Chapter 17
-Lucy's P.O.V-
"There's no way!" Ella stated, shocked at what Georgia just told her. Lauren held me tightly as I cried harder into her shoulder.
"I'll kill him. I swear. I don't care if he knows karate, I'll whoop his ass" Lauren angrily stated. "Do you want a drink hon?"
"Get her something strong" Ali said. Ella jumped up after Lauren told her where the alcohol was. "Whilst she's at it, I'll have one!" Ali yelled.
"Did you manage to find Daniel?" Georgia asked.
"I did, but he refused to talk to me! He just told me to go away and that I was using him to make Johnny jealous" Ali shrieked.
"He's just a whiny little baby..sorry Ali but it's true" Georgia told her.
"I just can't believe Bobby would do that to you. I really thought he loved you" Ali said, rubbing my knee.
"Yeah, so did I" I sobbed. "I'm such an idiot"
"We could always burn the dress?" Lauren suggested.
"No! It's too pretty. The dress didn't do anything" I said whilst wiping away my tears.
Ella finally returned, a bottle tucked under one of her arms and five shot glasses in both hands. She placed them down on the coffee table and slowly started to pour. Handing each of us a glass.
"What a great Friday night for us" Ali sulked, resting her head in the palm of her hand.
"I hate boys" I exclaimed.
"I second that" Georgia muttered. We all turned to her in confusion. "Me and Dutch haven't got down and dirty in weeks. I miss it"
"Seduce him?" Lauren suggested.
"I've tried!" That lifted my spirits slightly.
"Matthew's just an all around asshole at the minute" Ella said.
"And I'm still single" Lauren added.
"So we have a baby, a cheater, no sex, an asshole and no boyfriend" Ali explained each of our issues. She raised her shot glass high the rest of us following her lead.
"Boys suck!" She screamed.
"Boys suck!" The four of us yelled as an amen to her statement. We clinked our glasses together and downed the shot.
-Bobby's P.O.V-
I sat on the steps with my head in my hands, not bothering if my suit got dirty. I tried to make sense of everything that happened. I was so angry, angry at my mom, angry and Lisa and angry at myself. Why did I do that? I had no feelings left for the girl at all. I honestly didn't.
"Sitting out here isn't gonna change anything" I heard Johnny's voice. He sat down next to me and I looked at him, frowning.
"I don't know what happened Johnny" I sniffed.
"To be honest, as your friend, I'm disappointed with you" Johnny sternly said. "You know, at first I didn't like Lucy, you know that. But she's done so much for you and she really loves you. I thought you knew that. How could you let a girl, who treated you like pure crap, cheated on you for months on end kiss you and you not even stop it?"
"I don't know!" I raised my voice in frustration. "I hate the girl, I really do"
"You hate her that much you kissed her back?"
"Shut up!" I spat "I can't lose her Johnny. I love her so much and I fucked up bad"
"Pfft, yeah you did!" I heard Tommy say. The rest of the guys, Susan and Barbara came outside to us. "What was that Bobby?" I rolled my eyes.
"Look, just stop I get it" I whined. "Dutch, do you know where they would've gone?"
"I have an idea, but I'm not telling you" Dutch said. I stood up and grabbed him by the collar.
"Tell me right now! I need to make this right"
"Get your hands off of me!" Dutch shoved me off of him and straightened his tie. He hesitated for a moment. "You really love her?"
"You wanna make it right?"
"You hate Lisa?"
"Yes! More than anything. I can't stand her"
"Do you regret what you did?"
"Okay repeat after me. I Bobby Brown" oh for god sake.
"I Bobby brown" I repeated.
"Am a complete fuck up" I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth.
"Am a complete fuck up"
"Good! Okay I think..they went to Lauren's"
"Well where is that?" I questioned.
"I don't know" he admitted. Did this moron really just waste my time.
"I'll kill him!" I yelled and lunged at Dutch, Tommy and Jimmy stopping me. Johnny pulled me back and sighed.
"Fighting with Dutch isn't going to help! Even though you screwed up big time, I like the two of you together so.." He turned to both Susan and Barbara. "Can you take us there?"
They both shared a worried expression before nodding. My heart started beating rapidly as we followed the girls down the street.
-Lucy's P.O.V-
When you have a group of girls who are extremely pissed off, they seem to get drunk a whole lot quicker. Well, that was our case anyway. We ended up finishing the entire bottle between us, in shot form. Lauren had given us all spare plates to take our anger out on. I just hoped her parents wouldn't mind. We stood on her porch, making a huge racket. Lauren, Ella and Georgia had already released their frustrations.
"My turn my turn!" Ali excitedly said, we all stood back. She took in a deep breath. "Daniel LaRusso, You big baby!" She screamed and smashed the plate onto the ground, squealing as it smashed into tiny pieces. We all applauded her. Lauren pushed me to where Ali once stood, it was my turn.
"Bobby Brown, fuck you!" I screamed and smashed the plate. As the plate smashed I cried out. All of the girls rushing over to comfort me.
"Lucy?" I heard that familiar sweet male voice. We each looked over to see Bobby and the cobras stood with Barbara and Susan, staring at us all in shock. Jesus, how long have they been standing there. "Lucy please can we talk?"
"Go away Brown!" Lauren sneered.
I didn't bother wiping my tears, I wanted him to see how much he had hurt me. I started manically laughing. I escaped from the girls grip and stumbled down the steps, slowly heading towards him. He rushed over to me and put his hands on my waist. I forcefully brushed them off.
"Haven't I been through enough?" I asked him. Bobby remained silent, staring at me with guilt in his eyes. "Answer my question"
"Lucy I..."
I was so hurt and distraught. I raised my hand and slapped him hard across his cheek. My sober self would've never done that. But I'm not sober so who cares. Bobby didn't react, he just took it.
"Why?" I cried out. "After everything she did to you, why?"
"It was a mistake" He said, I could see tears trailing down his face.
"Do you know what the worst thing is? You did it right in front of me! I was sat right across from you Bobby!" I hit him again, this time on the shoulder.
"Lucy please I'm sorry, I love you!" He grabbed ahold of my wrists as I tried to hit him again.
"You don't love me!" I sobbed. "If you did, you wouldn't have kissed her!"
"I do love you!" He yelled. "You know that"
"No! I love you! I've done so much for you! I put you before everybody else! I spent months planning your birthday and do you know what all of these people told me?" I pointed at all of our friends stood around us. "It wasn't worth it, but I did it anyway for you! Never once have I even looked at another boy in a romantic way since I met you. You were all I ever wanted! But your slutty ex comes back one time and you break the first time. So don't stand there and tell me you love me!"
"Lucy.." he cried. It hurt seeing him cry because I had never seen it before. But I wouldn't crack. I had firm beliefs and opinions, they weren't going to change for him.
"You know I'm not even mad. I'm just heartbroken. I never thought you would hurt me Bobby" I had lowered my voice. I raised my hands and started to play with his hair. I heard sniffing, I looked over to see the girls also crying silently. They were extremely drunk. "I have nothing more to say, you should go"
"No! I'm not leaving until we fix this" Bobby demanded.
"There's nothing to fix! Just from that one act you've lost all my trust" I paused. "I can't be with someone who I don't trust" I removed my hands from his hair and attempted to walk away.
"I can earn it back! I know it'll take time but I will" He tightly grabbed onto my hand. I shook my head.
"Bobby.." He interrupted me.
"Lucy please give me a chance, I don't want us to break up" He pleaded.
"Will one of you make sure he gets home safely" I looked over at the guys, who all stood with sad faces, watching us interact. Johnny stepped forward.
"No! Lucy I'm begging you" Bobby pulled me into him, kissing me softly on the lips, his hands wrapping around my waist. I couldn't resist, I kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync, his hands gently resting on my neck. I felt his tongue graze against my bottom lip and I pulled away, resting my forehead against his.
"Goodbye Bobby" I whispered. I moved his hands off of my neck and walked over to the girls. I didn't allow myself to look back. I headed straight into the house, the girls following me in. Once the front door closed, I sunk to my knees and cried.
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