Welcome to the Team
After a few weeks of working together, giving Academy talks, investigating on small ghoul cases and training with your Quinques, you and Haise formed an extremely strong bond.
But I can't have these feelings for her, she's only 16! I'm 22... But if you think about it, it's only a 6-year difference, it's not like 20 years apart. I wonder if she likes me, too. Don't be ridiculous, even if she did, we're still at work, we have to be professional.
He is rather charming, isn't he?
It was the day that Haise and you were about to meet the new members of the Quinx! He was more than qualified to mentor them with you, thus to suggested to the higher-ups to push the project forward, to widen the potential of the CCG.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, looking a little jumpy.
"Yes, one hundred percent nervous. I started this anyways, I'm surprised that there're four who actually qualified." You smiled nervously. Out of the blue, he held your hand, your face burning red.
"You helped me like this when I was nervous, remember?" He said.
They seemed like an odd bunch, not individually but as a group they didn't seem to be very comfortable.
Your office wasn't small, but it was slightly cramped for so many people.
Shirazu Ginshi. Saiko Yonebashi. Mutsuki Tooru. Urie Kuki. You thought as you looked at them respectively. "Hello," you greeted warmly, "firstly, thank you for joining the team, I am (Y/N) (L/N) and this is Haise Sasaki," you gestured at Haise, who waved, "and we will be your mentors."
The best part about the Quinx initiative by far was the house that was paid for by the CCG. The Chateau, Haise called it. When you first heard the news about the house, you immediately moved out of your old apartment, eager to rid yourself of the old memories to make new ones with your new team.
After the awkward first meeting in your office, the Qs made their way to the Chateau, claiming bedrooms.
You and Haise just watched them interact, not needing to worry about claiming your respective rooms as you already did so a few days ago.
"What'd you think?" He asked as you watched Shirazu and Saiko arguing over who gets the room nearer to the bathroom.
"They're a nice bunch, just not really a team yet."
"Well, that's for us to work out, isn't it?" He smiled at you, his cheeks pinkish.
"I suppose."
"Dinner's ready!" You yelled, a decent meal laid on the dining table. You'd insisted that day that everyone was to have dinner together, hoping that they'll be able to bond easier.
No response. Except for Haise running down the stairs, all excited and such.
You sighed, they were really getting on your nerves. You felt slightly better when you heard Mutsuki reply, "coming!" He was the nicest of the group to be around.
Urie was silent and kept to himself all the time.
Saiko had her eyes glued to her DS, occasionally asking you for snacks, but other than that she didn't speak at all.
Shirazu was alright but didn't really talk much, either.
Mutsuki was polite and kind, he offered to help you with the rearranging of furniture earlier. However, a part of you still felt that he was uncomfortable here.
"Dinner!" You shouted, arms akimbo, and only then you heard grunts of "coming."
Dinner was strange, the air tense and extremely uncomfortable. You and Haise took this chance to lay down some ground rules, Mutsuki chipped in at times while the rest just nodded. When you raised your voice, Urie snapped, "Why should I take orders from someone younger than me?"
Everyone was shocked, mouths wide open. "Dude, you can't just say that," Shirazu said.
You didn't let yourself get angry, becoming a team takes time, (Y/N), just take deep breaths.
"Look, I know you're not happy with me being your superior but all I can say is this: I can take you down anytime, so you better show me some basic respect."
Urie huffed and stood up abruptly from the seat beside you, "I'm going to bed."
"Urie-" Mutsuki said.
"Watch out!" You cried, cutting of Mutsuki mid-speech, standing up and pushing Urie away; familiar looking Kagune shards shooting in through the window and pierced your body.
"(Y/N)!" Haise cried, the others' eyes widened but no sound came out from their mouths.
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