The Rogue Ghoul and the Human Prodigy
A year had passed and the guilt that laced his heart never faded away, of course seeing your face on the newspapers didn't help at all. "The Next Weapon Against Ghouls" "A Natural at Identifying Ghouls" "Ghouls in Tokyo Beware" The news reporters were all a sucker for you and your supposed "ability".
You were immediately noticed by the Heads of the CCG when you'd scored the perfect score on a relatively new subject: Ghoul Studies. The government found the rise in ghoul activity threatening towards the younger generation and thus started to include Ghoul Studies as a selective subject in all schools across Japan; and seeing as it was a pretty tough one, no one so far has had a natural knack in it other than you, (Y/N) (L/N). No one even came close to your score before.
When Ayato Kirishima'd found out about this, it only stoked the fire that was his overwhelming desire to keep you safe and away from ghouls, like himself. "How am I suppose to keep you safe now, huh, (Y/N)?" He chuckled sadly to himself as he laid on the rooftop of a building in his recently attained feeding ground, "you're making my job more difficult by the second."
The ghouls at Anteiku were feeling a stir of emotions towards your newly discovered abilities, they were impressed, glad and worried all at the same time. Impressed because of your grades and such, glad because if you'd needed up joining the CCG in the future, you would at least have the ability to protect yourself from ghouls and worried because you were most likely going to actually join the CCG. However, never once did the thought of driving you away crossed their minds, you were family to them and they could never make you leave...
"Touka-chan," you whined, rubbing your face into her shoulder, "please~"
"(Y/N), no."
"But why~" you lifted your head up to face her, a pout forming on your lips.
"Because it's dangerous and besides, you get giddy whenever you see blood." She suppressed a snort at the end, putting on her coat while at the same time trying not to let her eyes wander over to the scar that peaked out of your collar. She hated looking at that, it made her feel guilty for something she didn't even do. '
'Why should I feel so bad, I mean, I can feel sorry for (Y/N) but guilt? Really? This was all Ayato's fault, not mine.' She thought to herself, before being snapped out of it when you whined again.
"Please, Touka-chan! Just this one time! I'll stay in the car, I won't even speak to you the whole way there, I'll be as quiet as possible!" You begged. All you wanted to do was watch Touka and Yomo-san collect the dead body. You knew it was weird but it sounded so interesting.
Touka looked at you helplessly, she was never going to hear the end of this, was she?
"F-fine!" She cried out, "but," she took a deep breath to compose herself, "if anything goes wrong, I cannot guarantee your safety."
Oh wow you wished you never bothered. You sat frozen in the car as Yomo-san and Touka broke the body into pieces and chucked it in a conspicuous body bag. It was gross as heck but you did was you promised and didn't move a muscle while watching. However, when your heartbeat sped up unnaturally, you couldn't help but to turn around.
Ayato sat bored to death on the cliff, watching at his dear sister and Yomo do their usual monthly routine. When he was younger, he used to be forced to tag along and help out and it always made him bored to death; the only reason he stayed this time as because for some reason, you were there. In the car. Vulnerable. What were they thinking? Bring you along to this secluded area where any wandering ghoul could just punch through the window and grab you to become his next snack. Along with the fact that you were infamous amongst ghouls now for being the CCG's next puppet, any one of his sick kind would want to have a taste of you.
"Come on, leave already." The teenager groaned, keeping his eyes glued to the car. He was about to drift off and fall asleep, his eyes leaving you for just three measly second when-
"TOUKA-CHA-" Ayato's heartbeat sped up painfully fast. Goddammit.
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