group formulated was rather fool-proof, that much Virgil was sure of, but he knew that, as with anything, there was always a chance of something going wrong, and that terrified him.
Virgil was pulled from his thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking to his left, Virgil saw Talyn sitting in the seat next to him, which had been empty just a few moments prior.
"Hey, stop worrying," Talyn said calmly, their hair tucked behind their ears.
"How could you tell?" Virgil asked with a small smile, shaking his head lightly.
"Dude, I've been your sibling for how long?" Talyn scoffed, rolling their eyes.
"True, true," Virgil said with a nod as he turned back to the window to watch the buildings they passed.
"Virgil, what are you worrying about?" Talyn asked after a few seconds, and Virgil took a breath before speaking.
"I'm just scared," Virgil whispered, not wanting the others to hear. "There's always a chance that something goes wrong. What if someone in the group is captured and killed? What do we do then? And if we can't get them back, it'll be my fault for bringing them!"
"Virgil," Talyn said calmly, taking Virgil's hands in their own. "I understand your worries, and you have good reason to be worried. But just think about what if we are able to save everyone that's scheduled for the execution? What if one of them's your soulmate? What then?"
Virgil was silent, nodding his head and trying not to blush when Talyn mentioned his soulmate. Before he could speak again, the train started slowing down as the conductor announced that the train was less than a minute away from the station.
"Now or never, I guess," Virgil mumbled to himself as he stood, along with the rest of the group.
1:45 pm, February 14, 3050
Virgil leaned against the building he was standing next to as the group hid in an alleyway. They were waiting for Talia to return from gathering information about the prison where the Soulmates were being kept.
After a few moments, Virgil pushed himself away from the wall and started to pace the alleyway before he stopped and bounced on the balls of his feet.
"Virgil, chill," Talyn said suddenly, and Virgil turned to look at them. They were sitting on the ground with their back against one of the buildings. "Pacing isn't going to make Talia show up faster."
"But how do we know she's okay?" Virgil asked anxiously. "What if something happened to her? What if she got lost? Or captured? What if-"
"What if I'm okay," a voice said from behind Virgil, and Virgil turns, letting out a relieved sigh when he sees Talia standing there, her hands on her hips.
"Thank god," Virgil whispered to himself.
He motioned to Talia to go farther down the alleyway with him, and, once they were out of earshot of the others, Virgil spoke.
"What'd you find?" he asked quietly, his mind racing through all of the worst-case scenarios, but the thoughts quickly stopped when Talia let out a laugh.
"Virgil, it'll be even easier than we thought," she said, a wide smile on her face. "There's practically no security. I was able to walk into the prison and talk with the Soulmates in there without anyone stopping me, and breaking them out of the cells will be as simple as sticking a bobby pin in the lock."
Virgil laughed and rolled his eyes. "Leave it to the government to expect no one to try and break them out."
Talia smiled and nodded, "Yup, if it weren't for the locks, they could just walk out."
"Do you have a bobby pin, Talia?" Virgil asked with a sly grin, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"You know it, Virgil," Talia said, grinning as well as she reached up and pulled a bobby pin out of her hair.
"Yes!" Virgil exclaimed, drawing the attention of everyone else in the alleyway. "Y'all, we're in business. Apparently, the prison is basically unguarded."
Before Virgil even finished speaking, the group let out a cheer, which Virgil quickly shushed.
"We're gonna need to get out quickly once we've opened all the cells," Virgil explained as he walked towards the entrance to the alleyway, "Which Talia will do with her bobby pin. Everyone else can help escort the Soulmates back to this alleyway, and then we'll head to the train station and hitch a ride in a cargo boxcar."
Talyn smiled and flipped their hair over their shoulder. "If there's anyone at the prison that tries to stop us, leave them to me."
"Perfect," Virgil said and glanced out into the street, where he saw no one. "Let's go."
Whooo, I'm so happy to have this finished.
Just wondering, do you think I should update this or Glass Houses next????
Thoughts on the chapter???
Put them here!!!! ------------->
Until next time,
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
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