Chapter 5
-Lucy's P.O.V-
"I'm starving I need food, let me buy you a drink" Tommy offered. We walked into Burger King and took a seat. It was the closest food place to us.
"Tommy you don't have to" I protested.
"No it's fine, sit down" I sighed and took a seat, drumming my nails on the table. Tommy screamed over at me, asking if I was sure I didn't want any food. I nodded rubbing my forehead.
"Aaaa that's better" Tommy rubbed his hands together. He finally returned to the table taking a huge bite out of his burger. I thanked him for the milkshake. "You want a bite?"
"I'm good" I giggled, he held his burger out to me. He shrugged and continued eating. "Do you think we covered everything?"
"Lucy calm down everything's been sorted" He reassured me. Shovelling some fries in his mouth. I sipped on my drink and raised an eyebrow at him.
"I just want everything to be perfect. He deserves it"
"If you want it to be perfect, you better buy some sexy lingerie"
"Tommy!" Tommy let out his signature laugh and I couldn't help but giggle. "You have such an adventurous laugh" I told him. He grinned proudly.
I sat quietly watching Bobby and the boys. I hated coming here but I knew Bobby loved having me there to watch him practice. I couldn't stand his Sensei however. He gave me the creeps! There was something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way. And as far as his teaching goes, it was a joke. I'd never tell Bobby I thought that though. I mean 'No Mercy' what kind of shit is that?
"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?" His Sensei questioned again. He's already asked the same set of questions once already.
"No Sensei!" The students shouted. I rolled my eyes as he continued.
"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"
"No Sensei!"
"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"
"No Sensei!"
"Prepare!" He let out a yell and they all jumped up from their kneeling position. "What do we study here?"
"The way of the fist sir!"
"And what is that way?"
"Strike first, strike hard. No mercy Sir!" I felt a presence sit beside me and I turned.
"Daniel! Hi" I whispered, he looked over at me and smiled
"Hi! Are you looking to learn karate too?" He asked and nudged me. I shot him a sympathetic look and shook my head. I pointed forward, he looked in the direction I was pointing at.
"Mr Lawrence" Their Sensei said.
"Yes Sensei?"
"Warm them up!" Johnny stepped forward. The other students bowed as Johnny did. But Johnny looked straight over at me and Daniel, a sly smile spread across his lips. Daniel looked back in disbelief. Daniel quickly got up and left the dojo. I stood up and ran after him.
"Daniel wait up!" I yelled. He stopped walking and allowed me to catch up.
"Won't your little boyfriend get upset that I'm talking to you?" He asked. I frowned at him and he apologised.
"What's the matter?"
"They're everywhere I go" Daniel stated. "Like what are the odds of that?" I giggled.
"I know I bet it sucks. But trust me, you wouldn't want to join that place even if they didn't go there" I told him. "Your eye looks much better"
"Yeah, it feels it too"
"I just wanted to make sure you were ok"
"I'm fine, thanks for asking"
"You're welcome, I gotta go" I waved to him before jogging back inside.
-Bobby's P.O.V-
We finished our practice. Since the tournament is approaching fast, Kreese was being extra hard on us! We had to have another win and prove we were the best! I quickly changed with the guys and hurried off outside to meet Lucy. She stood by a lamp post picking at her nails. I wish she'd stop doing that.
"Hey!" She greeted and ran over to me. Wrapping her arms around her neck, mine automatically went around her waist, lifting her off of the ground slightly. "Great job"
"Thanks, I'm glad you came. I know it must be boring just sitting there" I said.
"It can be" She admitted. The others soon came out, Johnny started staring at her.
"Wanna enlighten us about what you and that little wimp were talking about?" He asked her. I put her down and frowned.
"What?" I asked. She sighed.
"Daniel came into the dojo. I think he was looking to join" She told me.
"Yeah and when he saw me he got scared and ran away. And she followed him" Johnny spat. I look at Lucy. Why would she follow him?
"Okay first of all, he wasn't scared! He was just shocked to see you. And secondly, I only followed him because I wanted to ask him if he was ok, after all the shit you pulled" She stated, placing her hand on her hips.
"Why do you care?" Dutch interrupted.
"Look let's not turn this into a big thing" I said. I could see this turning into an argument and I needed to diffuse the situation now. "It was nothing, right Lucy?"
"Right" A car pulled up beside us, inside was Georgia, Lauren, Ella and Barbara. "I gotta go. Georgia's helping us with French" I watched Georgia quickly hop out the car and run over to Dutch, starting a little make out session. Jimmy went over to the window to talk to Barbara.
"I could give you a lesson" I muttered, taking ahold of both her hands. She blushed, knowing what I meant and looked down at the ground. I bent my head down and kissed her lips. My right hand holding the back of her head in place, not wanting to stop.
"Okay that's enough!" I heard Lauren yell from inside the car, honking the horn. This girl ruined everything. I didn't want Lucy to go. My eyes widened as she playfully bit my bottom lip.
"I'll see you at school" She whispered. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked my cheek. I let my intrusive thoughts win and gently smacked her ass. "Bobby!" I snickered and she got in the car.
"You too Georgia let's go!" Lauren stuck her head out of the window. Georgia and Dutch both rolled their eyes.
"You're just mad because you ain't got no one that loves you!" Dutch said. He was definitely pissed off.
"Shut your bleached blonde hair ass up" Lauren fired back. Georgia scolded the both of them before getting back in the passenger side. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye before the car sped off down the street.
"Anyway I'm off! Susan's waiting for me" Tommy told us. We all said goodbye before walking away.
"Bobby you got a little excited back there!" Johnny joked, shoving me. I threw my duffle bag at him.
"Shut up!" I replied.
"Guys! Come here quick, you gotta see this!" We heard Tommy yell. We turned to see him running after us. We followed him back to the entrance of the dojo. He pointed over to the window at the cafe across the street. No way! We spotted the LaRusso kid sat inside with his mom.
"Oh shit!" Johnny laughed. "Tommy forget Susan! I got a plan. Let's go before he see's us!" We all took off running down the street.
We finally found the little shit, riding home on his bike. Thankfully he was alone. We sped up to catch up to him. He must've heard our motorcycles, he looked back and started to pedal faster. Was he really that stupid to think he could out ride us?! The five of us caught up with him and slowed down. We surrounded him.
"Looking for a shortcut back to Newark Daniel?" Tommy asked.
"Nah he wants to learn Karate!" Johnny added. "Well here's your first lesson, how to take a fall"
"Hey what are you doing?" He asked, trying to keep his balance.
"Hey don't think about the pain!" I yelled as he went tumbling down the bank. Hopefully that'll teach him to stay away from my girlfriend!
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