"Come on, let's go on a journey!"
Tsukiyama Shuu had an immediate liking towards you when you'd first introduced yourself to him as his bodyguard from Aogiri Tree. Perhaps it was the faint smell of Haise Sasaki that lingered on you, or the fact that you could smile so kindly despite being completely terrified; or maybe it was the plain but beautiful silver band wrapped around your finger.
Ayato was worried sick, you were supposed to stay in the Tsukiyama Mansion until the CCG made their appearance and it was only until the family was safe then you could return.
The few hours before you were to leave, Ayato clung onto you. He followed you around, talked to you as much as he could and kissed you whenever he pleased. He was adoringly sweet.
The first night you were gone, Ayato laid in bed thinking about what Eto has said to him after he confronted her about sending you alone.
"Don't worry, Ayato," she smiled, "I'll be there as well and besides, she's not going to get any stronger just hiding in your arms, is she?"
She was right, in a way. Eto would never let you get killed since you were considered such an asset to Aogiri, the fact that you joined them was a smack in the face for the CCG. And you'd never learn to fight properly if he kept fussing over you.
Ayato didn't sleep a wink, wondering about how you were every second after you left. He thought about how long it could possibly take for you to return, as well...
The Tsukiyama family was sophisticated and posh but also very kind. They took you in as their own and even got a human chef to prepare human food for you. Of course, the chef didn't know about the whole ghoul thing; he was under the impression that you required only certain types of food; the kind that the family's chef couldn't prepare properly.
The few weeks you stayed there, you found yourself often touching your ring with your thumb, as thought making sure that it was there at all times. Knowing that it stayed wrapped around your finger brought you a great sense of security; until the day came...
It was chaotic and you found that if you just kept your mind to the task, killing was rather easy. With your mask on and your kagune out and prepared for battle, you were scared shitless but still managed to keep Tsukiyama Shuu safe all the way through; you slashed through your colleagues and previous friends, you were ruthless. The only thing that kept you sane was knowing that if you survived, you could see Ayato again.
You and Tsukiyama arrived at the rooftop and encountered the last person you wanted to fight; Haise Sasaki.
"Mr. Tsukiyama," you raised your arm by your side, "stay behind me." Your shaking arm did not go unnoticed.
Haise was fighting all his inner demons.
Kill her, they said, she's the enemy. She was the one who broke your heart and now she's going to kill you if you don't kill her first.
No. No. Haise felt a familiar sharp pain shoot through his brain, I will not hurt... her anymore. I owe her so much and... I've hurt her so badly. He forced his eyes open and gasped when he noticed how bloodied you look, your face was drenched in red liquid and one of your legs appeared to be broken. I can't kill her... Not after all she's done for me...
For a moment, in the midst of Haise's breakdown, when Kaneki was surely trying to resurface like last time, he made eye contact with you and you saw. You saw the real Haise looking at you.
He seemed to be saying. But I can't, you thought and managed a weak smile at him, I can't because this is my duty... And I think my leg... My leg is broken too badly... I couldn't run even if I wanted to... I guess this is it.
Kaneki was a second away from finishing you off when a body shielded you.
"Mr. Tsukiyama?" You choked, he smiled at you and pushed Kaneki off before carrying you and placing your nearly unconscious form by a safe corner.
"Rest, my dear Miss. (L/N), you've done enough for me. It's time for me to fight for my own continuity."
Eto was impressed by how long you lasted. It's a shame you won't be returning to us, (Y/N). You're a person I'd like to know better.
"Stop hiding, Ayato," she announced as she watched the battle from a building near by. "I know you followed me here."
The purple-haired ghoul walked out from his spot, visibly worried and irritated at the same time.
He was about to ask if he could join the battle to save you but before he could even form his sentence properly in his head, Eto spoke up, with an extremely uncharacteristic let kind tone. "I'm not letting you leave Aogiri. But I'm going to let you take (Y/N) away. Bring her to somewhere safe. I know what you've been thinking about recently, Ayato Kirishima; and no, you can't leave Aogiri forever but yes, you can take (Y/N) away and start a family," she turned around and smiled at him, "her journey with the CCG and with us has ended but now's the beginning of her journey with you."
Ayato was speechless, his jaw dropped and he couldn't process what Eto just said to him properly. He couldn't ask, either, as she began to walk away from him, preparing herself to join the battle. Before she left, though, she turned around and smirked at him,
"Remember this: in the future, no matter what you're doing, when I say I have a mission for you, you better take it. I don't care if you're eating dinner with (Y/N) or playing with your kids or whatever, you better not be late, it's the least you can do to repay me... I'll keep in touch, Ayato."
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