Chapter 9
-Lucy's P.O.V-
"You're still coming to the dance though right?" Lauren asked as she held Georgia's hair , I bent down and rubbed her back.
"Really Lauren?" Ella asked.
"Sorry I just wanted to know" She replied. Georgia threw up again. I looked up at girls, from their matching expressions, they knew what I was thinking. Once Georgia finished, she walked over to the sink and rinsed out her mouth with the tap water. I reached into my pocket and handed her a piece of gum.
"Hey can I ask you something?" She turned to me and glared.
"Before you ask, no I'm not pregnant. My dad ordered us take out yesterday and I think they've poisoned my whole family"
"Your parents are sick too?" Ella asked.
"Yep" She wiped her face and we exited the bathroom, heading to the gym to help set up the decorations for the Halloween party later.
We found the other girls and walked over to them. I helped Ali fill up the balloons with helium, the others were supposed tying the sting to the ends of them. I quickly looked over at the table behind us and saw the cobras putting together a skeleton. Bobby must of sensed me looking, his head shot up and he stared back at me. He mouthed 'hi' to me and I did it back. Ali nudged me and I got back to work.
I pulled on my black and red corset dress and threw my hair up into a messy bun, making sure I had a few loose strands. I walked back into Lauren's bedroom and searched through my bag, finding my fake fangs. Ella was getting changed in the corner, she decided to be a zombie cheerleader, Lauren was a witch. Georgia was suppose to be going as a clown but she felt too sick. I took a seat at Lauren's dressing table and started on my makeup. I needed the pale face to pull off the vampire look. I put on a dark red lipstick before adding a trail of fake blood running down the left side of my chin.
"How do I look?" I asked.
"Great" Lauren muttered desperately trying to zip up her costume. I giggled and rushed over to help her.
The three of us were finally ready, we made our way downstairs and headed for the door, only to be stopped my Lauren's mom. We turned around and saw her holding a camera in her hands. Lauren rolled her eyes and began to moan.
"It's a memory! Now smile" Her mom instructed us.
We quickly spotted the girls and ran over, embracing them. Susan dressed as a punk rocker, Barbara came as a magician and Ali wore a masquerade costume. They all looked so cool. I started to sway to the music that played, the others girls followed suit. I took everything in. The decorations didn't look as bad as I thought they would've done. Most of the students spent a lot of time on their costumes, the others were questionable.
"Hey there's Daniel!" Ali announced.
"Where?" Susan asked. We all glanced around and I couldn't see him.
"The shower" Ali giggled.
"How do you know?"
"I just know" Ali took the flower from Barbara's costume. "May I?"
"He must've threw that together last minute" Lauren laughed.
"I don't know what she see's in him" Barbara said as Ali walked away.
"She must be into fungus" Susan replied, looking over at them in disgust.
"He's not that bad!" I argued.
"Have you seen him?" Barbara asked.
"He's a little cute!" Lauren admitted. "Lucy come with me I need a drink"
Lauren grabbed my hand and led me over to the table filling her cup up with punch. She took my cup off of me and poured mine, which I thanked her for.
"Boo!" Me and Lauren let out a little scream and I jumped when I felt someone's hands tickle my waist. I looked to my right and was met with a face wearing skeleton face paint.
"You're such an idiot!" Lauren whined before walking away. I pouted as Bobby laughed, clearly satisfied with our reactions.
"You're not funny" I told him, trying to be annoyed with him, which didn't work.
"I am" He rested his hand on my waist. "I've been looking for you since I got here. You look amazing. I see you stopped for a little snack." he joked referring to the fake blood.
"Just one" I laughed and leaned in to kiss him. "Nice costume by the way"
"Thank you, it's one of a kind" Bobby smirked. "So I was thinking that we should get-"
"Hey Bobby, Johnny wants us for that thing" Tommy came over and interrupted. I took in his costume and saw he was dressed exactly the same as Bobby. I peered over at the others and surprise, they wore the same. I looked back at Bobby with a raised eyebrow.
"One of a kind huh?" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Five of a kind?" I playfully shoved him. "I'll be back" He kissed my cheek and went off with Tommy.
I made my way back over to the girls and started dancing with them. Ali came back over to us, a huge grin spread on her face. Ella had wandered off to go find her boyfriend Matthew.
"Me and Daniel are gonna head outside" she told us.
"Where did he go anyway?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.
"To clean up in the bathroom, the guy in the chicken costume got him with one of the eggs" She explained. We heard a male voice screaming for people to 'get out of the way'. The five of us quickly turned and saw Daniel running from the boys bathroom.
"Daniel, what's wrong?" Ali asked in confusion.
"It's coming around" He replied as he darted straight past us, handing Ali the shower head of his costume. What the hell?
"Go!" Johnny screamed. We looked back and saw the cobras running after Daniel.
"Oh for god sake" Lauren blurted out, face palming. Ali tripped Johnny up with the shower head, which had a domino effect on all of the guys. She flashed me an apologetic look. I stood with my mouth wide open watching everything unfold.
"Get up!" Johnny yelled to his friends, all of them quickly jumping up off of the ground and running after Daniel.
"Bobby, don't!" I yelled after him. Lauren pulled me back and shook her head. What could have possibly happened now.
-Bobby's P.O.V-
I had no idea why Johnny had us chasing Daniel but clearly he wasn't happy about something. We had been chasing him for a good few blocks. We started to catch up to him after jumping over the first fence. Daniel tried to hop the second one, but Johnny and Dutch caught him just in time, pulling him back down. Dutch pushed him over to Tommy.
"You little wimp!" Tommy spat, kneeing Daniel in the stomach. He held him up and threw him back over to Johnny. Who held him tightly by his collar.
"You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp? Nah, you had to push it. So now you're gonna pay!" Johnny forcefully punched Daniel in his stomach. Daniel fell into Dutch.
"Woah, where you going sweetheart?" Dutch mocked, holding Daniel up.
Johnny kicked Daniel in the face and he fell onto the ground.I watched on, conflicted on what to do. I promised Lucy that I'd leave him alone and I had stuck to that so far, but on the other hand, he started this shit.
"How about a front kick Johnny?" Jimmy suggested, picking Daniel up off of the floor. Johnny kicked him in his stomach once again and delivered a round house kick. I heard the groan Daniel let out as he hit the fence. I saw the excitement in Dutch and Tommy's faces. This isn't right. I couldn't just stand there and watch anymore. This had to stop now.
"Leave him alone man he's had enough" I said as Johnny order for Dutch to get him up.
"Shut up Bobby!" Dutch spat.
"Look at him Dutch, he can't even stand up!" I yelled back. How could they not see that they're were going too far.
"So what?" Tommy added.
"That don't mean squat" Dutch answered. I looked at the two in disbelief before marching over to Johnny, poking him in his shoulder.
"Johnny, leave him alone man he's had enough!" I demanded.
"I'll decide when he's had enough man!" Johnny said.
"What is wrong with you Johnny?!" I yelled. I was getting nowhere.
"The enemy deserves no mercy!" The others agreeing with him. I couldn't believe it. Kreese's teachings had gotten to their heads a bit too much.
"You're crazy man!" I spat. Johnny ran forward, but before his foot could hit Daniel, a figure jumped over the fence and pushed Daniel out of the way. Shit. Not good. The figure stood up and we were met with an old man.
"Tommy, Bobby get him!" Johnny ordered.
Me and Tommy quickly glanced at each other before rushing towards the old man, who had no problem taking us out! I fell to the floor, holding my head in pain. I could hear the others dropping to the ground around me.
The five of us just got our asses kicked by an old man. How is that possible?!
Hey guys! So I'm really sorry for not updating. Unfortunately I think I jinxed myself writing the first Bobby story, my grandmother has been ill so I've had to take care of her. But thankfully she's doing ok. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Stay Blessed xo
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