Chapter 19
-Bobby's P.O.V-
The tournament was fast approaching but I couldn't focus on that right now. I tried! I tried talking to her in school, showing up at her house and calling her but she wouldn't give me the time of day. Lucy purposely avoided me. Whenever I caught her eye contact she looked betrayed. I felt awful. I had even started having dreams about her grandmother scolding me for hurting her. It was just a kiss! It didn't mean anything. But then I had to ask myself, how would I feel if it was her. I'd be devastated. Even the guys tried to help me. I know Dutch had attempted to talk to her whenever he was with Georgia but still no hope.
I had ordered another huge bouquet of flowers. I had them delivered to my house so I could take them to her in person. I shut my locker and hung my head as I walked out of the school. As I climbed on my bike, I heard female giggles. I looked up and found her little girl group, heading towards their vehicles, but she wasn't smiling or laughing. She didn't show any emotion. I sighed and headed home.
"Bobby my handsome child, come and have some dinner" My mom cheerfully said when I walked through the door.
"I'm not hungry" I mumbled, storming to the stairs. The flowers hadn't arrived yet. I threw myself onto my bed, resting my arms above my head and closed my eyes.
"I don't know what his problem is just lately, I didn't raise him to be so rude!" I heard my mom say.
"You know what, enough! Don't stand there acting so innocent when you know what is wrong with our son and you are to blame!" My eyes snapped open, hearing my dad harshly speak to my mom. I got up and jogged back down the stairs, listening in on the conversation.
"Oh please! If anything I did him a favour" She spat.
"How! Please explain how you did him a favour. You put your own selfish wants and needs before his. Couldn't you see that he is more happier with Lucy than Lisa" My dad said. "For God sake, Lucy was perfect for him!"
"Sounds like you want her?" I gagged at the thought.
"Don't be so stupid! I'm just explaining what I see. Clearly, your greed for money has blinded you"
"You don't know what you're talking about!"
"Yes he does!" I yelled. Both of their heads turned to face me. Clearly shocked that I had heard the whole conversation. I slowly walked in, glaring at my mom.
"You knew me and Lisa were over, yet you still invited her here. Hell the girl cheated on me and you still want me with her, are you crazy woman? You know mom, for the record, Lucy isn't even that poor. Yeah sure, she may not be as wealthy as us or anybody else but her family is stable! But that doesn't matter to me! What matters is who she is. And mom if you just took the chance to get to know her you'd see how incredible that girl is. She has such a big heart and even though she knew you couldn't stand her she still tried to be accepted by you" I watched as her face dropped.
"Bobby I.."
"Let me finish!" I hadn't even realised I had began to cry. "You're so quick to judge people based on where they come from and their background. But let me remind you, you weren't shit before you met dad!"
"Bobby!" My dad scolded. I gave him an apologetic look before continuing.
"I'm sorry but it's true. Now because of what you started she won't even talk to me. Because I foolishly fell into Lisa's trap, that you created, I lost the best thing that's happened to me. And I will never forgive you"
"Bobby, sweetheart I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry" I noticed a single tear slip from my mom's eye.
"It's too late. She hates me" I turned to my dad. "What do I do, I love her so much and I've tried everything" I dropped my head and turned away, heading back up to my room. I've had enough of this conversation.
"I hope you're happy!" My dad spat.
- Lucy's P.O.V-
I hummed to myself and packed a bag. Ella's parents were heading out of town for a few days and she didn't like being alone, so me, Georgia and Lauren were staying over. I reached over to grab my keys that sat on my bedside table. I saw something white down the side of it as I leaned over. I curiously reached my hand down and grabbed it. Frowning once I had seen what it was. The photo strip of me and Bobby. It had been taken on the day he asked me to meet him at golf n' stuff, when I found out my grandmother had cancer. The day we first kissed. I thought back to that day, a small smile made its way onto my face as I looked down at the four pictures. I focused more on the last one, where we were laughing at something and staring at each other. Regardless of everything, I still love him, but I couldn't forgive him. I closed my eyes, fighting back my tears.
"Lucy, there's someone at the door for you!" My mom shouted up at me. I put down the photo strip and headed downstairs. When would he get that I had nothing more to say or talk to him about. I forcefully opened the door, met with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 'Don't cave!' I said to myself.
"Bobby I already told you-" I was interrupted by a female voice.
"It's not Bobby" The bouquet of flowers moved to reveal Bobby's mom. I stood, surprised that she was even here. "These are from Bobby though" I hesitantly took them out of her hands and placed them onto the bottom of the stairs.
"Thank you" I bluntly said.
"Is there any chance we could talk" she asked. I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Sure?" I stepped out and closed the door behind me. I lead her over to the little porch swing my dad recently installed. I sat quietly, looking anywhere else but at her. You could cut the tension with a knife. "Did Bobby send you?"
"No, I came here myself. He doesn't know I'm here"
"Lucy, I want to start off by apologising to you. I was wrong and judged you without getting to know you" She said. I turned to face her in disbelief.
"Can I ask why?" I quizzed.
"When I was your age, I had nothing. My family were poor. When I met Bobby's father, I fell hopelessly in love with him and he was wealthy. Obviously that's not what drawn me to him, but it was nice to know I'd have a chance to escape the situation I was in. I vowed that my family will never go back to how I once was. That Bobby would be better off. But unfortunately, the wealth got to me and the ego came. I forgot where I came from. When Bobby started dating Lisa, it made me happy, knowing that he'd be ok. He'd have a rich wife. I know it's wrong of me to think that way"
"Just because I'm not as wealthy as you doesn't me I don't have dreams and ambitions. Mrs Brown, when I have a family of my own I'll want them better off, so I get what you're saying in some way. But I'd never question who my kids want to be with, rich or poor. I'd accept them because they make my kids happy, and their happiness will mean more to me than anything" I explained.
"May I ask you something?"
"Go ahead"
"Why do you love my son?"
"Why? Because he's amazing. He's always there for me when I need him. I can talk to him about anything, good or bad and he won't judge me. He's super kind and caring...well at least I thought he was"
"I feel like such a terrible mother. Bobby refuses to eat, he barely sleeps and it's all my fault" She reached her hand up and wiped away her tears. I grew concerned.
"Yeah, he's not doing so good" She took in a deep breath before exhaling. "My eyes are wide open now and I can see you really did make him so happy" She took my hands in hers.
"He made me happy too" I admitted, letting my own tears fall.
"Lucy, I'm begging you. Please give my son a chance. Don't punish him for my mistake. I know he did what he did but that only happened because I asked Lisa to do whatever she could. This is all my fault. My son adores you! And if given the chance, I'd like to get to know you a bit better. Just please, Bobby loves you and I know you still feel the same" I couldn't believe it. This woman who couldn't stand me, begged me to get back with her son.
"I'd have to think about it" I told her, she nodded her head, understanding. "I appreciate the apology Mrs Brown" we both stood up.
"Thank you for talking to me" She smiled and for the first time it was genuine. I stood shocked when she wrapped her arms around me, but I returned the short hug.
"I really have to go, I have a friend waiting for me" I told her. She nodded and turned on her heels.
"Lucy, will you at least be at the tournament tomorrow? I know it would mean the world to him if you were there" She asked. I thought for a moment.
"I'll be there"
Ella pulled me into the bathroom. Lauren was doing Georgia's hair so they didn't even realise that we had disappeared. She closed the door behind us, snickering to herself.
"What are we doing in here?" I asked
"Lauren's already on board but I need you to help too" She started. "So you know how Georgia keeps throwing up?"
"There's no way that's food poisoning!" She reached into her cabinet and pulled out four pregnancy tests.
"What the hell?" I laughed.
"I'm gonna suggest a game, where we all take one! And I guarantee hers will come back that she's pregnant"
"You can't do that!" I continued to laugh. This girl is insane.
"Please Lucy. She refuses to take one" Ella whined.
"And if she goes mad?"
"I'll take full responsibility!" I rolled my eyes.
It took a bit of convincing but in the end Georgia agreed to 'the game' Lauren stated that she wanted to take one just for the fun of it, we knew for a fact there was no way she'd be pregnant. Unless she had been up to no good and not told us. Ella handed us all a cup and one by one we each did what we had to do. Georgia came back last.
"This is gross!" She said holding her cup of pee. Ella then handed us all a pregnancy test to dip in.
"Okay girls put the caps on the tests and throw them in the hat..that I will dispose of!" We all glanced at her in confusion before doing what she said. She shook them around, mixing them up. Each test was the same.
"I'm going to discard this!" I said in disgust. Referring to my cup full of urine.
"I'm right behind you!" Lauren stated.
As we waited, I briefly informed the girls of the little visit I had from Bobby's mom earlier today. They all had so many questions that I didn't mind answering. Now the ball was in my court, do I forgive Bobby or don't I?
"It's time" Ella sang.
"That was the longest two minutes ever" Georgia complained. We all reached into the hat and pulled out a test.
"On three?" Lauren said.
"One" Ella said looked at Georgia with a mischievous smirk.
"Two!" Georgia was nervous.
"Three!" I yelled and turned the test over. "Mine says negative"
"Negative" Ella announced.
"No pregnancy here!" Georgia added.
"Mines positive" Lauren mumbled, looking up at all of us and showing the test. It was indeed positive.
"Shit! Whose is who's?" Georgia asked. We all turned to her.
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