Chapter 54
Ladies and Gentlemen! My new objective is to increase my views to 10k. I don't know how I'll do that and it's all upto you! I'll have some goals which I'll set so that I'm motivated to update more and more often. I'm NOT saying that my updating will stop if I don't get the views.. It's just a way to let you know that the updates are coming in.
So long chapter ahead and I won't detain you any further.
"A friend is one who knows all about you but still loves you " - Elbert Hubbard
Shelly's Pov
I had frequented by visits to the office. The general structure of it was pretty simple.
There was the Ceo's room. To one corner and separated by the wall were the tiny compartments alloted to the manager Clarks and to Amanda.
On the side were Stephen's compartment and next to him was Peter. A grumpy old man who only minded his own business.
Amanda, turned out to be a great friend! She was thin and frail with spectacles and eyes too big for her face. She looked simple. Not pretty at all yet that didn't matter because of her genuinely nice nature, I spent hours by her doing my Projects after I returned from school. Stephen would sometimes interrupt our conversations.
Stephen's eyes would beg me to go and sit with him most of the time and I used to oblige. Most of the time atleast. Sometimes when Amanda wasn't looking he would pull at my shirt and crease his eyebrows to put, sometimes he would just smile and ask why I wasn't bothering him that day.
When we sat together, it was always the same, the subtle touches, the eye contacts and the brushing of our feet. Things not very hardcore but which set my heart fluttering in excitement all the time. At times I would relate these tiny instances to Amanda who laughed and talked about his infidelity along with me.
Today however this would not be, today I would go straight to my home from school..I pouted at myself on the mirror. My father was at the court, so there was no reason.for me to go to the office was there? My mum had asked.
I had nodded my head to state there wasn't. I regret that now.
Getting out of the car I climb the stairs to my room, stripping the sweaty clothes off my body. Cladded only in a bra and a panty I flung myself on the bed.
It was so damn hot!
I walked towards my parents bedroom and got a towel, I just had to take a bath! No one being home I wasn't in much of a hurry actually.
The water finally having carried my anxieties away, I turned off my shower and wrapped my violet towel. I tied my hair in a wet messy bun after brushing it once and wore the black underwear with zest so unmatched that a person observing me from afar would wonder what I'm so angry about.
I grinned as I watched the clock strike three in the afternoon, my parents never came home before four.
I walked to the computer room and sat myself on that moving chair, turning on the computer I went directly to Facebook. I had added Stephen to my list and I wanted to check whether he was online.
Surprisingly he was!
-'Hi' I typed
- " Shells"
- " Yeah"
- " Wassup?"
-" Nothing much really you?"
- " Missing that pretty lady"
My heart sank.
-" Which one?"
- " You"
-" Me?"
- " Yes"
I didn't know how to reply to this.. That's the first time ever he said anything directly to me. He said he missed me!! What could that ever imply? " Shells?"'
-" yeah?"
- " I think we need to talk"
- " Yeah we do" My heart pounded as I typed. My breath hitched.
- " I don't know how much I'll be able to tell you"
- " o-okay"
- " Shelly, I need you to stay away from me. Just do. okay?"
My breath stopped yet again! What on earth was he saying? True the touches that occured never ever EVER were prominent but this?! DIDN'T HE JUST SAY THAT HE MISSED ME?
- " sure" I replied before logging off but not long enough to see his reply.
- " Okay"
So he didn't like me? If he didn't then what was the meaning of the past few weeks? The past few moments that we had so conveniently shared?
Doesn't matter, he doesn't want me to show my affection, I won't. He definitely only has a crush on me, I don't know anymore. I'm in love with two men older to me and I don't know anything anymore!
He wants platonic,. He's going to get platonic but it's soo hard!
" Hey Shells! " Stephen called to me, we were again at my father's office but I was sitting at Amanda's table. I ignored the comment.
Amanda got up to go to the toilet leaving the two of us alone.
" So what's going on?" He asked me.
" Nothing "
" Okay"
Awkward Silence.
I groan before I get up and head towards my dad's room. Hoping against hope that he might call back but that didn't happen.. Might as well.
My relationship with Daniel was Ofcourse still going on..stronger or not I can't tell we hardly talked but it was surely still going on. Maybe if Stephen stayed out some more it would be better again.
I pushed the door hindering my entrance to the beloved room of my dad's. All blast of Ac greeted my face.
" Hello little Shelly" Gunther's adorable voice called out. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely loved Gunther but as an brother. Loved him so much so that I could spend hours with him discussing how much he loved his girlfriend of five years and how stupid his version of the world was. Gunther was an artist and like me was very reflective of life around him.
" Shelly take a seat!" my dad motioned in front of him.
I kissed him on the cheek before obliging to his request.
" Gunther and I have been planning a family London! "
Avoiding Stephen won't be easy now would it? Well we never know!
So long update? Like it? Hate it? Comment and tell me!
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P.s- 120 views approx is my goal before the next update. Help?
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