Chapter 53
It's Sunday my dear guys and girls!! So I have time! Also I've selected my caste on my own because no one helped me.
I hope you like the caste though. The option isn't present on my phone and my pc isn't working so I'll set it when the pc works? Comment comment comment and vote! Support guys! Those who can't vote just share and keep sharing!
Dedicated to nikitacoso for her unending support and showing so much love!
"Longed for him. Got him. Shit!" - Margaret Attwood
Shelly's Pov
The car was a place of solitude. I placed the phone given to me by my parents to call them to my ear.
" Riiiiiing " the call went through, the number etched in my memory was the one I had dialled on the phone. It was recieved, " Hello?" His voice rang in my ear and I heard home. His voice soothed the headache that had begun it's journey from the right side of my head, numbing it and causing a sort of peaceful atmosphere inside my head itself. " Hello?" he called again.
" Ba-a-aby❤ " I mewled, adoration clearly present in my voice.
- " Shee-E-eee-Ellllly" he sang. The sheh was from 'do' and the 'ee ' escalated quickly to 'la' and came back to 're' and 'do' once again . " Yup" I responded back.
-" Where are you? What are you? How are you?" questions in quick succesion and without a moments hesitation I reply.
-" In the car, going to my dad's office, human, good"
His voice turned into a growl, no longer a happy tone, " Why the office? "
Oh my God! I knew this would come. " Have some work Love, I told Stephen about you"' why did I just say that? O.o
My heart leaped to my mouth waiting for his response, " hmmmmmmm" That was good..his 'hmm' meant he'd change the topic.
-" So what did you have for breakfast? "
-" lunch " I replied
-" You had breakfast for lunch?"
-" Yeah"
-" No wonder you're becoming an elephant by the day" ouch! Did he just say that?" Lucky I'll love you no matter what"
How could he be so infuriating and adorable at the same time!
" Danny! We haven't got much time and I'm about to reach and you choose to tell me now? " I gasp sarcastically.
- " Tell what now?"
- " That you'll love me!!"
He laughed.. " Don't you love me?"
- " Yes, I surely do"
-" Then it's fine! Phewww" He mocked my sarcastic tone.
The car, my silver Mercedes had already reached the tiny hole of a space from which the office was only but a four minute walk.. So I had to disconnect, couldn't risk getting caught could I?
" Baby reached! " I giggled into the phone.
Dainel sighed before saying something about staying safe. The line went dead.
The car came to a halt in front of my dad's office, a big building in the middle of nowhere and I got down, my black heels finally bestowed with the honour of carrying my weight. My ripped jeans was looking fabulously the way I wanted it to with my red corset.
I strode confidently inside the building, my curly hair bouncing on my shoulders, the door at the entrance needed my finger print for it to open and I gave my thumb the chance to once again prove it's usefulness.
I got inside the door and shut it. A thousand people stared at me, " Good morning " I called out to my father's employee's before I strut along the corner of the room disappearing from their sight.
There was a staircase leading me to the management offices, where my dad was. So I took the stairs one at a time. My heels made clicking noises on the iron staircase which had rusted in several places so I slowly bade my way into the management sector. Stephen would undoubtedly be here.
I walked along and finally found the door I was looking for, CEO written in the front and I entered.. Apparently interrupting my parents from their private conversation. My father looked up and smiled while my mother frowned at me as usual. ..Always like I'm a disappointment. Nothing new in that.
Pah sitting on the chair of the Ceo made me sit right in front of him, separated by a desk.
My mother to the side had already gotten bored and taken out her phone for new Watsaap messages.
" Sup?" I asked my dad who just smiled and called for his manager, Clark.
Clark, a roundish fellow with a moustache and glasses came in to the room and said, " Shelly!! There's going to be a new member to our family! "
-" Who?" I asked curiosly, " Can I see her?"
- " She's giving an exam but very soon!" my father smiled at me.
I laughed at having an excuse to come to the office more often as an excuse to get to know this person more.
" What's her name?" I asked Clark again.. In my usual sing-song voice.
" Amanda "
His grin was infectious.
Who's Amanda? Do you think she's nice?
Let me know what you think about the chapter! Vote and comment.
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