Chapter 14
-Bobby's P.O.V-
"And then he kissed me. I tried to fight him off but I couldn't, so I bit him" Lucy explained as I tended to her wound.
"And then what happened?" I questioned.
"And then he called me a fucking bitch and hit me. Ow!"
"I'm sorry" I put the cloth into the bowl of water and left it there. Surely I should've done enough to stop the bleeding. Her lip slightly swollen on the right side. "You know I'm not letting this go"
"No, I don't want to hear it. Look at what he did to you, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't do anything"
"All because the guy got rejected, can you believe it. Not even I would do that" Dutch piped in. "Listen, I'm with Bobby on this one"
"Yeah, we may not be the best of friends but I agree. What he did is foul" Johnny agreed.
The front door burst open and Georgia ran inside. She ran over to Lucy and pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back. When she pulled away, she took a closer look at her lip and grimaced. Neither of the two girls could find the words to say.
"He didn't hurt you did he?" Dutch knelt down next to Georgia, taking her hand in his. She shook her head before turning back to Lucy.
"Did anyone see it?" Jimmy asked, handing Lucy a glass of water. I thanked him on her behalf. She slowly started to sip.
"Umm, Matthew said he walked in just as Aaron hit her, so he saw it. We all heard it, that's when we rushed in and saw Lucy on the floor and him standing over her. It didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together" she answered.
"It's safe to say, you're not going to no party without me anymore" I said to Lucy.
"I don't want to" Lucy mumbled. I wrapped my arm tightly around her waist, pulling her back into my chest.
"Ella lost it when you left though. She started throwing bottles at him so Matthew had to kick him out" Georgia told Lucy, us boys listened. "He was totally out of it. Black out drunk! I still feel sick from it all"
"Did Ali and Lauren get back ok?" Lucy asked
"Yeah. They turned up not long after Matthew kicked Aaron out. Ali looked pretty shaken up, I thought it was because of what happened to you. But no...they saw Aaron on the way back and apparently Lauren grabbed the wheel and tried to run his ass over" Lucy's mouth hung slightly as Johnny started hysterically laughing, causing the rest of us to let out a little chuckle.
"That girl is something else" Johnny managed to say in between his laughter.
"Baby, are you coming back with me?" Dutch asked Georgia, pulling her up and pecking her on the lips.
"Yeah, why not! Bobby, you'll take Lucy home right?" She asked me. I ordered Lucy to put my jacket on, which she happily did.
"No, she's coming home with me. That way I know she's safe" Lucy looked up at me to object. "I'll call your parents and let them know, don't worry" I turned to the guys.
"Meet me back here tomorrow" I gave them a knowing look and they all nodded. I helped Lucy up. She said goodbye to Georgia and the boys, thanking them all for their concern. I placed my hand on her lower back and led her out of the house.
I left Lucy with my parents the following day as a way too keep her distracted. She pleaded with me not to tell them what had happened. I hardly slept because I was up most of the night keeping an eye on her. I was too angry to sleep. Aaron must have some sort of death wish. I was also overcome with guilt; perhaps she wouldn't have been harmed if I had persuaded her not to go. I informed the guys that we would meet at Dutch's house. I needed to make one quick stop first. I parked my motorcycle and let out a long sigh. I reached over and grabbed the flowers I had purchased from the store on my way here. I walked over to Lucy's grandparents grave and knelt beside it. Placing the flowers down neatly . I ran both of my hands through my hair, scowling at the ground. I apologised out loud over and over again. I felt like a failure, I promised this woman I would look after Lucy and she got hurt. To some people, it was a minor injury, just a bust lip. But no, not to me.
I stayed at the grave for a few more minutes before deciding to leave, speeding over to Dutch's place. I spotted the other bikes parked outside. People always asked me why I was friends with these guys, apparently I didn't fit in because I wasn't the typical 'asshole' like they were. But, anytime I needed them, they were there, no questions asked. I loved these guys like brothers!
"How is she?" Johnny asked once I was inside.
"Still shaken up but she's ok. She wants to stay with me again tonight" I told them.
"I think we gotta teach her some karate, so she can look after herself" Tommy said in a joking manor but I knew he meant what he said.
"I think so" I mumbled. "Are you sure you're ok to come with your arm like that?"
"Hey, I got one good arm here, I'm coming" Tommy said.
"Are you ok man?" Jimmy asked. I shook my head slowly. I had a rage inside of me just dying to be unleashed. Dutch rushed over to answer the house phone when it rang.
"Yeah..uh huh...right where's that....ok...oh don't worry about that...yeah..alright thanks..I love you too baby..bye" He turned to us with a wicked smile stretched across his face. "Anyone fancy going to the beach?"
I raced to the beach, miles in front of the others. I pulled up and hopped off of the bike. Thankfully, the beach was empty. I spotted him sat with Matthew. The guys pulled up and came to stand beside me. Matthew glanced back at us, slightly nodding his head. I watched him pat Aaron on the shoulder before getting up and walking away. We marched over to him and stood behind him. I knew he sensed us because he began to snicker to himself.
"Can I help you assholes?" He spoke.
"Watch your mouth you little shit!" Johnny spat.
"Get up" Dutch demanded.
"Let me finish my beer first" He mumbled, putting the bottle to his lips. I marched over to stand in front of him and kicked the bottle straight out of his hand. He scoffed and stood up, the two of us having a little stare down. "What's your problem?" I clenched my fist.
"You know what my problem is!" I replied angrily. Aaron rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets.
"I barley touched her, she's just being a little drama queen" The more he spoke, the more I wanted to kill him. "And by the way, she had no problem kissing me back" I knew this idiot was lying.
"Yeah I'm sure she did" Dutch spat.
"You ever go near Lucy again and I will kill you, do you understand me?" I threatened. Aaron raised his eyebrows in amusement.
"Bobby Bobby Bobby, trying to play hero to a girl you've only been dating for a few months. You really do love her" He paused "Or is it because she lets you wear her legs as a necklace every night?"
I lost it and blacked out. I slammed my fist straight into his nose, knocking him to the ground. I didn't give him a chance to get back up. I forcefully kicked him straight into his ribs before sitting on top of him, punching him over and over again. Aaron started groaning in pain. I was still not satisfied with the bloody mess I had created. I wrapped my hands tightly around his neck and squeezed hard.
"Bobby stop man, you'll kill him!" I heard Jimmy say. His voice kind of blurred out.
"Bobby!" I heard Tommy yell. I felt two pairs of hands trying to pull me off of Aaron. I pressed down tighter on his neck, watching him struggle to breath.
"Come on man listen to me, Stop!" Johnny yelled. I snapped back to reality. My eyes widened and I let him go. I stood up watching him uncontrollably cough. That wasn't me. Ever. But I didn't regret what I had done. Once Aaron regained his breath, he looked up at me with fear in his eyes. Clearly, he had underestimated me.
"Like I said, you don't touch her, go near her or even think about her again. Do you understand?" I asked calmly.
"Yeah...I'm sorry!" He hurriedly spoke.
"Don't even think about getting the cops involved because if you do, We'll have Lucy press charges on your ass for what you did to her" Dutch spat. I turned and walked away from him, the guys following me. I needed to go back to Lucy.
"Damn Bobby, you didn't even let us get a hit in" Johnny said.
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