Chapter 4
-Lucy's P.O.V-
I played with the ends of my hair as me and the girls made our way to the cafeteria. Lauren began to complain about French and how she couldn't get it. I felt her pain, French is a subject I just can't seem to grasp no matter how hard I try. I grabbed a tray and started to pick. I wasn't too hungry today so I settled for a blueberry pie and a carton of milk. I paid for mine and Lauren's lunch, she covered for me yesterday so it was only fair. We heard a wolf whistle come from the cobras table. Glancing in their direction, I saw Bobby watching me with a grin. I playfully side eyed and we sat by an empty table.
"Will you help me?" She desperately asked.
"I wouldn't ask me, I'm in the same position as you" I informed her.
"I can help you" Georgia said.
"You know French?" Ella questioned, not really believing her.
"It's the one subject i'm good at" Georgia took a bite out of her food.
"Will you help me too?" Barbara butted in. Me and Ella also started to beg Georgia for help. She agreed to help us if we shut up. I spotted Ali walking with Daniel and I waved her over.
"Hey!" She greeted. We all murmured back.
"Hey Lucy right?" I heard Daniel ask, I looked up and nodded.
"That's right, Hi Daniel" I looked over his shoulder and seen Johnny place something where he was about to sit. "Daniel don't"
It was too late, Daniel sat straight into the blueberry pie. The cobras erupted with laughter from where they sat. Me and the girls all stood up, disgusted expression plastered on our faces.
"You jerk!" Ali spat.
"You gotta watch where you sit next time! Probably your only pair of pants huh?" Johnny sarcastically asked.
"Johnny what the hell?" Lauren blurted out. I watched Daniel glare at Johnny and walk slowly towards him, the crushed blueberry pie in his hands.
"Don't even think of it worm!" Johnny warned.
But Daniel had obviously already thought about it. Without a word, he smudge the pie all over Jonnys shirt. All of the girls but me and Ali started to laugh. Giving Johnny a taste of his own medicine. Johnny got into a fighting stance but Daniel acted first. Tackling Johnny into the tables behind him.
"Oh my god!" Me and Ali screamed and ran behind them, trying to break it up. The other cobras rushed up behind us, Dutch pushed Ali out of the way, whilst Bobby quickly picked me up and moved me off to the side before helping his friend.
I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and lips press against my neck. I reached my hand up behind me and ran my hand through his hair. Oh yeah, that's definitely Bobby. I spun around to face him.
"Did Johnny get into trouble?" I asked with a smirk. He took my bag from my hands and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked.
"I think they both did" He told me. "Lucy promise me you won't do that again"
"Do what?" I asked confused.
"Try and split boys up when they're fighting. They don't care about who's around them when they're in that mindset. I don't want you to get hurt"
"Promise me!" He stopped walking and lifted my chin so I was looking at him.
"Okay I promise" Bobby kissed my forehead.
"Oh I can't hang out today" Bobby said. I looked over at him and pouted. "My parents say they need me for a 'thing' I did try to get out of it but they won't let me" He whined.
"Oh..ok" I muttered. I had to accept that.
"I have karate practice tomorrow though, will you come and watch me?"
"Of course"
I stopped by the store on my way home. I scanned the isle and found what I was looking for. I picked the colourful bouquet of flowers they had on display and took them over to the cashier. I happily paid and headed back to my car. I gently placed the flowers in passenger side and started the engine. Driving to my next destination.
I pulled up at the side and took the key out of the ignition and picked up flowers. I made sure to lock my car door behind me. I didn't trust anyone. I knelt down and placed the flowers on the grave.
"Hi, grandpa, grandma, it's me" I softly spoke. The fact that they were both buried together was beautiful and easier. "I miss you both so much. I can't believe you were right though, grandma. He did come back" I giggled. The wind blew a little harder setting of the chimes we had placed on the grave for decoration.
"We're still together. He treats me so well, I'm really happy, I wish you could see it. Mom and dad are doing ok. Mom still had her bad days as do I, but we manage to pull through. I hope you're both ok up there. And not causing too much trouble" A few left my eyes. No matter how many times I came here, it never got easier. The most painful part is talking to them and not hearing a reply back.
"I'll be back up to see you both soon" I kissed the tips of my fingers and held them on the headstones for a few seconds. "I love you both so much" I hung my head and slowly walked away.
I raced over to the phone and punched in the number. It rang three times before someone finally answered.
"Tommy it's me, Bobby's going to be busy so we can meet up if you're free"I told him.
"Yes! Okay meet me at the store across from the karate dojo"
"Okay cool"
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